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WP, Roger Goodell says bounty investigation of Redskins is not over


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How far back do you go, what experience does he have as an investigator? how reliable is the invo you're getting from way back then?

Well he can't ban any of our coaches. We don't have a 2nd rounder to give, nor any 1sts for years. He should just fine Snyder at worst case.

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Come in off the ledge. Ain't happening.

Saints had multiple warnings and lied to the commish and they still didn't lose a first rounder. Nothing to indicate we even come close to that level. They might take something from us, if they can prove it, but it will not be rg3.

I'm not exaggerating when I say "I will quit watching football altogether." Your telling me you would support the NFL in anyway if this happen?

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I really really can't wait to hear Goodellre get his ass booed off stage at the draft. That, and Robert Griffin III are going to make April 26th a special night.

I really really wish I still lived in ny. Id go boo like ive never booed before. Maybe bring some rotting tomatoes.

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Why am I not surprised to see this thread up?

Allen,Snyder,etc would have been better served to wait till April 27th, to file any grievance imo.

You think Mara wants us to lose Money? yea right

He wants us to lose that #2 pick.

He even admitted so, during their penalty on us with the cap theft.

Losing RG3/Luck would do way more damage, than any monetary penalty handed down to us. (As I've said before)

I firmly believe that.

And THAT is what I think Mara (and possibly others..Browns?) are hoping for.

I've handled 20 yrs of ineptitude Redskins football.

Not quite sure, if I could handle the loss of not only a Franchise QB, but the best Redskins QB prospect I've seen in my lifetime.

And I'm not talking about Andrew Luck.

Course... I love the game & would still watch as Kellen Moore is throwing passes to Pierre Garcon.

While the Browns are going on their 4th SB victory W/RG3

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I would not blithely assume that all will work out well for the 'Skins in this case, despite the fact that the penalties doled out to Washington and Dallas are based on a garbage premise by the League. For one thing, the Commish seems to be on a major power-trip at the moment. For another, as a college football fan, I've seen the NCAA do things in terms of punishment of member institutions that made no rational sense; yet they did them anyway.

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What trial?

Maybe Goodell was on that grassy knoll? Or Mara was John Doe #2? Back and to the left, back and to the left. Too

many people are screaming conspiracy. You guys have Goodell pronouncing us guilty before a trial has even begun.

What trial? Thats the biggest problem with all of this. It's a total power trip.

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What trial?

What trial? Thats the biggest problem with all of this. It's a total power trip.

Everyone is so scared the Goodell is going to lay the wood to us they aren't thinking straight. One good thing from this is that Blache put a stop to the alleged bounties. When factual reports come out about Gibbs, Cerrato, and Snyder having knowledge then I'll get worried. Goodell still has Buffalo and Tennessee, maybe Jacksonville, to investigate too. We aren't being singled out.

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I've handled 20 yrs of ineptitude Redskins football.

Not quite sure, if I could handle the loss of not only a Franchise QB, but the best Redskins QB prospect I've seen in my lifetime.

And I'm not talking about Andrew Luck.

Course... I love the game & would still watch as Kellen Moore is throwing passes to Pierre Garcon.

While the Browns are going on their 4th SB victory W/RG3

This is a nightmare of epic proportions, I do not even want to think about it, I will probably wake up in cold sweat tonight... thanks for that.

Per Twitter

Grant Paulsen @granthpaulsen

10hrs ago

MT @PatKirwanCBS NFL officials interviewed former #Redskins player for 5 hrs yesterday about Greg Williams and bounty issues in Washington

Grant Paulsen @granthpaulsen

10hrs ago

... Follow-up question to that would be: Were they interviewing those players to further investigation on GW or to find out more about WSH.

To me it just sounds like the league is doing their due diligence to cover their asses and to be thorough about stamping out bounty systems once and for all. And I agree with that in theory; The NFL should operate 100% clean of bounties...everyone can agree with that... What I hope is that this doesn't turn in to some Witch hunt, and although I don't think it will, based on current climate in the league, anything is possible.

Goodell knows he is going to be booed like he has never been booed before at this Draft. Not only by us, but also the boys and the Saints. Some random fans will probably just boo him b/c it's fun or something. And I'm sure he has seen what happened to Joe Lacob of the Golden State Warriors last week, http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=zLCuJzI_jEc , he won't want this happening to him. And If I were him I would do something to stem the tide. He needs to close the case on this bounty scandal. It's bad business for the league. It's a bunch of negative PR and even though the NFL is the most popular sport by far, they just don't need it. I'm all for them interviewing everybody they need to in the next month. But what happened with GW and the Skins is a thing of the past and nobody is left from that era who can be held responsible, except Dan Synder and I just can't see anything but a fine in that regard (which would be unfair, because he made the decision to not rehire GW as head coach). But even if there is an unfair fine it isn't going to hurt his back pocket.

So let's hope Goodell hasn't completely lost his mind and smartens up by shutting the door on all this negativity surrounding the league right now or I suggest he wear one of those plastic rain ponchos to the Draft, especially when Mara is shooting off his mouth this week and Goodell can't even make a simple comment to explain his justification to the fans affected by what his league has signed off on.


