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Harry Reid is a dirty liar


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Its not a rumor, its a known lie Harry has used before.... and if it stops the crap then good.

Democrat or Republican, they lie because we let them.

What is a known lie that he's used before?

---------- Post added August-9th-2012 at 11:53 AM ----------

Typical partisan spin is what I am referring to. When one side does or says something, it is ridiculous accusations that should have consequences. When the other side does it, all you have to do is produce proof that the accusations are not true and the accusations will stop. Where did you stand on the Obama birth certificate? He wasn't required to produce it by law. Romney is not required to produce ANY tax documents by law. Why is the standard different? A tax return is actually protected by law from unauthorized disclosure. So if Harry Reid is correct, and he knows that Romney paid no taxes for 10 years, he broke federal law by revealing it. If Romney produces a tax return that shows he paid no taxes, will you be pounding the can for Harry Reid to be charged with a crime? I somehow doubt it.

The Obama birth certificate is not the same thing. Obama released his birth certificates and then people starting saying they were fake! No one is saying that Romney filed fake returns.

And, you know how that whole thing was put to bed... when Obama released his "long form" birth certificate. Exactly what Romney could do now.

One more thing, tax returns aren't as remote as requesting the long form birth certificate is.

I don't think you have read what Reid really said though. You keep saying he lied about things that he didn't say. Or that he disclosed Romney's returns or something. That's not what he said.

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What is a known lie that he's used before?


Reid said there were years Laxalt had paid no income taxes and people should know why.

In response, Laxalt said heavy investments in the Ormsby House exempted him from tax liability in 1972 and 1973.

Reid, then a 34-year-old lieutenant governor and lawyer, said his financial worth was $305,292.

Laxalt, then 52, revealed his net worth was about $200,000 with the exception of his interest in the Ormsby House. He also attempted to show he had not profited as governor. He said his net worth in December 1961 was $167,000 and, when he left the governor's office in 1970, that figure had dropped to $102,000.

Reid, a former boxer growing up, continued to pound Laxalt on his finances, thinking he could corner him. The tactics didn't work and Laxalt won the race against the younger aggressor.

More than three decades later, Reid said in his 2008 biography, "The Good Fight," that he regretted his actions.

But obviously not enough to not do it again now.

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I agree with you and to the point you quoted me on before. I was just pointing out that it's all stuff both sides do. The lies, avoiding taxes, just getting elected.

Yes :cheers:

However, I do not want to relinquish that sliver of optimism. I think there are plenty of people in politics who want to do the right thing and work very hard every day... but they still have to do politics (not talking about Reid or anybody specific). I do not want to be unfair to them. I want to find them and support them... and in doing so I will keep in mind that they are politicians and they have to do politics in order to get that opportunity. I suppose for them the hard part is getting there without selling their souls, and for us the hard part is figuring out which ones did sell their souls and which ones did not.

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What is a known lie that he's used before?

---------- Post added August-9th-2012 at 11:53 AM ----------

The Obama birth certificate is not the same thing. Obama released his birth certificates and then people starting saying they were fake! No one is saying that Romney filed fake returns.

And, you know how that whole thing was put to bed... when Obama released his "long form" birth certificate. Exactly what Romney could do now.

One more thing, tax returns aren't as remote as requesting the long form birth certificate is.

When the fringe and tea party were demanding to see Obama's birth certificate, how many dems came to his defense and stated that there was no legal requirement to reveal his birth certificate? Well, Romney is not required by law to reveal his tax returns. But now you want him to to "quiet" the accusers.
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I think we all know that Reid is probably pretty close to the truth. Every hard-core right-winger I know, and I know plenty of em, loathes the idea of paying their share of income/state tax and bends over backwards to avoid them. It's a real badge of honor for those types of guys.

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This is a moronic statement. Let's see our system now compels those accused of something to prove their innocence?

talk about moronic statements? this isn't a court of law, it's the court of public opinion (I.E. a presidential election). All Mitt has to do to prove Reid wrong is what every candidate since 1969 has done: release multiple years worth of tax returns.

it's a simple question: what's he hiding? Conspiracy-minded Republicans eventually got Obama's birth certificate out of him (despite NO other president ever having to do so!).

your turn, Mr. Romney. What's in those taxes? we're not taking "tax stuff" for an answer.

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How can Reid lie so shamelessly? He could be making an interesting political move...

Media may pick it up as a controversy, and maybe even do some research.

