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RGIII- victim of extortion attempt-link in OP- update in post #30


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Seems like RGIII's camp has handled this very well so far. They just need to stay in front of it. They should come out with a statement with the details the authorities will allow or at least saying they are not allowed to disclose anything.

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Legit question for anyone who knows the answer-

So just for arguments sake, lets say this guy DID have something on RG3. So it would be illegal (obviously) to try and 'sell' this info back to RG3, but could he turn around and 'sell' it to TMZ for some cash, right? And THAT would be perfectly legal? If that was legal, could he offer the info to TMZ first, then turn around and ask RG3 if he wanted to top TMZ's offer, kinda like the highest bidder gets the info or photo or whatever it is the guy had?

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Legit question for anyone who knows the answer-

So just for arguments sake, lets say this guy DID have something on RG3. So it would be illegal (obviously) to try and 'sell' this info back to RG3, but could he turn around and 'sell' it to TMZ for some cash, right? And THAT would be perfectly legal? If that was legal, could he offer the info to TMZ first, then turn around and ask RG3 if he wanted to top TMZ's offer, kinda like the highest bidder gets the info or photo or whatever it is the guy had?

You might be over-thinking this.

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I am fine with whatever it is as long he doesn't spend his rookie year doing hard time. Pretty much most things are forgiveable. He's a person just like the rest of us and I am sure he has made his mistakes. What matters is what he did after the mistake...if there is one.

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While the article makes mention of "derogatory information", the fact that this is being prosecuted as EXTORTION and not BLACKMAIL is important. Extortion is extraction of money, goods, or services through coercion. This can be done in many different ways. Blackmail is demand of payment through the threat of revealing information. It's more like a specific subset of extortion. While the circumstances scream blackmail to me, it seems as if it's being pursued as extortion. Now, this could be that the evidence points more towards one over the other. It could also be that the state of Texas prosecutes both under the same law.

I'm thinking it was a scam, and whatever info wasn't worth the money that was paid. As for RGIII, I'd almost be more worried if he were 100% clean. If the "derogatory information" is legit, I'm thinking it's him partying, or doing some frowned-upon (albeit legal) activity that's normal to college kids. The only other thing I can think of is second or third-hand hearsay regarding NCAA violations that may or may not have happened (but couldn't be proven). Think a Cam Newton sort of thing where things might have gone down regarding RGIII without his knowledge or consent.

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While the article makes mention of "derogatory information", the fact that this is being prosecuted as EXTORTION and not BLACKMAIL is important. Extortion is extraction of money, goods, or services through coercion. This can be done in many different ways. Blackmail is demand of payment through the threat of revealing information. It's more like a specific subset of extortion. While the circumstances scream blackmail to me, it seems as if it's being pursued as extortion. Now, this could be that the evidence points more towards one over the other. It could also be that the state of Texas prosecutes both under the same law.

He is not being prosecuted under Texas law. He is being prosecuted in Federal Court for violating 18 USC 875(d) which states:

Whoever, with intent to extort from any person, firm, association, or corporation, any money or other thing of value, transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any threat to injure the property or reputation of the addressee or of another or the reputation of a deceased person or any threat to accuse the addressee or any other person of a crime, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.

The Federal blackmail statute prohibits demanding money to withhold exposing that a person has committed a crime. So apparently, whatever information this guy said he had was merely damaging to reputation but did not rise to the level of a crime.

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Just sounds like some desperate loser with a criminal history desperately trying to get money anyway he can. Considering that they got the feds involved I highly doubt that RG3 did anything now, or in the past. This is like a women claiming that she had an affair with a current president over 30 years prior.

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Griffin extortion involved nothing illegal or scandalous

Posted by Mike Florio on June 25, 2012, 5:05 PM EDT


The claim that a former Baylor basketball player has been charged with extorting Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III has sparked plenty of speculation and intrigue and curiosity over what Griffin specifically was being extorted with.

Per a source with knowledge of the situation, it was ultimately nothing illegal or scandalous or problematic in any way for Griffin, if the supposedly derogatory information had been released. That said, the specific nature and content of the derogatory information isn’t known yet — and it may never be.


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Incredible where these knuckleheads come from. Would have thought that someone would have unearthed dirt on RGIII prior to this idiot....IF there was indeed dirt to find. If five or six people had been a part of this....then maybe where there is smoke there would be fire....but I think this is merely the work of one person trying to get an easy payday....as many here have already speculated. I am not worried about this at all, right now.

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Incredible where these knuckleheads come from. Would have thought that someone would have unearthed dirt on RGIII prior to this idiot....IF there was indeed dirt to find. If five or six people had been a part of this....then maybe where there is smoke there would be fire....but I think this is merely the work of one person trying to get an easy payday....as many here have already speculated. I am not worried about this at all, right now.

Read my post above yours...whatever this guy had, it wasn't anything that would have hurt or embarrassed RG3.

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