Edit: Goodell is not a nazi, I admit, that's taking it too far, but he is still being a total **** head in my book


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You guys are being overly paranoid in my mind here. There is no possible way for them to punish us about the bounty system. The players who have said anything about there being one only mentioned that it happened once and nothing came of it (2006 against the Vikings). All of the other guys who've openly spoken about it have either said it was bonuses paid for legal plays (Philip Daniels mentioned INTs, Sacks, FFs, and big hits in general without intent to injure) or never heard of anything like it (Fletcher and Andre Carter).

Furthermore, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM said no other coaches had knowledge of this except Gregg Williams himself. Joe Gibbs has openly stated he had no knowledge. Snyder had a poor relationship with Williams so it's incredibly unlikely he had any knowledge.

And just to put the nail in the coffin on this there were no warnings issued to us during Gregg's stay in Washington. Goodell has repeatedly stated that the harshness of the penalties on the Saints are in part because they didn't stop when warned and everyone was privy to the warnings.

Goodell was just answering questions fielded by the media about whether or not this thing is done and of course he said they''ll continue to investigate any information that comes their way. He was more talking about future occurrences that may arise than anything in the past. Listen to his words carefully, fellas. I think you guys are so angry over the cap penalties we just incurred (and rightfully so, we should all be livid about it) that you're starting to see red about everything, lol. Calm down! :)

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Have to say, I don't like or approve of the Nazi analogies. What Goodell is doing doesn't correlate to genocide in my book. Want to call him a Mousolini, okay... pick another dictator. Nazism is overused and we diminish the real horror of what Hitler and Germany did. It's lazy and inaccurate.

There are much better villains to compare Goodell too. He's a puffed up rat. He isn't a Hitler.

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Have to say, I don't like or approve of the Nazi analogies. What Goodell is doing doesn't correlate to genocide in my book. Want to call him a Mousolini, okay... pick another dictator. Nazism is overused and we diminish the real horror of what Hitler and Germany did. It's lazy and inaccurate.

There are much better villains to compare Goodell too. He's a puffed up rat. He isn't a Hitler.

Agreed. It's stupid and unfortunate, pretty much matching ****** with *******.

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Burgy and Jumbo, so long as we agree that the people who've called him Stalin, Pol Pot , etc are also in the wrong. Don't want to give privilege to certain genocidal tyrants...I don't think calling him Mussolini is particularly fair either, though ol Benito was not nearly the villain the others were. Noriega, maybe? lol

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How about we just call him Goodell and not compare him to any historical figures who made awful mistakes running entire nations? :whoknows:

Honestly, I'm not sure I'm even angry with Goodell right now. I really don't want to speculate as to how involved he was with all of this. He may have just been following orders from the rest of the owners with their dragon head being Mara. I'm not going to curse someone I have nothing on besides speculation.

Mara, on the other hand, openly exposed himself as one of the (if not THE) main culprit. So he deserves a villainous role here.

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I kinda like Godell, just because he seems to have a "God" complex in much of this.

I do agree with others that other genocidal tyrants should also be off the table. I picked Benito because... well, he made the trains run on time, but was pretty rough in doing so... that, and he picked crappy allies. You can make the case that he did so to shield his people and that he tried to avert some of the Nazi craziness, but that's probably getting a little deep for a Stadium thread and there's too much history to unravel to decide whether on the scales, how far Mousolini tips towards evil.

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Ya'll are right, Goodell is not an evil person, he is just doing his job as the commish and just so happens thinks he needs to punish our club at this point in time. I do have to question Mara's intentions in this whole fiasco though; with his comments made at the owner's meeting to the media, he seems to be blatantly in opposition to the Skins and Cowboy's stance that no rules or contracts were broken. His "spirit of the cap" is laughable, but If I were to be in his shoes I can understand where he's coming from. The only problem with that is it sounds like collusion as many have pointed out.

My big gripe with Goodell is that he needs to put a foot down on Mara for speaking to the media about this. I guess Mara is in essence Goodell's boss (so that may not be realistic), but Mara shouldn't be making these statements when the NFL's policy right now is to not make comments.

As I said before, It's in the best interest of the league and for Goodell to keep his job to investigate and close the case on this bounty scandal as soon as possible (preferably before the draft). The Saints have already been punished and lost draft picks, so if he is going to dole out penalties to other teams, he needs to take in to account that the Saints were given time to adjust to the penalties during FA and then plan accordingly in the Draft. The problem with our penalty from the cap issue is that it was handed out the night before FA started and we have been scrambling to react it seems to adjust (having to restructure deals that were just finalized not to long ago, when we could instead be concentrating on getting new FAs signed). If there is going to be further issues with the bounty system they need to make sure we have ample time to adjust just as the saints have. It would be unfair to lose a draft pick or be hit with some kind of fine right before the draft. It may affect the cap and how we will be able to pay rookies.

I would hope that when all is said and done Goodell comes out having done the right thing and made sure that justification is made for all league rulings and that explanations are made so that fans, owners, players etc. can accept them and understand the league's reasoning. That's all we can really ask of the commissioner no matter how much we think it to be unfair.

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