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Rick Snider: Rex not end of world in 2012


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I'm a firm believer in the idea of going into an NFL draft and staying flexible. If another team calls and offers an unexpected trade you can't refuse that yields extra value, then you take it. If you can trade down as the draft unfolds and gain value, then you do it. You don't go into a draft hell-bent on taking a particular player, or a particular position. That said, you DO try and fill roster needs, but you don't "over-force" things. Even if you need a QB, you don't bet the farm on one guy.

I'm probably one of the few people who is secretly rooting for my beloved Skins to lose out the rest of the way (I know, I know) for the sake of draft picks, but who also wouldn't mind if we trade down, or if we don't go after one of the big-name QBs. I think our front office and scouting team are really good, and last year's draft is starting to look like it was a success.

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There is no argument made in the NFL that is as ridiculous as "reaching" for a QB. If the QB is someone the team feels can be a franchise player the ONLY reason not to take him that makes any sense at all is the feeling that they can get him in a later round. The idea of taking a corner or even worse, a wide receiver, in place of drafting a QB that early in the draft is just inexcusable.

This is the argument for drafting Carlos Rodgers ahead of Aaron Rodgers.

Two things:

1 - Rex Grossman is a disaster. He's a turnover machine that averages 2 per game.

2 - This is a QB heavy draft.

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Say RGIII is there at #5. Do you trade that pick to Cleveland for both their 1sts, draft WR and OL and then a QB at top of second?

The short answer is that you take Griffin III (or Barkley) if they have fallen into our lap in the 1st round.

The complicated answer hinges on the potential talent to be had at QB in the 2nd RD. If Cleveland wanted to give us their two 1st Rounders and move up for Griffin III, those two 1st Rounders would absolutely help us at WR and the O-Line. If we go this route, it means that Shannahan might like his 2nd Rd QB options with Ryan Tannenhill or Nick Foles. I can't say I'd be opposed to taking Cleveland's two 1st Rounders, but if Griffin III is sitting there at our pick: we need to draft that young man and have that position taken care of for the next 15 years.

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The only good point Snider makes in his article is teams like Cleveland trading up for RGIII. The current Skins play down to bad teams (Vikings and Eagles) and will be lucky to beat the Giants in their home turf. I think we're probably looking at 4-12. If Cleveland trades up for RGIII, then I'm pretty sure we'll just take Barkley. We will not trade up.

But please, please... Rex as backup for 2012.

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Would not surprise me to see us trade down again in next years draft and execute a full rebuild on the offense this offseason at every position outside of QB they way we did defense last year. I think Shanahan is committed to the rebuild and wont want to bring a rookie in here to get beat on until he has all his guys in place. I think the team will definitely look into the idea of trading into #1 to get Luck but short of a no brainer like him they will be playing the numbers game and rolling with Rex again next year.

Rex/Beck had a shortened offseason and you can bet Shanahan wont want to open himself up to making his 3rd bad decision at QB in 3 years and mare his qb guru image, that would probably be the only thing that would get him into the hot seat with napoleon. Reloading on all non qb offensive players is a easy way to get into year 4 and buy himself year 5 plus it makes sense given the fact we know his main focus is making the team younger and driving out the negative energy that clouds this team nationally in the media.

Prior to this disappointment of a season I would have been against the idea but its clear we obviously aren't focused on the now as much as we are gutting both sides of the ball to bring in Shanny's new Redskins. The only thing worse than missing out on a potential star like RG3 would be seeing Shanny fired after year 3 after drafting a Clausen/Gabbert before he completed the rebuild.

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Rex playing football is like an arson/firefighter.

One of those nut cases that likes to start fires, then rush to the aid to try and put the fire out.

Only thing is, the damage has already been done, and playing catch-up in 9 out of 10 games doesn't constitute steady. He is a long-time PROVEN liability; you only need to watch some Bears games or talk to some of their fans to get an idea of his [ in ]capabilities. I clearly remember watching games where he was booed so loudly in his OWN stadium that the announcers could hardly hear themselves. That should be a dead giveaway...

