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OK I got asked a logic/IQ question in an assesment for a job


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JMS, I must say your postings lately (for the most part) reek of logic, thoughtfulness, reason, and objectivity. Did someone change the robot over there?

I'm a glasses half full kind of guy, so I will say, thank you very much, and run with the complement...

I guess a more complete response would be I always have strived for logic, thoughtfulness, reason and objectivity; I'm happy to know I'm beginning to approach those goals recently to your estimation..

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I'm a glasses half full kind of guy, so I will say, thank you very much, and run with the complement...

I guess a more complete response would be I always have strived for logic, thoughtfulness, reason and objectivity; I'm happy to know I'm beginning to approach those goals recently to your estimation..

I've become increasing irrational, subjective, spontaneous, spiteful, and vindictive in my assessements of others. My estimatation abilities have deteriorated substantially.

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Well, it was timed question and like I said before "illustrated" stuck out to me and so did "shared book." Based on that I chose that they probably read less than most. Although, it could have been an illustrated book of the worlds prettiest waterfalls for example...who the **** knows. Probably the best answer is can't tell for this one.

Now, while buying the boss liquor is encouraging, I was thinking that had they not bought the boss the liquor he asked for, it could potentially cause problems. People always do things they might not want to just because the boss asks them to. The best answer here was "can't tell" IMO

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Well, it was timed question and like I said before "illustrated" stuck out to me and so did "shared book." Based on that I chose that they probably read less than most.

Which says to me you are more judgemental, decerning, and critical of those around you. If the job was for a police officer, prosecutor, prison guard, elephant trainer, inquisitioner, or supurisory managerial position you likely had the superior answer... Now if you had to work on a larger team of equals, sales, or they were looking for a more collegial kind of guy; someone incredible handsome, good with the ladies, and the center of attention in most rooms he walks into; someone with amaizing charisma; someone like myself; then I would have gotten the job..

---------- Post added June-7th-2012 at 10:42 AM ----------

What does algae have to do with it?

I thought so! I like to put my own exam questions in my posts sometimes.

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My problem with the alcohol one, though, is that your process of elimination gets rid of the two negative scenarios, but there's nothing that shows the positive--that they actually encourage it. Had they bought the boss Whiskey on their own, rather than being specifically asked to bring him some, then I'd agree that they encourage it, however in this scenario they seem like passive actors when it comes to alcohol. They were asked to get it so they did, which as you pointed out, does provide some evidence that they aren't against it, but I don't feel it's enough to say they actively encourage drinking.

The question is what is MOST LIKELY TO BE TRUE given the possibilities presented in the question not what IS true so you do not have to have any said evidence. Only the fact that those who encourage alcohol are more likely to buy alcohol for others than those who don't. Further, since the boss felt comfortable asking for his employee to guy said alcohol and John did not take the request as kind of a joke, there would likely be a relationship here based on something else besides work.

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I once read a discussion among hiring managers on a career website that these types of tests are mainly given to applicants because it's a way to protect the company from discrimination lawsuits and such, because they can use "wrong" answers as the reason to not hire someone, even though most of the time there are no "wrong" answers. If an applicant thinks they were discriminated against because of their age, they would have a very hard time proving it because the personality test results provide the company an excuse for not hiring the applicant.

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I once read a discussion among hiring managers on a career website that these types of tests are mainly given to applicants because it's a way to protect the company from discrimination lawsuits and such, because they can use "wrong" answers as the reason to not hire someone, even though most of the time there are no "wrong" answers. If an applicant thinks they were discriminated against because of their age, they would have a very hard time proving it because the personality test results provide the company an excuse for not hiring the applicant.

I don't believe it. I think these types of questions impress some applicants that the folks asking them know something they don't. Some meaningful mystical determinitive understanding/science behind interviewology, that the interviewer isn't priveledged too. This is an ego trip for folks who question their own relivence. Watching the person struggle, knowing the person is looking at them like they know the right answer and you don't, you never will!!

This question is more akin to the book by Dostoyevsky, “Notes from the underground”. In the book there is a bureaucrat who's job it is to interview pesants who are applying for loans. The interview always ends in the bureaucrat saying no to the applicants. The only thing that changes was the reason for the denial. The peasants looking for the loan come away thinking the bureaucrat was an SOB. The reality was the bureaucrat would rather be thought of as an SOB than an impotent idiot who was in a meaningless job with no power to really affect the loan. His company didn’t have any money to loan. His job was to interview the applicants, not to facilitate loans..

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they admired the gifts they got, so encourage drinking,

if they read more than others perhaps a book detailing the history of the area would have been bought. Since they bought a book, but with pictures, I'd say read as much as others do. If they read less they wouldn't have bought a book

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I suppose this is true. Not sure how that will play out in this particular position.

Maybe I should be training elephants

Does having power over others appeal to you? Do you sometimes want to knock the hell out of PeteMP, TWA or Bang for something they've posted?

Do you think you could fire somebody and then go have a nice lunch and a ****tail? Do you re arrange all the canned goods in your closet by size while removing the labels?

When you are in the throws of passion making do you sometimes check your look out in the mirror? Does the mention of passion making make your left eye twitch uncontrolably?

These are the types of things you reveil with your answer to such questions... Now whether that would make you a good employee is entirely subjective.

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Does having power over others appeal to you? Do you sometimes want to knock the hell out of PeteMP, TWA or Bang for something they've posted?

