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SOW: Who Should Skins Fans be rooting for Super Bowl Sunday? Redskins Nation confused about rivalries?


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First of all, I don't want the Giants to lose based only on Devin Thomas. He's a mere peon in this discussion and I only brought him up because someone else did. My wanting the Pats to win is because the Giants are our division rivals and nothing more. Thomas is a turd who still sucks at WR.

FYI, the Patriots are already a "Dynasty". They won 3 in 4 years. If you don't want to hear the news, turn off the local stations. I've lived in Dolphins, Titans and now Panthers territory. It's really simple to turn the channel or not read the paper.

The difference is that Dolphins, Titans and Panthers fans pale in comparison to the ignorance of Patriots fans so I'll cut you some slack for not knowing how god damn annoying these people are. We beat the Giants twice this year, thats enough validation for me. And I digress to my original statement, different strokes for different folks, and I hope the Patriots lose in spectacular fashion regardless of what you have to say :)

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I hate the Patriots more than the Giants (probably because I'm young).

I have many good friends who are Giants fans, and know lots of terrible people that root for the Pats. Personally I think the Boston fanbase is the most spoiled self-centered group of ******* pricks I have ever met. It's been like five or six years in a row where a major Boston sports team has won a championship. This needs to end.

We beat the Giants TWICE this year, and probably should have beat the Patriots. Remind Giants fans all you want about that fact - they're embarassed, but in the big picture they don't really care. They play for all the marbles on Sunday.

More importantly, I'm rooting for the Giants from a football standpoint - THEY PLAY DEFENSE. I'm sorry, but the Patriots are like an NBA team. They slacked on defense all year and then all of the sudden "turn it on" in the playoffs? Baltimore had them on the ropes, and as far as I'm concerned the Pats deserved to lose. Brady got outplayed by Joe Flacco, who most on this board probably wouldn't even want on our team because he's not exactly "franchise material". Any given Sunday, ladies and gents. If you're a firm believer of "Defense Wins Championships", then you look a bit hypocritical if you want New England to win.

Do I hate this Super Bowl? Yes. Do I enjoy the thought of the Giants winning? No. Will it please me more to see Brady pout if he loses? Absolutely.

I'm putting rivalries aside for personal reasons. Go G-men.

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I hate the Patriots more than the Giants (probably because I'm young).

I have many good friends who are Giants fans, and know lots of terrible people that root for the Pats. Personally I think the Boston fanbase is the most spoiled self-centered group of ******* pricks I have ever met. It's been like five or six years in a row where a major Boston sports team has won a championship. This needs to end.

We beat the Giants TWICE this year, and probably should have beat the Patriots. Remind Giants fans all you want about that fact - they're embarassed, but in the big picture they don't really care. They play for all the marbles on Sunday.

More importantly, I'm rooting for the Giants from a football standpoint - THEY PLAY DEFENSE. I'm sorry, but the Patriots are like an NBA team. They slacked on defense all year and then all of the sudden "turn it on" in the playoffs? Baltimore had them on the ropes, and as far as I'm concerned the Pats deserved to lose. Brady got outplayed by Joe Flacco, who most on this board probably wouldn't even want on our team because he's not exactly "franchise material". Any given Sunday, ladies and gents. If you're a firm believer of "Defense Wins Championships", then you look a bit hypocritical if you want New England to win.

Do I hate this Super Bowl? Yes. Do I enjoy the thought of the Giants winning? No. Will it please me more to see Brady pout if he loses? Absolutely.

I'm putting rivalries aside for personal reasons. Go G-men.

FINALLY somebody with some common sense. This is exactly what I've been saying. Tom Brady crying >>>>> Giants losing.

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FINALLY somebody with some common sense. This is exactly what I've been saying. Tom Brady crying >>>>> Giants losing.

Whoopee, you both hate Pats more than you like the Skins. You think the Giants care that they lost to the Skins twice if they win it all? I'd be fine with getting swept by the rest of the NFC East every year if it meant a trip to the super bowl.

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Whoopee, you both hate Pats more than you like the Skins. You think the Giants care that they lost to the Skins twice if they win it all? I'd be fine with getting swept by the rest of the NFC East every year if it meant a trip to the super bowl.

I never said that, I love the Redskins, hate the Patriots. If its not the Redskins in the Super Bowl, does it really matter who wins? No, not really. It comes down to personal preference, and my personal preference is to see Tom Brady face-down in the turf.

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More importantly, I'm rooting for the Giants from a football standpoint - THEY PLAY DEFENSE. I'm sorry, but the Patriots are like an NBA team. They slacked on defense all year and then all of the sudden "turn it on" in the playoffs? Baltimore had them on the ropes, and as far as I'm concerned the Pats deserved to lose. Brady got outplayed by Joe Flacco, who most on this board probably wouldn't even want on our team because he's not exactly "franchise material". Any given Sunday, ladies and gents. If you're a firm believer of "Defense Wins Championships", then you look a bit hypocritical if you want New England to win.

Do I hate this Super Bowl? Yes. Do I enjoy the thought of the Giants winning? No. Will it please me more to see Brady pout if he loses? Absolutely.

