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Harry Reid is a dirty liar


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How can Reid lie so shamelessly? He could be making an interesting political move...

Media may pick it up as a controversy, and maybe even do some research.

GOP may make a fuss and turn some heads.

People may understand that it is a shameless lie, told by one Mormon against another, but why Mitt won't just show those dang records?

---------- Post added August-8th-2012 at 08:50 PM ----------


(CBS News) Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus didn't mince words Sunday, calling Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid "a dirty liar" over his criticism of Mitt Romney's tax returns.

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How can Reid lie so shamelessly? He could be making an interesting political move...

Media may pick it up as a controversy, and maybe even do some research.

GOP may make a fuss and turn some heads.

People may understand that it is a shameless lie, told by one Mormon against another, but why Mitt won't just show those dang records?

---------- Post added August-8th-2012 at 08:50 PM ----------



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I posted this in the Romney Thread but hopefully it will get more comments here.


Romney Not Sure If He’s Paid Less Than 13.9% in Taxes

Jul 29, 2012 12:33pm

JERUSALEM – Mitt Romney could not say today whether he had ever paid a tax rate lower than 13.9 percent, saying he would have to “go back and check.”

In an exclusive interview with ABC News’ David Muir to air tonight on World News, Romney was asked if there has ever been a year when he paid less than 13.9 percent, the rate he paid in 2010.

Transcript of Mitt Romney’s Interview With ABC News

“I haven’t calculated that,” said Romney. “I’m happy to go back and look, but my view is I’ve paid all the taxes required by law.”

“From time to time I’ve been audited as it happens, I think, to other citizens as well, and the accounting firm which prepares my taxes has done a very thorough and complete job pay taxes as legally due,” said Romney. “I don’t pay more than are legally due.”

Pressed on whether he’d really go back and look for his tax rates as he suggested, Romney said, “I haven’t looked at the tax rate paid year by year.”

“I know that I pay a very substantial amount of taxes and every year since the beginning of my career so far as I can recall,” said Romney.

Romney has faced mounting pressure from both Democrats and Republicans who say he should release more years of tax returns in the name of transparency.

Romney has so far released his 2010 returns and an estimate for 2011. Those two years are all Romney says he will release, arguing that no matter how many years he releases critics will always want more.

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I guess it's obvious what they are doing, but still I thought it was an interesting way for Democrats to compensate for their inability to do effective messaging.

Not sure what's the deal with the pelican, too many ways to read it, but it's still funny.

As a side note, I think this election is a choice between a liberal-talking and a conservative-talking moderate Republican, and, unless there is a crisis or a major scandal, not much will change regardless of who is elected.

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This is a moronic statement. Let's see our system now compels those accused of something to prove their innocence?

Um, that is sort of what happens in our system. One side can make a statement, and the other side is given the opportunity to rebut it. That's how it works. We don't tell people they can't make accusations.

Reid might be full of ****, or at least seriously exaggerating, but Romney could make this go away pretty easily.

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This is a moronic statement. Let's see our system now compels those accused of something to prove their innocence?

Our system now requires us to assume that all politicians who are hiding something don't have any reason for doing so?

And funny. You don't seem to be calling for the politicians who are attacking the Democrat to back up their claims. :)

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This is dumb on many levels. First, they're all liars.
That's what I was thinking as well.

If you're not that good of a liar, you won't make it out of local politics.

If you're an OK liar, you might make it to the state level.

If you a good liar, you can make it to the national level.

If you're a really good liar, you can be a U.S. Senator.

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Jon Stewart Calls Out Harry Reid For ******** Shot' Against Mitt Romney (VIDEO)

---------- Post added August-9th-2012 at 06:41 AM ----------

Our system now requires us to assume that all politicians who are hiding something don't have any reason for doing so?

And funny. You don't seem to be calling for the politicians who are attacking the Democrat to back up their claims. :)

Once again, it's cowboys and indians time with Larry. I'd call out anyone who calls for something with no sources at all Larry.I also ackmowledge that this is election season and it's just how the game is played. The Dems are just taking it to the gutter really quickly. I expect some of the people in the R camp to do the same at some point.

