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Did Abraham do the right thing?


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This is why kids today are such entitled brats. :)

As for the thread the questions I would have are:

Did Abraham have a choice?

If God knew what Abraham would do prior to asking the question was this entire situation done to prove Abraham's loyalty to God or to Abraham?

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you are not breaking any rules... but you HAVE completely revealed yourself to be a fundementalist zealot, apparently with the burning need to constantly evangelize.

He's revealed his opposition but he hasn't introduced us to the system he prefers yet. I'm hoping these threads are all part of a preplanned series and that he's building up to a big reveal in the near future. I'm going to be pissed if it's Scientology.

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What if God was a split-second late in calling him off?

"**** dude! I was just joshin'! I didn't think you'd actually go and DO some **** like that, dumb***!!!"


"Man! I ****ed up... My bad dude... Howabout I replace him with like 3 daughters or something?"

"Hell no, I'm not giving you another son, did you just see what you did with the last one?"

"Note to self, don't talk to anyone after drinking"

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Poll: Did Abraham do the righ thing?

Yes, doing what God commands is always the right thing to do (But God commanded him to not kill the kid)

No, doing what God commands in this case was not the right thing to do (But God commanded him to kill the kid)

So in a way, he did both scenarios...

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Brother, I'm right there with you. The moment that I believe God is actually speaking to me verbally, audibly, is going to be immediately followed by the moment that I believe I've gone completely insane. And I certainly wouldn't consider doing ANYTHING radical -- much less the sacrifice of one of my daughters -- until I was ABSOLUTELY sure what was going on. Do I grant that I'd probably need far less "proof" than you? Of course. But I would have to be certain as well.

This leads me to a bit of a tangent. I'm fascinated by the concept of "callings," where someone feels personally called by God to pursue a religious vocation, or do charity or mission work. I believe callings are absolutely, unequivocally legitimate. In the overwhelming majority of cases, God doesn't "speak" to the person. (i.e. -- If you're in the same room, you don't wonder where the third voice is coming from.) But I do believe in a very powerful sense of being pulled by our God in a certain direction.

How would I feel if someone said they were "called" into a test of faith like this though? I'd think they were nuts. And if they carried it out, I would flip the switch on Old Sparky. Strange, for me, that I believe in people being called to serve. But I don't readily accept that God would test someone in this way now. I'll have to resolve that at a later date. :)

Yeah that's the difficulty that I have with this whole thing. It seems that in the end we verify callings against our sense of right and wrong. Yet this story teaches the supposed virtue of having faith trump our senses of right and wrong.

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As a young man (having left the Catholic church as a teenager who could not "buy" the "entire" Christian package anymore) I used to sometimes envision "the OT God" as just like a human being of sometimes rather serious emotional/mental issues---and good qualities too, of course, just like humans in a similar state ("in his image" after all)---but with an array of super-powers that made the Justice League look like an underwater ballet troupe.

Bottom line was "he could be cool, but also scary and uber-dangerous." :paranoid:

Given that what I later came to call (in my little-respect/little-off-limits politically incorrect/dark humor mode,)"the Greatest Makeover Ever Told" was used to sort of "null and void" the PR image of "that God" via Jesus dying for our sins, and revamped the people-to-salt-turning, city-nuking, baby-slaying, ark-suggesting, human-to-whale-feeding, game-playing persona to one of a more parable-spinning, metaphor-loving, anger-management schooled omnipotence (a definitely needed move IMO) I think it (OP question) doesn't matter. :pfft:

And I understand there may be SOOOO many special fires awaiting me despite my being such a good guy in so many ways :), secularly speaking at least. :(

---------- Post added July-10th-2012 at 02:02 PM ----------

Alexey's next thread: Did Noah do the right thing?

He'll have to obtain written permission from Bill Cosby (intellectual property issues).

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That's exactly the question... The question is about whether it is right to do what God commands when he commands us to do bad things.

