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What are your Super Bowl Sunday plans?


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Going to visit some old roommates for their "Super Bowl party", again. They're both girls so if it's anything like last year, it'll be a bunch of their friends there, so I'm usually the only one that actually cares about the game. There have been a couple of other guys I know at previous parties, but not really football guys. On the plus side, instead of watching the half-time show (which always sucks) they always play some kind of terrible parody porn (which always... sucks). Usually, we get a couple of scenes in and then I have to remind the girls that there's a DAMN GAME ON! By the fourth quarter, everyone has moved on to side discussions and party-stuff and I'm standing in front of the TV with a couple of other tipsy guys yelling at the screen, cheering and exclaiming in a semi-serious, semi-drunken manner.

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Going to visit some old roommates for their "Super Bowl party", again. They're both girls so if it's anything like last year, it'll be a bunch of their friends there, so I'm usually the only one that actually cares about the game. There have been a couple of other guys I know at previous parties, but not really football guys. On the plus side, instead of watching the half-time show (which always sucks) they always play some kind of terrible parody porn (which always... sucks). Usually, we get a couple of scenes in and then I have to remind the girls that there's a DAMN GAME ON! By the fourth quarter, everyone has moved on to side discussions and party-stuff and I'm standing in front of the TV with a couple of other tipsy guys yelling at the screen, cheering and exclaiming in a semi-serious, semi-drunken manner.

Are you hooking up with one of these girls or something? If not I can't figure out why you go to these parties considering you make them sound so lame.

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More than likely heading to brother's house and meet friends there too. Probably start off the day with some early morning pic taking on the way there. Before that though,slow cooking some homemade chili,(2 batches. 1 with beans). I say all this now,and then the plans change that morning. ;)

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Hosting a superbowl party at my house. Having about 12-15 friends over. I found a youtube video for making "Giants shots" basically just a red a blue shot, I'm trying to find a Patriot equivilent and was thinking everytime the Giants score the Pats fans have to do a Giants shot and viceaversa.

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This is the first Superbowl that I am going to miss in I don't know how long. I actually have no desire to watch it, I can't stand either team. At least the first meeting between the two had some significance with the Pats going for the undefeated season.

I decided to work.. Yep.. Working on Superbowl Sunday. My family owns a pizza shop and I volunteered to help out with deliveries. I figure I should be able to make some decent money in tips also.

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I usually watch the game alone. I can't stand all the distractions. Most people that attend SB parties aren't even paying much attention to the game, half the time. I like hearing the announcers, watching the commercials, everything. Of course I'm the same way with the Redskins (minus the commercials). Most people that know me know not to call me during a Skins game.

That's exactly how I would be if the Redskins are ever back in the Super Bowl. Otherwise, I enjoy the party atmosphere and just kind of laugh at the people who have no clue what they're talking about.

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I don't understand how some of you guys are choosing to miss the Super Bowl.

That's just bonkers.

1) Same boring teams as 4 years ago.

2) Can't stand either team.

3) The SB has become more for the casual fan (i.e. the anthem, halftime show, commercials)

4) As I get older, I sometimes feel like my time is more useful doing other things than yelling at a TV.

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I am going to my Uncles Superbowl Party.....this party has been going on longer than I have been alive, and I have gone EVERY year.....the only room he doesnt have a TV in is the bathrooms, and they are all HD.

He supplies all of the food, beer, wine, liquor ETC. There is something for everyone at this party, there will probably be close to 30-40 people there. Plus there are several pools and the pots are always decent since so many people enter them. Last year the overall score pool got up to 250 dollars and we also bet the score totals for each quarter.

Its also the day after a big UFC fight which I am going out for, so Ill get up around 9, hit the gym, watch the CAPS game, and then be at mu uncles at about 5....then its PARTY TIME!!!!!

Hope the Patriots win, because I can not live in a world were Eli has more rings than Peyton.

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hosting my super bowl bash for the 9th year.

Up to 30-35 people jammed in. 3 TV's, a monster party.

I love the whole atmoshphere for the super bowl. We have a prop pool in the house every year so we're all engaged in everything crazy about the Super bowl. A great time every year.

That being said, unless a score directly affects my chances to win money, the Giants better get their asses kicked.....

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1) Same boring teams as 4 years ago.

2) Can't stand either team.

3) The SB has become more for the casual fan (i.e. the anthem, halftime show, commercials)

4) As I get older, I sometimes feel like my time is more useful doing other things than yelling at a TV.

1. I love the game. I don't care who is playing, I want to pick apart the game.

2. I would hate any Cowboys SB and especially against the Pats or Ravens...But I would still watch it. It is entertainment for free.

3. The things you mentions about the casual fan should have no impact on you except entertainment value.

4. As you are getting older ? What ??? I never yell at the TV, it is just a game. I would teach those people around me that this is one of the things I enjoy and it is not all about them.

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Super Bowl Sunday has always been a great day in California to hit the surf. It's typically uncrowded and the weather, much like New Year's Day every year, is clear and sunny. Soooo, I'm hanging at the house with the wife, cooking all day, maybe have a friend or two over, hoist some drinks, and root for the NFC East team to win.

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