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This is a moronic statement. Let's see our system now compels those accused of something to prove their innocence?

Absolutely, those accused of something who want to be president, and who are skirting 70 years of precedent absolutely have something to prove.

Read an article the other day about a deal which Net'ed romney 50 million dollars. He purchased a company in Italy from the government, held it for two years and flipped it; netting himself a 10 times profit. Ok good for him but what's controversial was what he did next.

He ran the profits through a third country; which didn't have corporate taxes. Thus Mitt walked away with 50 million dollars and didn't pay any income tax on it at all. Not in Italy, Not in the US. All Legal. Navigating through tax loop holes like Magellan.

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I understand the imperative that the Dems want Romney to abide by (even though Carter released only a single year's tax returns prior to him being CIC. I believe the first Roosevelt didn't release any (though it may have been the era). It's political chess. I get it guys. If I was Romney I would release only another year and no more. Reid and the Dems can still harp about it and use it as political fodder.

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Once again, it's cowboys and indians time with Larry. I'd call out anyone who calls for something with no sources at all Larry.I also ackmowledge that this is election season and it's just how the game is played. The Dems are just taking it to the gutter really quickly. I expect some of the people in the R camp to do the same at some point.

How can anybody possible say Harry Reid is taking this election to the gutter for flat out accusing Mitt Romney of something half a dozen times publicly? Something Mitt Romney hasn't even denied!

How can any conservative or Republican say that about Harry Reid when for four years folks in their party have been questioning the Presidents Religion, Birth, Degrees, and Citizenship. Not only without any foundation, but in spite of all legal and written evidence to the contrary. Donald Trump did it again just the other day on Fox News, and that guy shares a stage with Mitt Romney at several nationally televised press conferences. Reed's charge is serious, and it should really be answered.

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Absolutely, those accused of something who want to be president, and who are skirting 70 years of precedent absolutely have something to prove.

Read an article the other day about a deal which Net'ed romney 50 million dollars. He purchased a company in Italy from the government, held it for two years and flipped it; netting himself a 10 times profit. Ok good for him but what's controversial was what he did next.

He ran the profits through a third country; which didn't have corporate taxes. Thus Mitt walked away with 50 million dollars and didn't pay any income tax on it at all. Not in Italy, Not in the US. All Legal. Navigating through tax loop holes like Magellan.

And the Right will stand and applaud him for such shrewd money management all while ****ing about low income families not paying taxes.

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This isn't the first time Harry Reid has said something like this.

Back when TARP was being passed, this is what he had to say:

CNN: Insurers dive on Reid's 'bankrupt' quote

We don't have a lot of leeway on time. One of the individuals in the caucus today talked about a major insurance company. A major insurance company -- one with a name that everyone knows that's on the verge of going bankrupt.

He used the same type of device when talking about TARP in a press conference (I can't find a quote); something like "I received a call from a friend of mine who is an auto dealer in Nevada.... they are saying they can't get credit...".

After insinuating for the past 4 years that Obama's not a natural born citizen, I'm inclined to chalk this one up to politics and I think Romney can put this to bed if he releases his tax returns... oh wait, he's not doing that?

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I suspect, with no proof what so ever, the reason behind the taxes being kept off record may well be the stock market crash of 2008. I can easily see how losses carried forward could be used to offset money made in 2009. The result could be a very low tax rate on some significant profits in subsequent years. Yes, Dems could take that year to say Romney made X but only paid Y and be telling the truth. In this scenario, there is a perfectly reasonable reason for the low rates because he took losses (big if like most of us) the year before. I can even see him having owed no taxes for the year. In which case Reid would not have lied, and Romney would still have done nothing wrong.

Again, this is pure speculation on my part.

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That was my initial reaction as well - what a strange thing to do, openly lying like that. Then I realized that it's actually a pretty sly political move.

It was addressed in "The West Wing" series, "I don't believe [candidate X] ever beat his wife, I just want to hear him deny it." And when Reid has a long bipartisan history of presidential candidates who did release their tax filings to lean on, then his challenge carries a bit more weight. Rmoney may be entirely above board in all of this, but bucking the history all while there are already heavy questions hanging over him about what he paid in taxes, makes it look baaaaad.

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