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This makes me sick (and the results make me smile): Bullying the Bus Monitor


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Though it may or may not have a place in this thread, discussing this topic, I think he was making a point, which I don't disagree with. And I wouldn't classify it as a baiting type of post, if you read it carefully.
Dude, we all know that **** was rough on black kids during desegregation. Unspeakable things happened, worse than what the bus monitor went through. But that was kids against kids. This was a multi-racial group of kids against a single elderly woman. What happened to black kids during desegregation does not compare to his.
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Well, this woman is now a national celebrity and will be going on a $200K vacation (maybe to Mars or something? Where do you go that costs that much???), so all's well that ends well.

From what I was reading, money not spent on the vacation will go directly in her pocket. There was a scare that the guy that organized the kickstarter was going to pocket the dough and disappear but he's spoken out and said she will get every penny.

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How is social media to blame?

Have you ever looked at some of the post on Twitter and Facebook by teens? It's certainly a part of the problem. Not THE problem, but a part of the problem. No one wants to admit it, but cell phones and the internet has been bad for kids.

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At 12 or 13, there is no excuse possible for what these kids said and did. Stop with the excuses in here. I'm glad they were identified and if I were the principal or superintendant, I'd permanently ban them from any bus until they graduate. Let their parents haul their asses around for 5 or 6 years. Accountability. The kids and their parents need to be accountable for what they did. If it was my mother or grandmother, I'd want to get on the bus when they are ready to leave (with the schools permission) and dare one of them to say what they said to her to me. Not saying that I'd hit one, but give them a chance to be a loudmouth again.

Better yet, I think some sort of public humiliation is in order. Make them set up somewhere downtown and have a sign that reads: "I made fun of the elderly, this is my punishment. Say "ANYTHING" about me that you want and I cannot respond." Make them take a bunch of **** from total strangers and if they speak or retaliate, for every retaliation, they get a day of suspension tacked on to the 2 weeks I'd give them.

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From what I was reading, money not spent on the vacation will go directly in her pocket. There was a scare that the guy that organized the kickstarter was going to pocket the dough and disappear but he's spoken out and said she will get every penny.

Maybe she'll use the extra money for a good cause.

Think someone cynical might figure out a way to make money off of this example?

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$200,000 for getting teased by a bunch of stupid kids for 10 minutes? I did it for years in jr high school.

Seemed like a bunch of spoiled rich kids making fun of her dollar store purse. Big deal.

Why does she do that? Quit and go be a greeter at walmart of something.

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$200,000 for getting teased by a bunch of stupid kids for 10 minutes? I did it for years in jr high school.

Seemed like a bunch of spoiled rich kids making fun of her dollar store purse. Big deal.

Why does she do that? Quit and go be a greeter at walmart of something.


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not enough spankings or attention tbh. probably have parents that think buying an xbox game is just as good as spending some time with them.

this is the LBJ look at me, post everything no one cares about on facebook generation that is starting to hit the workforce.

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$200,000 for getting teased by a bunch of stupid kids for 10 minutes? I did it for years in jr high school.

Seemed like a bunch of spoiled rich kids making fun of her dollar store purse. Big deal.

Why does she do that? Quit and go be a greeter at walmart of something.

1) You doing it in Jr. High School doesn't make it right either. I used to tease the janitor (not about his job, his name) in HS because some friends were doing it and I hate to this day that I did it.

2) If you watched the whole clip, the purse was a very "small" part of it.

3) Send you mom or grandmother to an ES tailgate so we can make fun of her. I'm sure you'd love that.

4) So all old people need to banished to Walmart? My Dad is 68, been retired since he was 55 and works for the Cabarrus County (NC) arena doing maintenance and set up for events and could out work any of us. Hell, he still outworks me. The elderly get treated like garbage in this country.

5) I bet if this was a dog or cow getting teased, you'd be all over this like hellfire.

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For me, it isn't about fear. It's about decency. Kids shouldn't behave only because of fear of punishment, but because of an understanding of right and wrong and where the lines are that shouldn't be crossed. That's where these kids and their parents fail.

Just to clear up my post, we weren't afraid of punishment, we were taught to behave and that our actions had consequences. I surely hope no one thought my parents beat the **** out of us...surely wasn't what I meant.

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4) So all old people need to banished to Walmart? My Dad is 68, been retired since he was 55 and works for the Cabarrus County (NC) arena doing maintenance and set up for events and could out work any of us. Hell, he still outworks me. The elderly get treated like garbage in this country.

5) I bet if this was a dog or cow getting teased, you'd be all over this like hellfire.

Spot on.

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1) You doing it in Jr. High School doesn't make it right either. I used to tease the janitor (not about his job, his name) in HS because some friends were doing it and I hate to this day that I did it.

2) If you watched the whole clip, the purse was a very "small" part of it.

3) Send you mom or grandmother to an ES tailgate so we can make fun of her. I'm sure you'd love that.

