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SI.com: Peter King: RGIII shines in exhibition debut

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Was anyone reminded of Tom Brady watching RG3 in the pocket? Im just talking play style here and only talking about the pocket. He seems like he drops back and just bounces a little and stands tall, scanning the field. And then BOOM! Rocket.

Edit: He is obviously not Tom Brady, nor am i saying he is an elite qb. if you line them up side by side on a drop back, the style just seemed similar.

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Was anyone reminded of Tom Brady watching RG3 in the pocket? Im just talking play style here and only talking about the pocket. He seems like he drops back and just bounces a little and stands tall, scanning the field. And then BOOM! Rocket.

Ummm,.....no. That is way to early to making those comparisons, especially from a preseason game.

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Ummm,.....no. That is way to early to making those comparisons, especially from a preseason game.

I was saying just in the style of play. He obviously is not playing at his level, but the way he drops back, and just stands tall, it seemed similar. Like Peyton plays with his feet bouncing around a lot more and with a wider, lower base. Griffin seemed like he was more statuesque, standing real tall.

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I was saying just in the style of play. He obviously is not playing at his level, but the way he drops back, and just stands tall, it seemed similar. Like Peyton plays with his feet bouncing around a lot more and with a wider, lower base. Griffin seemed like he was more statuesque, standing real tall.

It's funny you mention Brady, because I felt that Cousins' posture reminded me of Brady more than Griffin's. It was the first thing I noticed when he started playing. Granted, I have no clue if KC will ever throw a regular season pass, let alone be 1/100th the QB that TB is. But just visually KC resembled TB to me.

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It's funny you mention Brady, because I felt that Cousins' posture reminded me of Brady more than Griffin's. It was the first thing I noticed when he started playing. Granted, I have no clue if KC will ever throw a regular season pass, let alone be 1/100th the QB that TB is. But just visually KC resembled TB to me.

If we are lucky, he will never throw a regular season pass in a redskins uniform before week 16/17 after we clinch a playoff spot. I dont know, i thought he had a little bit wider of a base, but i love the way he gets to the top of his drop back and the ball is out. You can see he has the smarts to maket he quick reads. Even on the int, he made a quick, correct read, just a crappy throw. I think he will eventually be a starter for someone, just hopefully not us!

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If we are lucky, he will never throw a regular season pass in a redskins uniform before week 16/17 after we clinch a playoff spot. I dont know, i thought he had a little bit wider of a base, but i love the way he gets to the top of his drop back and the ball is out. You can see he has the smarts to maket he quick reads. Even on the int, he made a quick, correct read, just a crappy throw. I think he will eventually be a starter for someone, just hopefully not us!

Agreed...I think we have a win-win with Cousins. Either we keep him around as insurance or we trade him for a pick or two.

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Watched the replay on NFL Network,(recorded it of course),and I think I'll watch the RG3 plays about a 100 more times just because. :D I agree with King's summation. My only complaint about Robert's play is that he could at least make it appear as though he was trying hard to throw a few of those passes. ;)

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Watched the replay on NFL Network,(recorded it of course),and I think I'll watch the RG3 plays about a 100 more times just because. :D I agree with King's summation. My only complaint about Robert's play is that he could at least make it appear as though he was trying hard to throw a few of those passes. ;)

Yeah, at first I was like why is he not like winging it, and then as I re-watched the plays I realized he is a flicker, and flicks with authority. It certainly is something that is going to take time getting used to watching.

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Yeah, at first I was like why is he not like winging it, and then as I re-watched the plays I realized he is a flicker, and flicks with authority. It certainly is something that is going to take time getting used to watching.

The fun part is going to be when he really gets fired up, second half of a division game, and just goes crazy on someone. "Sorry coach, didn't mean to mess up your plan throwing for those 400 yards and all......". He seemed very controlled, quite intent on follovink orders in his first game and all, but I highly doubt it stays that way.

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Yeah, at first I was like why is he not like winging it, and then as I re-watched the plays I realized he is a flicker, and flicks with authority. It certainly is something that is going to take time getting used to watching.

That is "armstrength" the likes we havent had in a long time, if ever. It is going to be fun to watch!

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That is "armstrength" the likes we havent had in a long time, if ever. It is going to be fun to watch!

Its funny to see the pictures of him from last night, in his passing pictures, He seems as if he isnt even trying to put any force behind his throws, just standing up straight and tossing it for 20+ yards effortlessly.

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Its funny to see the pictures of him from last night, in his passing pictures, He seems as if he isnt even trying to put any force behind his throws, just standing up straight and tossing it for 20+ yards effortlessly.

I know, he just kinda flicks his wrist and it comes out like a lazer. it used to boggle me when you would see people here post stuff like "Rex has a good arm", but now I understand why. Sure, Rex can throw the ball 55 yards in the air......IF he can step into the ball and use his legs too. But I could throw it 50 yards back in the day if I could really step into it. RGIII can do that without steping into the throw. His final throw in that amazing OU game he throws it about 50 yards moving away from the WR. THAT is armstrength....

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Man it was like day and night watching RG3 and Rex play QB.

One thing I noticed on this front is that Griffin's receivers were never in position to take a big hit, and were occasionally able to run after the catch (yes, I know we only have 6 passes to look at, and we cannot read into things too much).

One of Grossman's first passes last night was a nice throw down the seam to Niles Paul. Paul dropped the slightly-high pass, but had he caught it he would have taken a big hit. Paul has to be more aggressive in that position and make the catch, sure, but the QB needs to do better at protecting his receivers (something Grossman is rarely as cognizant of).

I remember reading once that the instinct for a QB to protect his receivers by the positioning of his throw is one of the last things a good QB will figure out. It takes time, and younger QBs are more caught up in simply getting the completion and/or protecting against the turn-over.

When I saw what looked like that instinct from Griffin in his 6 throws, I was very happy. If this is how he's going to play when the games count, his receivers will trust him that much more. I think Griffin's arm strength alone (i.e. how fast his passes make it to their target) will help buy receivers a split-second to protect themselves or get some extra yards.

Sure, Griffin's receivers are going to take some big hits, that's part of the game, but it was still very promising to see during this one pre-season game. My confidence-in/optimism-for Griffin remains very high. :D

By the way, I re-watched the Garçon sideline catch (and I call it a catch because it was one) more than a few times. I was stunned at first because it seemed pretty clear to me, and I can honestly say I never go all "the Redskins are always getting screwed by bad calls!" during games. I typically agree with the refs. But after the refs moved the spot of Buffalo's downed punt from the 4 to the 20 -- and needed an instant replay challenge to move it back to the 4 -- I remembered that the real refs are locked out and that these replacement refs are "doing their best" as it were, and not worth criticizing.

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This is the throw that convinced me he is a special, special player. It looked impossible.

I remember on draft day before things started they were interviewing Luck and RG3 together and asked what they liked about each others game, etc. Luck was talking about RG3's playmaking ability and mentioned how he watched that game and when he saw that throw he was completely blown away. Pretty cool.

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It was annoying seeing all the skepticism and doubt RG3 was getting for holding the ball too long in practice. I mean comon, if you're playing against a defense that knows EXACTLY what you're going to do, of course he's going to be handicapped in his throws.

Not just knowing what he's trying to do but they've been practicing against now for three years. I simply took it as him being the heady and intellectual person that they've made him out to be. I just took it as his learning process.

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