I'm putting rivalries aside for personal reasons. Go G-men.

I hate this SB also. But there is no real proof that defense wins championsips in this era. Hell, only the Ravens in 2000 and the Bears in 1985 have ridden their defenses to titles. Maybe you can include the Steelers. This is an offensive driven league and he Giants offense has been clicking the last few weeks while the defense has only gotten "healthy." How am I a hypocrite for wanting New England to win? The Packers, Saints, Patriots, Steelers and Colts have won the majority of the SBs recently and only the Steelers are considered a true defensive team, yet, Ben won a "shootout" against the Cardinals. Go figure.

---------- Post added January-31st-2012 at 12:40 PM ----------

I hate that Boston area fans have been able to enjoy 3 SB win, 1 NBA title, 2 World Series wins and a Stanley Cup win, but their time will be gone in a few years. The Celtics are getting old, the Red Sox keep reloading to no avail, the Bruins will not repeat this year and eventually Brady will get old (34 this year). They have just been extremely lucky that all of their teans peaked at the same time, which means they will all collapse about the same time.

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I guess this is a good omen for the Giants.

My rooting interests in their games match exactly like 2007.

In 07 I rooted against the Giants in Tampa.

In 11 I rooted against the Giants against Atlanta.

In 07 I rooted for the Giants against Dallas.

In 11 I rooted for the Giants against Green Bay.

In 07 I rooted for the Giants against Green Bay.

In 11 I rooted for the Giants against San Francisco.

In 07 I rooted for the Patriots in the Super Bowl.

In 11 I am rooting for the Patriots in the Super Bowl.

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Pathetic that this thread has merit.

We won't play the Pats for another four years.

We'll play the Giants twice next year.

Antonio Pierce, LaVar Arrington, Devin Thomas, Lawrence Taylor, Phil Simms, Carl Banks, Mark Bavarro...

Eli, with another Super Bowl win will have more trophies than his brother and (this is serious) will take a massive step to being a Hall of Famer.

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I don't understand this concept of rooting for any other team in the playoffs or the Super Bowl. I have one team and that is the Redskins. I will never cheer for another team.

With all that said, I am thinking about putting 100 down on the Pats. So, I will have a vested interest in them winning, but I won't be rooting or cheering for them to win.

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Presumably, if the Patriots win, Andre Carter (despite being on IR) gets a superbowl ring? (And presumably Fat Albert won't?)

I'd far rather he got to rock one than Devin Thomas.

Which, as a reason, comes somewhere down towards the bottom of the extensive list of why it's more preferable to root for the patriots (even if hey bug the hell out of you)!

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Hate both teams equally

I have to disagree with you man. While I understand the whole the Pats whopped us in 07 thing, the fact of the matter is the Gmen are a rival there is no one that should be hated as much as a rival IMO

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I hate the Giants but even more then that I hate New York City.

I think the game I'm most proud of during my 18 years of existence was the 9/11 game earlier this year. 9/11 was horrible for everyone. EVERYONE. It seems to me that we only ever talk about it was as if it only happened in New York. Obviously there weren't two other planes that crashed. For me to watch my Redskins wearing ACPD (Arlington County, my home) hats and beat the Giants was one of the happiest moments I can remember as a fan. For me to listen to my family from New York talk all week about how they were going to beat us that day and fight for the pride of New York was absolutely disgusting to me and when they lost I was ecstatic.

So no, I won't route for New England. The only team I route for is the Washington Redskins. But I will root against New York every day. **** New York. **** the sense of superiority they have. **** their inability to look at what's outside of New York. **** them.

*No, I'm not using 9/11 to get into a discussion about who had it worse or who deserves to give more sorrow over it. I'm saying quite the opposite actually and that New York does that.*

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I'll be rooting for the Giants because they represent our division and I don't have irrational hatred for them like I do the Cowboys. Eli, like his brother, has just a ton of humility and it's somewhat rare in our sport to find this in anyone.

As a related aside, getting 3 or 3.5 points and the Giants is a gambling gift. I locked the 3.5 and a ML bet the moment the lines came out on the Giants.

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I'm rooting for great commercials and for the Skins to have a stellar, if not productive, off season.

I hate both teams. It makes me uncomfortable to think about the Giants and Eli getting another SB victory. It makes me uncomfortable thinking about the never ending love for Tom Brady if he gets another Super Bowl and the bragging rights of New England fans because their teams just keep winning.

I refuse to root for either, but I'd rather the Giants lose. **** this Super Bowl.

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I don't see how you can root for the Giants over the Patriots if you're a skins' fan. The skins and the Giants have been divisional rivals for decades. We play the Patriots once every four years. Where is this irrational hatred coming from?

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I'll be rooting for the Giants because they represent our division and I don't have irrational hatred for them like I do the Cowboys. Eli, like his brother, has just a ton of humility and it's somewhat rare in our sport to find this in anyone.

As a related aside, getting 3 or 3.5 points and the Giants is a gambling gift. I locked the 3.5 and a ML bet the moment the lines came out on the Giants.

Which is even more of a reason not to root for them! The only team that should ever represent the NFC East in the Super Bowl should be the Redskins!

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