4) So all old people need to banished to Walmart? My Dad is 68, been retired since he was 55 and works for the Cabarrus County (NC) arena doing maintenance and set up for events and could out work any of us. Hell, he still outworks me. The elderly get treated like garbage in this country.

5) I bet if this was a dog or cow getting teased, you'd be all over this like hellfire.

I wasn't saying this was right by any means and it does suck. Those kids suck, they are all *******s. I said I was teased like that, not that I teased others like that, although I probably did at some point.

And as far as the idiotic animal comment goes, there is a huge difference between getting made fun of and being tortured to death.

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$200,000 for getting teased by a bunch of stupid kids for 10 minutes? I did it for years in jr high school.

Seemed like a bunch of spoiled rich kids making fun of her dollar store purse. Big deal.

Why does she do that? Quit and go be a greeter at walmart of something.

And the award go the idiot post goes too....

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I wasn't saying this was right by any means and it does suck. Those kids suck, they are all *******s. I said I was teased like that, not that I teased others like that, although I probably did at some point.

And as far as the idiotic animal comment goes, there is a huge difference between getting made fun of and being tortured to death.

I misread about you getting teased and not teasing. I was teased in 5th grade by a bully who called me "gooseneck." I was rather skinny then (but not now). I hated it and I should have known better when I was in high school. The janitors last name was Chesley, and we called him Cheetos or Cheesy. Not too harsh, but wrong nontheless.

I've seen you make comments about animals and not the ones that are tortured and killed. The thread where the toddlers were doing stuff to the animals. You made it sound like a 2 or 3 year old needed to be tasered for what they were doing to the cats. Like the kid who smacked the cat and then got scratched, but we saw in a longer video that the cat initiated it.

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This takes the cake for worst race-baiting post. WTF does this have to with ANYTHING posted in this thread, responses, or the original incident?
Thats a strange post for this topic? what brought it on?

He said kids now are worse than ever. Don't you think there have been times where their behavior might have been worse?

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I misread about you getting teased and not teasing. I was teased in 5th grade by a bully who called me "gooseneck." I was rather skinny then (but not now). I hated it and I should have known better when I was in high school. The janitors last name was Chesley, and we called him Cheetos or Cheesy. Not too harsh, but wrong nontheless.

I've seen you make comment about animals and not the ones that are tortured and killed. The thread where the toddlers were doing stuff to the animals. You made it sound like a 2 or 3 year old needed to be tasered for what they were doing to the cats. The kid who smacked the cat and then got scratched, but we saw that the cat initiated it.

I should have put a smiley or something in there, because it was basically a joke.

The cat thing is extremely common and probably not the first time they've done that . It happens all the time. People have pets, then have a kid and don't have them interact correctly and if the animal gets aggressive, it goes to the pound and most of the time dies and it's awful and I've seen it happen personally hundreds of times and that is why I get touchy about it. There was also a gif about power rangers taking a bunny from a kid and throwing it a few pages before that. Not cool to throw bunnies.

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OMG I'm so offended and sick over this. Their parents must be the worst people in the world. Somebody should beat these kids to an inch of their lives so they learn.

Is that better?

Now that we can kind of agree on. I'm not fast to condemn parents of bad kids. Some kids are just hell bent on being trouble makers no matter how good a parent you are.

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Terrible what happened, but this is nothing new sadly. I don't get the people though who are trying to act like this is something exclusive to the new generation of kids. This kind of crap happened when I was their age, and it happened before that as well. It's bullying, and it's been going on for a long, long time.

I'm actually encouraged by the anti-bullying trend that has started up, that seems to have gained better ground, and I;d say this new generation has more hope because of it than previous generations.

Plain and simple those kids have something negative in their lives and they are taking it out on the bus driver. Best punishment for them is to have to go to the lady herself, apologize, do a bunch of chores around her house for her, and have a meeting with the school counselor where they are asked how they would appreciate it if every one on the bus ganged up and made fun of them. They take some sensitivity class, and are warned the consequences will be worse if it should happen again. They should then be tasked as bus monitors themselves, ensuring others don't do what they did. I think that series of punishments will help them learn respect for others as well as themselves, and is more effective than a simple bus banishment or suspension.

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Have you ever looked at some of the post on Twitter and Facebook by teens? It's certainly a part of the problem. Not THE problem, but a part of the problem. No one wants to admit it, but cell phones and the internet has been bad for kids.

Blaming social media and cell phones is a weak excuse. It falls directly on the shoulders of the parents.

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Blaming social media and cell phones is a weak excuse. It falls directly on the shoulders of the parents.

You can sit there and say that, but cell phones and Twitter/Facebook is something, as a parent, is damn near impossible to monitor. You can kids come from the very same household and one kid goes on to live a productive life and the other is in and out of trouble. Did the parents parent one kid better? No.

You cannot always blame the parents for a kids problems.

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