God may have a bigger plan in mind and all, but Abraham had to make a choice based on what he knew. Abraham chose to proceed with the sacrifice.

The lord works in mysterious ways.

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you are not breaking any rules... but you HAVE completely revealed yourself to be a fundamentalist zealot, apparently with the burning need to constantly evangelize.

Name calling is against the rules.

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Funny that you describe the OT God the way I'd describe you. :ols:

Maybe we are somewhat alike minus the super powers and the fact that it's ok with me whatever you believe God-wise (I wouldn't punish you over it) and I lay off the babies (but can be damn hard on adults as much as damn helpful). I can see myself possibly nuking a city or feeding a properly qualified guy to shark (not a whale). :).

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As a young man (having left the Catholic church as a teenager who could not "buy" the "entire" Christian package anymore) I used to sometimes envision "the OT God" as just like a human being of sometimes rather serious emotional/mental issues---and good qualities too, of course, just like humans in a similar state ("in his image" after all)---but with an array of super-powers that made the Justice League look like an underwater ballet troupe.

Bottom line was "he could be cool, but also scary and uber-dangerous." :paranoid:

Given that what I later came to call (in my little-respect/little-off-limits politically incorrect/dark humor mode,)"the Greatest Makeover Ever Told" was used to sort of "null and void" the PR image of "that God" via Jesus dying for our sins, and revamped the people-to-salt-turning, city-nuking, baby-slaying, ark-suggesting, human-to-whale-feeding, game-playing persona to one of a more parable-spinning, metaphor-loving, anger-management schooled omnipotence (a definitely needed move IMO) I think it (OP question) doesn't matter. :pfft:

And I understand there may be SOOOO many special fires awaiting me despite my being such a good guy in so many ways :), secularly speaking at least. :(

Having a kid born can change a man


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He's revealed his opposition but he hasn't introduced us to the system he prefers yet. I'm hoping these threads are all part of a preplanned series and that he's building up to a big reveal in the near future. I'm going to be pissed if it's Scientology.

I am not pushing a system. There are a lot of ways to make things work.

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you are not breaking any rules... but you HAVE completely revealed yourself to be a fundementalist zealot, apparently with the burning need to constantly evangelize.

Certainly right on the first phrase (to this point). It's no different than people regularly/consistently indicating a strong leaning in any other theme they post upon. But things can occur than can change that view, mod-wise.

The rest of your post is your opinion, and it's well within forum rules and guidelines to state it as you did, including given the OP's posting history (whether your analysis actually is 100% accurate or whatever percentage accurate).

Name calling is against the rules.

See above--that is not "name-calling" per our rules, which do (or can anyway) include context as a major factor in such determination. Had he said

you're just a stupid idiot or a dickwad or an *******, that is more the kind of "name calling" we indict, and even in some of those kinds of cases context can provide an exception to the rule. I always encourage erring on the side of caution if you're unsure. :)

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Oh God said to Abraham, “Kill me a son”

Abe says, “Man, you must be puttin’ me on”

God say, “No.” Abe say, “What?”

God say, “You can do what you want Abe, but

The next time you see me comin’ you better run”

Well Abe says, “Where do you want this killin’ done?”

God says, “Out on Highway 61”

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The rest of your post is your opinion, and it's well within forum rules and guidelines to state it as you did, including given the OP's posting history (whether your analysis actually is 100% accurate or whatever percentage accurate).

See above--that is not "name-calling" per our rules, which do (or can anyway) include context as a major factor in such determination. Had he said

you're just a stupid idiot or a dickwad or an *******, that is more the kind of "name calling" we indict, and even in some of those kinds of cases context can provide an exception to the rule. I always encourage erring on the side of caution if you're unsure. :)

I think that being a called fundamentalist zealot is worse than called being a stupid idiot :silly:

But yeah, kids are great! I love mine and I'm definitely not sacrificing them :D

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