GOP may make a fuss and turn some heads.

People may understand that it is a shameless lie, told by one Mormon against another, but why Mitt won't just show those dang records?

---------- Post added August-8th-2012 at 08:50 PM ----------


Well, it's obvious. He paid no income taxes. He paid Cap Gains taxes at a rate lower than most people.

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There are quite a few posters in this thread singing a completely different tune than a few years ago.

And one would think that the Obama administration, after how many nominees withdrew their names for not paying taxes, would want to steer clear of the whole tax issue.

A request for taxes seems pretty tame compared to accusing him of being a foreigner and demanding his birth certificate.

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As someone who is NOT voting for Romney, I don't understand why knowing his tax rate is relevant. Yes, it will illustrate that the rich don't pay as high a percentage but they also pay a substantially larger sum than the rank and, sorry, file. Is he a tax dodger? Most likely not. Wouldn't the IRS love to get their hands on that money if he were?

Romney also doesn't want to be bullied into doing something. Just like Obama took his good time to show the birth cert. Does he really want to release it now so far away from the election? NOthing really to gain.

Typical Liberals playing the class warfare card. "Don't vote for the rich out of touch white guy who doesn't pay a lot of taxes!! He can't relate to you as well as I can (even though I'm almost just as rich, have sold millions of copies of my books and am probably just as out of touch)!!"

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When the fringe and tea party were demanding to see Obama's birth certificate, how many dems came to his defense and stated that there was no legal requirement to reveal his birth certificate? Well, Romney is not required by law to reveal his tax returns. But now you want him to to "quiet" the accusers.

Because the idea that Obama wasn't born in this nation came from racism. And in fact, he did come out with his birth certificate. You can now buy cups with copies of his berth certificate on them.

Romney however, would be part of a guilty party that got us into this mess in the first place. You're right to say that he doesn't "legally" have to provide his tax returns. But just as Obama did with his birth certificate, he should.

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Because the idea that Obama wasn't born in this nation came from racism. And in fact, he did come out with his birth certificate. You can now buy cups with copies of his berth certificate on them.

Romney however, would be part of a guilty party that got us into this mess in the first place. You're right to say that he doesn't "legally" have to provide his tax returns. But just as Obama did with his birth certificate, he should.

Obama is part of a guilty party that got us into this mess. What is your point. My point was the hypocrisy.
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I would bet there is something more in there than tax rate. Maybe he made a good chunk of change taking negative positions against the US, maybe he made some good change during the crash. Low tax rate as long as it's legal wouldn't hurt him to badly I wouldn't think. The speculation would hurt worse than the facts.

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Who in the Obama administration didn't pay taxes? Is a potential appointee not paying taxes equivalent to the candidate for president not paying taxes?


Ron Kirk, the former mayor of Dallas who would be the White House chief trade representative if confirmed, didn't pay taxes on some speaking fees he donated to his alma mater and he tried to write off the full $17,000 costs of his Dallas Mavericks season tickets.

Timothy Geithner, who's now Treasury Secretary in charge of the IRS.

Tom Daschle, who owed something like $140G's with interest and penalties and Daschle forgot to mention it for a few years.

Nancy Killefer, whose performance as would-be chief performance officer was also self-terminated when she turned out to have had a past tax problem.

Bill Richardson pulled out of Commerce not because of taxes but because of a federal pay-to-play probe.

Rep. Hilda Solis, whose husband had some tax liens going back 16 years until the day before her committee vote as Labor secretary.

Another weak attempt to use class warfare so the 2 watt light bulb demographic do not focus on Obama's pathetic job performance, But hey he did free stuff to those who do not feel like getting off their butt to earn enough to pay for things themselves.

I guess they are hoping by ignoring the economy, accepting the blatant lies, Obama gets reelected so he can enact an executive order so people who make more than them will be mandated to take time out of their day to wipe their backside too. :rolleyes:

When a nation has half of its citizens receiving some form of government welfare and the minions conditioned to feel its a right to be taken care at others expense we are getting too close to the point of no return.

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Maybe I misunderstood the original post.

The way I read it, it was supposed to be a joke. The same GOP partisans that have been slinging around unfounded rumors and smears about Obama for 4 years are suddenly shocked, shocked, shocked that someone would do something sleazy like that to their candidate. What is this world coming to???!??!?! You know, kind of irony and all that.