Yes and no to the power. Not really, I like all three posters and think that Bang might be the most down to earth person on this board. I agree with almost everything he says.

Do you think you could fire somebody and then go have a nice lunch and a ****tail? Do you re arrange all the canned goods in your closet by size while removing the labels?

NO. I would be like Michael Scott about firing someone.

When you are in the throws of passion making do you sometimes check your look out in the mirror? Does the mention of passion making make your left eye twitch uncontrolably?

I am recalling the scene from American Psycho where Christian Bale is flexing while with the escort. NO, not me

These are the types of things you reveil with your answer to such questions... Now whether that would make you a good employee is entirely subjective.

---------- Post added June-7th-2012 at 01:20 PM ----------

Here are the duties for the position:

Primary responsibilities include working with our clients to provide outstanding and customer focused staffing services and solutions. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

• Work with our clients to monitor their staffing needs and project future staffing levels; conduct site visits at clients as needed.

• Conduct interviews, reference/background checks, and utilize database of candidates to call and qualify applicants for employment and fill open job positions.

• Oversee current employee attendance and performance; provide corrective actions as needed.

• Recruit candidates utilizing a variety of sources to fill open positions

• Perform support work with regards to employee relations initiatives and

payroll processing.

• Other duties as assigned.

JMS, do I fit based on this question :)

there were about 50 other questions, but this one was the strangest to me.

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Yes and no to the power. Not really, I like all three posters and think that Bang might be the most down to earth person on this board. I agree with almost everything he says.

Ok if I left Bang off the list then you would like to really go to town on a few of us?

Maybe you don't actually think Bang is that well adjusted you are just reacting to the sybliminal threat associated with his name? Maybe that's compelling you to say nice things about Bang... I was thinking about changing my monicer to somethign like sledghammer, or mushroomcloud, or smokingbagoffecees.

I am recalling the scene from American Psycho where Christian Bale is flexing while with the escort. NO, not me

That was a great scene...

---------- Post added June-7th-2012 at 01:26 PM ----------

Nope. I'm an 'merican now.

So now that you are in Merica you will need to really give up your anglican views on the potato famine.. Join in with the rest of us who delight in poking our finger in the eye of those insuffereable europeans. They think they are sooooo superior cause then can read and stuff.

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Ok if I left Bang off the list then you would like to really go to town on a few of us? Maybe you don't actually think Bang is that well adjusted you are just reacting to the sybliminal threat associated with his name? Maybe that's compelling you to say nice things about Bang... I was thinking about changing my monicer to somethign like sledghammer, or mushroomcloud, or smokingbagoffecees.

Maybe I like Bang, because he is self employed, like I was/am. Maybe, I hate Bang in real life, but enjoyed one of his cartoons and not having met him in real life, think he is awesome cuz he made a funny cartoon.

How far down the rabbit hole are we going here, JMS?

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How far down the rabbit hole are we going here, JMS?

Is that a refference to drugs? Also what does the hole represent in your analogy? Do you feel your mother gave you enough attention growing up, not enough attention, or just exactly the right amount of attention?

Just trying to get a feel for your mental geography...

Oh you are a good sport, I'll knock it off.

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Man, you aren't following this at all. It has EVERYTHING to do with it. Without the algae, this isn't even an issue.

Clearly I would have failed this test and never gotten the job. So the algae proves that the man was lying to his wife as an excuse to by expensive Scotch to feed his alcoholism he's trying to desperately hide from his boss? Or does the algae show that they are all illiterate? I'm so confused.

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Here are the duties for the position:

Primary responsibilities include working with our clients to provide outstanding and customer focused staffing services and solutions. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

JMS, do I fit based on this question :)

You are applying for a head hunter position.. I think you gave the right answer... This question solely deals with your ability to critically evaluate others abilities and classify them into worth to the ultimate benifit of the job placement firm.

John and Mary Hazlitt defiintely drink too much, don't read enough, probable make too much money too... Why can these people afford to live in a high rise? They are lucky to be living indoors, and what about traveling by air.. OMG did they take a vacation?

That's the answer they were looking for.

You should have said when John and Mary get back to work, we're going to call them into HR and cut their salaries by 20%, after we collect that scotch!!... What is this a proletariat utopia we're running here?

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In 2009, 40% of Americans over the age of 13 bought a book of any type.

LInk for that stat? Just curious. Not because I think it's wrong, but because it sounds like a stat intended to generate a particular result.

I rarely buy books anymore. I go to the library. I borrow and exchange with friends and family...but I don't often buy books. That's a meaningless stat. What percentage of Americans read a book of any type in 2009?

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I will join the chorus that says there's no right or wrong answers, they are looking for your thought processes.

#1: D. They admired the gifts so they have no negative feelings towards the alcohol. But they only bought it by special request, and they didn't buy any for themselves. The question implies without stating outright they were returning from a trip, one where someone in advance knew they would be in a position to buy a Scotch that was something more than the ordinary. Drinkers would tend to take advantage of duty-free shops and snap up some extra bottles, and they didn't do that. So I wouldn't say they "encouraged" drinking.

#2 D. Again, they appear to be returning from a trip. Most likely this "illustrated book" is of the gift-book variety rather than a comic book. Says nothing about their reading habits; says they probably own a coffee table.

What do I win?

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