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The last movie you saw......GO! (After you read the OP!!!!)


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I think it's Iron Man on FX two nights ago. First time seeing it yet I only saw parts and bits and didn't watch the ending...

As for movie theaters... I saw "The Fighter" on December 18, 2010. The reason I went to the movie theaters is because the nearby theather has this free admission stuff on your birthday.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw The Lucky One last night and I LOVED it. Such a beautiful story and so romantic. I don't know how Nicholas Sparks makes these male characters who are absolutely perfect men, but he definitely makes it harder for the average man if women expect their men to be as amazing as his creations!

The movie also had fantastic music and really took me through many emotions- the female lead lost her brother in the war (he was a marine) and I could really connect to that feeling, as my brother is a marine and I know it would be devastating.


U.S. Marine Sergeant Logan Thibault returns from his third tour of duty in Iraq, with the one thing he credits with keeping him alive ...

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I saw The Lucky One last night and I LOVED it. Such a beautiful story and so romantic. I don't know how Nicholas Sparks makes these male characters who are absolutely perfect men, but he definitely makes it harder for the average man if women expect their men to be as amazing as his creations!

I really want to see this. Zac Efron is effing HOT in the previews for this.

911 documentary Loose Change.
Horrible Bosses.
Following the rules is hard. :ack:

Yea it is. C'mon guys, please at least post a review of the movie.

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Tinker, Tailor, Soldier Spy


Soviet double agent somewhere at the top of the SIS (British CIA). And by top, like the in the top 5 leadership group. A former agent who had been recently run out of the service with his mentor after an agent is killed in Budapest is secretly asked to discover who it is.

3 1/2 stars out of 4. Probably not for everyone, but definitely right up my alley. Not a ton of action--as in violence--but the suspense is great as the story/investigation slowly unfolds. I recommend it. It was part of a series of novels and I really hope they make the other two; though the screenwriter passed away so who knows.

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I really want to see this. Zac Efron is effing HOT in the previews for this.

Oh man.....you have no idea. I have a full-fledged Efron crush now. And he is honestly the PERFECT male specimen in this movie. He does no wrong. Not only is he gorgeous, but everything about his character is absolutely flawless. Go see it, I really enjoyed it, and so did my friend who came with me.

and just for you, ren....


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last couple days:

The Avengerss: Last 40 minutes is the whole Movie.

Pirates of Mischief: Kids movie, not so good.

Hunger Games = another hero that doesn't do much but slowly moves up in the ranks due to others better than her helping. See Harry Potter with bow.

John Carter - watched the first 20mins and stopped.

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talhotblond (2009)


True story about a married, middle-aged man who starts talking to an attractive 18 year old girl in a chat room, and tells her he's also 18 years old and stationed in Iraq. They fall in love, he becomes obsessed and builds up a more elaborate lie, sending everything spiraling out of control and leading to tragedy.

Pretty good storytelling, pretty tragic consequences for damn near everyone shown in the movie. If you want to enjoy the documentary to its fullest, don't watch the trailer.

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I haven't seen this movie in 15 years. What a classic. Denzel and Tom were great together. Very emotional movie.

Saw that movie recently, it was pretty powerful filled with outstanding performances.

For me, I got home last night around 2am, turned my tv on and a movie called, "Howard the Duck," was on. I don't think I'll ever be the same...

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"Hanna." Cool movie, 7.5/10.

Saoirese Ronan, Eric Bana and Cate Blanchett. "A 16-year-old who was raised by her father to be the perfect assassin is dispatched on a mission across Europe, tracked by a ruthless intelligence agent and her operatives."

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Oh man.....you have no idea. I have a full-fledged Efron crush now. And he is honestly the PERFECT male specimen in this movie. He does no wrong. Not only is he gorgeous, but everything about his character is absolutely flawless. Go see it, I really enjoyed it, and so did my friend who came with me.

and just for you, ren....


****ing HOT. :hump:

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It's about this nomadic anarchist/heavy metal/druggie/pyro/psycho guy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) who decides to just show up and start living in the house of a father, son, and grandmother. The father is deeply depressed from the death of his wife, so he stays zoned out on pills all day. The kid is just kind of awkward and weird. The grandmother is old, kind and frail. Natalie Portman plays a young woman (wearing old lady glasses) who rescues the kid from a bully and befriends him

I don't know if I liked it or not. There are some really funny parts, and a bunch of parts that make you go "WTF was that about?". In the end I think the whole thing was kind of pointless. I'm pretty sure this movie holds the record for most f-bombs dropped by a 12 year old.

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I watched the Japanese move Go from 2001 today. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0299937/

It was good, I'm a huge Kankurô Kudô fan (screen writer for this movie), it managed to make me happy, piss me off then make me happy again, good sign for a movie imo. It's basically about Japanese born Korean getting discriminated against and falling for a Japanese girl. Worth a watch if you can find it with English subs.

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Apologies in advance for not keeping with the theme of the thread, but this seemed as good a place to ask as any:

I've got the afternoon with my mom tomorrow, and she wants me to take her to see 'The Lucky One.' Which I will as I seem to get less and less time with her these days. And I just wanted to know, without searching through the whole thread, if I'll get my money's worth from those that have seen the flick. (Put your tongues back in your mouths girls on Mr Efron and at least TRY to be objective. :silly:.). I mean I'm not a guy that baulks at romantic drama, at all; just I've read mixed reviews and wondered what you guys opinion was.

Thanks in advance.


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