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Obamacare...(new title): GOP DEATH PLAN: Don-Ryan's Express


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  • 5 months later...
On 6/25/2015 at 0:01 PM, TryTheBeal! said:

The whole concept that I, as a medium sized business owner, must facilitate and provide coverage for my employees is beyond assbackwards! Man, I'm just trying to sell some horses round here. I literally spend 15-20 percent of my time dealing with health care issues. It was hardly any better before the ACA.

The problem with every "reform" is it's always just pushing more costs and responsibilities on to employers. We should completely sever the tie between job and insurer. Keep the mandate for catastrophic, and require employers to pay a tax exempt benefits wage which workers themselves then choose to allocate between health insurance, retirement accounts, and college tuition/savings accounts. You can change jobs without changing insurance. You can work part time jobs and get money towards insurance for both.

Finally, we should supersede the labyrinth of state regulations and charters with a single set of federal regulations that would include universal forms for each insurer. We spend about twice as much on paperwork for medical costs as anybody else, wasting hundreds of billions of dollars.

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8 minutes ago, Riggo-toni said:

The problem with every "reform" is it's always just pushing more costs and responsibilities on to employers. We should completely sever the tie between job and insurer. Keep the mandate for catastrophic, and require employers to pay a tax exempt benefits wage which workers themselves then choose to allocate between health insurance, retirement accounts, and college tuition/savings accounts. You can change jobs without changing insurance. You can work part time jobs and get money towards insurance for both.

Finally, we should supersede the labyrinth of state regulations and charters with a single set of federal regulations that would include universal forms for each insurer. We spend about twice as much on paperwork for medical costs as anybody else, wasting hundreds of billions of dollars.



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From that article. Can someone explain to this idiot (me) what he is missing?



Most consumers, however, are shielded from these price hikes, especially if they return to the exchanges to shop after enrollment opens Nov. 1. Some 85% of Obamacare enrollees receive federal subsidies, which can lower their premium to less than 10% of their income. The subsidies are pegged to the second-lowest cost silver plan in their area, known as the benchmark plan.


Edited by The Evil Genius
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4 minutes ago, nonniey said:

Really? You're saying amen to the what is essentially a Republican position? Who are you and what did you do to TryTheBeal?


Any proposal that removes the onus from employers is worth consideration.

5 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:


You claimed there was prolly an easy fix. What is it?  Snarky comments?


Single payer...but you already knew that.

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Why does it always have to be a Democrat/Republican, Left/Right, Liberal/Conservative thing with everyone?  That's why politics doesn't work in this country.  No body really cares about the goal/task/problem at hand.  They are so consumed with party affiliation bull****.

The fact is, there has been a huge problem with healthcare coverage in one of the richest countries in the world.  Citizens have been screaming for something for a long time, so when someone comes up with something, it's criticized.  Yet, the same people criticizing an new ideas, don't seem to come up with anything themselves.

I'm not a defender of Obamacare by any means.  It has flaws.  But I call people out on this all the time that constantly criticize it, I ask them, "so what is your plan?" 

I wish we could stop all the "tow the party line" bull**** and have congress, the president and all the big-wigs out there, just come together (bi-partisan) and figure something out for the "citizens".  That is the most important thing.  Do it for the good of the people and stop with all the crap.

Edited by pjfootballer
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1 hour ago, Riggo-toni said:

The problem with every "reform" is it's always just pushing more costs and responsibilities on to employers. 

I think the problem with every reform is impatience.  It has to work outta the gate flawlessly or people wonder why they did it.  

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10 hours ago, Kilmer17 said:

So what the GOP said would happen, is happening?


whats the easy fix?

Pretty much. The GOP didn't strain any muscles trying to help, but sure, they've had parts right.

Young people aren't signing up, which is skewing the average health of the pool to the bad side.

The exchanges are a mess. Billions have collectively been wasted setting up websites (Websites...) including states setting up their own, failing, and going jack to the federal site.

Insurance agents are clueless. I've listened to a few, they're utterly worthless. This is a problem.

The only cost control the government put in place is dramatic cutting of reimbursement to providers (hospitals) by implementing a poor measurement of quality. The hope was better quality and hospitals putting pressure on services/medical devices to lower cost. Instead it's higher nurse-to-patient ratios (and techs), gutting of management, restructuring of materials, etc.

A big part of the proposed cost savings is better/cheaper access to healthcare resulting in preventive medicine and early diagnosis which should lower costs. But A- haven't seen any data suggesting the numbers are up (and healthy young people deciding to pay the fine certainly doesn't bode well...) and B- even if they were it's a long term payoff no one should have expected to see by now.

The previous system sucked. The discourse over the change sucked. The inability of two major parties to collaborate on any meaning level is embarrassing (blame whoever you want you team-playing-enablers, both parties had a hand in creating thus environment.) The idea of passing a sweeping Healthcare bill was dumb.

So yeah, what we have needs a lot of work, and there's currently no desire to work in Washington.

What's worse is we're stuck with this framework because once the government gives out a benefit it rarely takes it away. Costs too many votes. I don't know whether we should or shouldn't repeal it and go in a completely different direction, I just know its probably impossible. 

Baring a miracle of bipartisanship to fix it (I have no faith in the Democrats to fix it with a super majority, they created this mess...) I don't see it being changed. Which means it'll fail and we'll be in a single payer system, which many Republicans declared was the ultimate goal to begin with.


Edited by tshile
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Ps - small company I worked for announced 9% increase at quarterly meeting. They're upset, gone up a lot in the past 3 years. Doesn't affect me, I'm not on it.

News said 4-7% increase should be expected for those in employer plans. The bigger ~20ish number seems to be for some policies on the exchange I think, and they can change?

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Sounds like the people getting absolutely screwed are people buying on their own that make too much in to qualify for federal subsidies.


But five million to seven million people who buy insurance on their own do not receive federal subsidies.


it goes in to say they are supposedly raising the bar for credits/assistance but it doesn't say what portion of the 5-7 million would fall under it.

We may have a system that needs real work to not fail, and a major party that would rather see it fail than fix it (not commenting on whether they're right or not.) Not a good situation.


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My wife keeps telling me I'm in for a rude awakening when I retire.  Right now I don't pay crap and am 100% covered for everything without any copays.  Gotta love the military.  

Bad part is the crap service.  Once while trying to diagnose what turned out to be a kidney stone they told me I may have Lou gherics disease.

People need to remeber that before advocating for government run health care.

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8 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


Bad part is the crap service.  Once while trying to diagnose what turned out to be a kidney stone they told me I may have Lou gherics disease.


Got a buddy that is a cripple for life, and likely a lifelong opiate user, due to poor military care.

He has a hell of a settlement from his medical discharge, but... I'd rather not be a cripple and opiate dependent. 

Bet if we made congress use the health exchange that **** would be fixed in 6 months.

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