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WP, Roger Goodell says bounty investigation of Redskins is not over


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The title of this thread is very misleading and should probably be changed. Goodell never said anything about any specific team, especially not the Redskins. He also said that they will act on any information that they get, which is what any governing body is supposed to do. They are not on witch hunt people. Stop making this something it isn't. The real anxiety and venom should be aimed at the ex-Redskins who can't seem to shut their mouths. They stop speaking, there is no new info for the league to investigate.

The title of thread is same as title of article, and in very first paragraph it states that Goodell mentions Redskins and any other team. I would think that a MOD would have corrected me way before your 127th post!

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Don't know if this has been discussed in this thread but Fred Smoot sounded off on Phillip Daniels regarding the bountygate investigaiton on 106.7. The link says that the full interview will be available shortly. I have lost respect for Daniels if he is the one running his mouth about a "bounty program". Truthfully he needs to be grateful that the Skins gave him an opportunity to continue his career as long as they did.... and this is the thanks they get.... smh.


Even if it was PD, and I don't think it was for the reasons Boss_Hogg said, you don't know a thing about the investigation. There's a big difference between volunteering info like Matt Bowen did and being deposed. I assume once the investigation gets going most if not all of these statements are being taken under oath. Are you gonna "lose respect" for a guy for refusing to perjure himself and opening himself up to legal liability (not to mention just making things worse for the team if/when it's found out)?

The facts are what they are. And we'll deal with whatever they are.

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Don't know if this has been discussed in this thread but Fred Smoot sounded off on Phillip Daniels regarding the bountygate investigaiton on 106.7. The link says that the full interview will be available shortly. I have lost respect for Daniels if he is the one running his mouth about a "bounty program". Truthfully he needs to be grateful that the Skins gave him an opportunity to continue his career as long as they did.... and this is the thanks they get.... smh.


So even if they found something which is laughable ( we left the bounty list from 2007 on chalk board in the basement ) , Phillip Daniels will bare all the brunt because he is the only one here from that era? Well wait they could reactivate retired players and than punish them. What a monumental waste on money.

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Gibbs was on the radio today talking about Rypien's lawsuit and Gregg Williams:


Here is the relevant quote for this thread:

“The fact that you have a lot of attention right now going on head injuries in sports, I think that kind of all just highlights what’s going on,” Gibbs said. “Gregg Williams actually coached for me when I was at the Washington Redskins. And my whole point on that was never, in my entire career of 40 years of coaching, did anybody, EVER, bring up to me incentivizing someone to hurt somebody else or to take them out of a game. Never ever. And if that took place anywhere where I was, I certainly didn’t hear about it

“But I think all that kind of highlights what’s going on in today’s sports. And I think this one is a big issue, and it’s gonna be interesting to see how we wind up working our way through this. But I know it’s a huge concern for the NFL, for the medical teams there. The best people in the world are working on it, and hopefully we solve this in some way to everybody’s benefit.”

Here is what little Shanny had to say about this: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/football-insider/post/nfl-bounty-investigation-has-not-affected-redskins-coach-mike-shanahan-says/2012/03/28/gIQAjlljgS_blog.html

PALM BEACH, Fla.--Coach Mike Shanahan said Wednesday that the NFL’s ongoing bounty investigation has had no effect on the organization.

“Am I worried about it? No,” Shanahan said.

But he added: “You’ve got to go through the process.”

. . .

Shanahan acknowledged the possibility that the Redskins could face a penalty of some kind by the league.

“Anything is possible,” he said.

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