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Obamacare...(new title): GOP DEATH PLAN: Don-Ryan's Express


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This morning CSPAN had GOP callers on to discuss health care -- comedy gold and sad at the same time.. Obamacare is.dead, government bad,.personal.responsibility, etc...exactly the type of class warfare that Obama.was elected against...even if you hate all that,.there are actual merits and good ideas in the current law about preexisting conditions and attempting to ensure insurers spend a percent of premiums on actual care.. but nope, they love them GOP talking points.. so damn easy to judge poor folk and assume they are greedy and looking for handouts..  honestly my solution would be to regulate the heck out of this BS market... go after anticompetitive price fixing, etc.. Trump could do it right now, but I heard Sessions going on about asset forfeiture powers...


Both medical providers and insurers are flat out extorting the American people.  Sure, banisters and others (like banisters) have gotten away with it, but we need to stop this BS.



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12 hours ago, killerbee99 said:

Hey, but personal responsibility, boot straps...yadayadayada and some other ****....... Then but Hillary Clinton email servers. 



Edited by Busch1724
Had to add more exclamation marks
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That's incredible.

Honestly, the depth of nothing that comment plumbs is truly astounding.


One of you reporters, break with protocol and look at him and say "What the **** did that even mean?"
You will get fired, and you apologize and say you're sorry BUT you still have no idea what any of what the president said meant,, it is gibberish.", and immediately you'll be re-hired, and because you said "****", that will make people actually listen to the rest of that nonsense.


The worst part is, '****" is the part most people will have a problem with. The fact trump actually said any of that in a serious interview will be secondary. But it'll be heard.



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Just now, skinsmarydu said:

I'm cussin' up a storm in my head.  :taz:


How could McCain now voted for anything that involves people losing health insurance? Hell, how could any of them since they all must know people who are alive now from getting health care. 

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3 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:


Im pretty sure that we actually do "have that luxury".

Sorry, bro...gotta buck this one.  No hearings, no debate, which is what our houses of Congress are for? 

If we do have that luxury, we're not exercising is properly.

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14 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

"We have to pass it to know what's in it"

It's been 7 years and people still talking this quote out of context.




Most importantly, the contents of the Affordable Care Act had been publicly available and publicly debated for months, when Pelosi made her remarks in March 2010


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5 hours ago, Kilmer17 said:

"We have to pass it to know what's in it"


If you just keep repeating that sound bite enough times, maybe people will forget that it doesn't remotely resemble what you're trying to claim it means. 

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23 minutes ago, Larry said:


If you just keep repeating that sound bite enough times, maybe people will forget that it doesn't remotely resemble what you're trying to claim it means. 

Sure.  It's a good thing that only Democrats dumb statements get taken out of context.  



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