Maybe I misread it. :whoknows:

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A request for taxes seems pretty tame compared to accusing him of being a foreigner and demanding his birth certificate.

Some people just couldn't believe an anti capitalist like Obama with the list of Communists, Socialists, and radicals he interacted with thru his known history as well as his destructive policies and inactions, could be an American.

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Typical Liberals playing the class warfare card. "Don't vote for the rich out of touch white guy who doesn't pay a lot of taxes!! He can't relate to you as well as I can (even though I'm almost just as rich, have sold millions of copies of my books and am probably just as out of touch)!!"

Are you complaining that liberals are only playing the class warfare card while not actually doing anything about class warfare?

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Well, it's obvious. He paid no income taxes. He paid Cap Gains taxes at a rate lower than most people.

My bet is he took enough of a loss in 2008 stock crash for him to claim no Cap Gains thus he is fighting to avoid releasing the 0 or close to 0 tax return. What's lost in the fight is the potential context. Somebody making their money primarily on cap gains took a bath. They most likely took a loss or a very small taxable income.

I think people have lost sight of the time period being referenced here. I suspect Romney doesn't want to deal with reminding people why he paid so little taxes on a given year. The public will likely always think him rich. It would be hard to get around the "When times were hard and we were running a deficit this millionaire got a refund?" type of attack ads. In our country we lose context quick in our memory.

Note, this entire post is based solely on my guesses as to possible motivations.

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My bet is he took enough of a loss in 2008 stock crash for him to claim no Cap Gains thus he is fighting to avoid releasing the 0 or close to 0 tax return. What's lost in the fight is the potential context. Somebody making their money primarily on cap gains took a bath. They most likely took a loss or a very small taxable income.

I think people have lost sight of the time period being referenced here. I suspect Romney doesn't want to deal with reminding people why he paid so little taxes on a given year. The public will likely always think him rich. It would be hard to get around the "When times were hard and we were running a deficit this millionaire got a refund?" type of attack ads. In our country we lose context quick in our memory.

Note, this entire post is based solely on my guesses as to possible motivations.

I'll also point out that cap gains losses can be carried over to later years.

It's possible that in 09, he made $40M, and paid no taxes (because he lost $40M in 08).

That would make a nice attack ad.

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My bet is he took enough of a loss in 2008 stock crash for him to claim no Cap Gains thus he is fighting to avoid releasing the 0 or close to 0 tax return. What's lost in the fight is the potential context. Somebody making their money primarily on cap gains took a bath. They most likely took a loss or a very small taxable income.

For 10 years? I think it's a safer bet to assume he did on a larger scale things which we already knew he did. He made huge profits, sheltered his money abroad, and skipped out on paying any taxes domestically or internationally. He gamed the system and profited handsomely for it.

It is still potentially devastating if his losses allowed him to avoid taxes for multiple years. His really only claim to fame is he's a successful business man. If what you are saying is true the only things he's been successful at is skirting his tax obligation.

---------- Post added August-9th-2012 at 02:21 PM ----------

Maybe I misunderstood the original post.

The way I read it, it was supposed to be a joke. The same GOP partisans that have been slinging around unfounded rumors and smears about Obama for 4 years are suddenly shocked, shocked, shocked that someone would do something sleazy like that to their candidate. What is this world coming to???!??!?! You know, kind of irony and all that.

Maybe I misread it. :whoknows:

Do you really think Harry Reid repeating something he heard, and calling it from a creditable source; is on par with Donald Trump and the Birther's? I don't. We know the Birthers have no credability and haven't from the beginning. The GOP does too and still uses them. We frankly don't know Reid is wrong, and the non denial denials really tend to suggest Reid is on to something. I don't have any problem with Reid's charge. I think Romney's silence is deafening. I think Reid should continue to press. It is frankly incomprehensible what we are being asked to swallow from Romney. That a guy who made a quarter of a billion dollars on his ability to read a balance sheet would be unaware of what he was paying in taxes. Go Reid Go..

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For 10 years? .

I'm not 100% certain that the "10 straight years" caim is BS. But if I were betting, that's how I'd bet.

I do know that it's theoretically possible. But I would think it really unlikely.

---------- Post added August-9th-2012 at 02:24 PM ----------

Stewart had some fun the other (Weds. I believe) night with Romney's dealings on the "Italian phone company" deal (forgive me if my labeling of the matter as such is off).

I'm going to assume you saw it, Larry. :)


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