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Washington Post: Texas voter ID law is blocked


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also, twa, since you're asking how fraud could even be proven, then I'll ask you that if it can't, then how do you know it is even a problem? How can you tell if there is enough fraud to where it's hurting elections if it can't fully be proven, as seem to claim?

Credit card fraud is proven when the effected person says "hey, I didn't buy that, my card or identification was stolen." So the same would happen when a voter says "hey, my name is crossed off, but I didn't vote." Where are all those reports, I ask again?

If fraud were such a problem, where millions of people were getting their votes stolen, enough to counterbalance the millions whose votes are impeded by ID laws, wouldn't there be lots of such reports? Where are they? Because so far, the facts show those cases don't even equal 100 in an election.

Now, I will point out, though, . . .

If, say, a political party wanted to commit vote fraud, then I think that the Partys have access to the voter records. They know every person who's registered, which Party they registered with, and, I suspect, whether they voted or not.

I suspect that a political Party might very well have access to data that would allow them to target, say, people who haven't voted for 10 years, for identity theft.

(OTOH, this is why I've at least read that, in every single case where significant voter fraud has taken place, it was committed by the election officials. Which, to me, says that, if you want to prevent voter fraud, you target the people who have access.)


That said, though. I will also agree what a fine piece of art it is, the selective way we demand proof gets applied.

The Florida Republican Party purges the voter registrations of thousands of voters. Without telling the voters. Without keeping records of who was purged. Without records of how many people tried to vote, but their registration mysteriously wasn't there. And the Republicans will loudly and repeatedly claim that because there's no records, therefore not one single vote was suppressed.

OTOH, there's no proof of anyone ever voting under a fake name. And the Republicans would have us believe that the lack or evidence does not in any way mean it isn't a massive problem.

And what do you know? The things that they want us to assume, without evidence, always just happens to be whichever assumption helps their political party the most.

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In 2005, the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that up to 3 percent of the 30,000 individuals called for jury duty from voter registration rolls over a two-year period in just one U.S. district court were not U.S. citizens.

The evidence is indisputable that aliens, both legal and illegal, are registering and voting in federal, state, and local elections. Following a mayor’s race in Compton, California, for example, aliens testified under oath in court that they voted in the election. In that case, a candidate who was elected to the city council was permanently disqualified from holding public office in California for soliciting non-citizens to register and vote. The fact that non-citizens registered and voted in the election would never have been discovered except for the fact that it was a very close election and the incumbent mayor, who lost by less than 300 votes, contested it.

Similarly, a 1996 congressional race in California may have been stolen by non-citizen voting. Republican incumbent Bob Dornan was defending himself against a spirited challenger, Democrat Lor*etta Sanchez. Sanchez won the election by just 979 votes, and Dornan contested the election in the U.S. House of Representatives. His challenge was dismissed after an investigation by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform turned up only 624 invalid votes by non-citizens who were present in the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) database because they had applied for citizenship, as well as another 124 improper absentee ballots. The investigation, however, could not detect illegal aliens, who were not in the INS records.

In 2006, Paul Bettencourt, Voter Registrar for Harris County, Texas, testified before the U.S. Committee on House Administration that the extent of illegal voting by foreign citizens in Harris County was impossible to determine but “that it has and will continue to occur.” Twenty-two percent of county residents, he explained, were born outside of the United States, and more than 500,000 were non-citizens. Bettencourt noted that he cancelled the registration of a Brazilian citizen in 1996 after she acknowledged on a jury summons that she was not a U.S. citizen. Despite that cancellation, how ever, “She then reapplied in 1997, again claiming to be a U.S. citizen, and was again given a voter card, which was again cancelled. Records show she was able to vote at least four times in general and primary elections.”

In 2005, Bettencourt’s office turned up at least 35 cases in which foreign nationals applied for or received voter cards, and he pointed out that Harris County regularly had “elections decided by one, two, or just a handful of votes.” In fact, a Norwegian citizen was discovered to have voted in a state legislative race in Harris County that was decided by only 33 votes. Nor is this problem unique to Harris County. Recent reports indicate that hundreds of illegal aliens registered to vote in Bexar County, Texas, and that at least 41 of them have voted, some several times, in a dozen local, state, and federal elections.

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So, how many of them voted using fake names?

You know, the kind of thing that these voter ID laws are supposedly done to prevent?


Packard said the 62-year-old man voted in the 1996 and 2008 general elections, the 2002 primary election and special elections on a constitutional amendment to overhaul Alabama’s tax system in 2003 and to incorporate Perdido Beach as Baldwin County’s 14th municipality in 2009.

How many Larry?...How can you know w/o ID?

The only way it comes out now is in relation to other criminal actions

Because ya'll don't care

I propose a easy solution let the states decide .....if you don't see it as a problem,ignore it

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