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Personally I don't see a "top 3" on this board. The drop off between Luck/RGIII and Barkley is large IMO. I also don't like that Barkley was surrounded by the talent that he is, his play is probably elevated at the collegiate level because of that.

I see some potential in Tannehill. He's a converted WR though... (sort of like how Logan Thomas is a converted TE) Tannehill will graduate with only 20 starts at QB. He will not be ready for the NFL, he'll need a year of bench riding and learning, so it would mean another year of Grossman to endure.

Nicke Foles is an interesting prospect.. he's a guy like Andy Dalton that is lifting a overall crappyish team on his back and putting up big offensive numbers. Another reason to like Foles is he's 6' 5" and 240lbs. Which is the biggest of the Luck, RGIII, Barkley, Jones, Tannehill group.

I don't get that logic. How is playing with other good players a detriment? By that rationale, one should only take QBs from lesser programs because a QB at a good program was always being propped up.

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it's time to identify the guy and get him at (virtually) all costs. Luck will be unreasonably expensive. Choose Barkley or RGIII and do what it takes to put him in burgundy and gold.

i think that one thing we should point out is this:

the Colt McCoy situation may well lead to independent neurologists on the sidelines of every game, and their evaulation process will no longer be as quick. Say the starter gets a bad hit put on him - no longer will it be a matter of "you ok?"/"yeah whatever im fine." i think that this process will lead to more and more backups getting thrown in for a series at a time while the neurological evaluations take place. is this likely to happen more than a time or two per team/per season? no, but you also don't know when that time will be. i think it will lead to guys like Rex becoming more and more crucial to have as clipboard holders.

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If Shanahan does not have his QB of the future on the roster on opening day 2012' date=' he should be fired. Plain and simple.[/quote']

Why? If our roster was as bad as some think it was when he took over isn't it possible the situation was as dire or worse then expansion teams? Look at the history of QB's taken early by teams like that and how quickly they were ruined.

Maybe the thought process of this team is:

Year 1: Evaluate what we have and what we can keep.

Year 2: Build the defense so that the O can stay close in games and evaluate further.

Year 3: Build the O around everything but the QB. (now that being said, IF a QB is there at your pick you can argue to take him, but if a bounty is offered for that pick then maybe you move down)

Year 4: Draft the QB and have him come in midway through season.

Year 5: Prepare for playoff runs for the years moving fwd.

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I can't fathom Grossman at the helm for us at any point next year. In 14 appearances with the Redskins (yes, appearances. Not even starts) he's turned the ball over at least once in every single one of them. I think we could get a vet FA to be a bridge QB, who may not know the system, that will help keep us positive in the turnover ratio that would be a MUCH better option than the return of the Cannon.

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You need more than just a stud QB to win, BUT:

No one position can have a more overt impact on the team than a QB.

Have a star QB and the team is entertaining to watch.

Have a star QB and something good might happen in any given game.

Have a star QB and fans have hope.

Have a star QB and you feel like you're building toward something.

Have a star QB and you have trade leverage any time you need it because it's rare to find a star QB.

Have a star QB and you're team has a face.

Go into 2012 with Rex as your starter and you're depressed every single day until you find another QB other than Rex. And that's not intended as a knock on the guy, because I think he's pretty much maximized his potential. Don't be fooled into thinking he can be more than what you see. He can be more effective with better talent around him. But he's not a star QB.

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Why? If our roster was as bad as some think it was when he took over isn't it possible the situation was as dire or worse then expansion teams? Look at the history of QB's taken early by teams like that and how quickly they were ruined.

Because this might be the best QB draft since '83 and we will be in prime position to get one of the top 3, if not the top 2.

If you put off getting a QB until later, you might end up with the 15th pick in a draft where someone like Browning Nagle is the top rated QB. And then you have to kill yourself.

Every year you do not pick a QB is two more years you are delayed in being a playoff contender. If we get a QB this year and he pans out, we should be in the playoff hunt come 2013.

Shanahan is something like 86 years old. How many years does he think he has to fix this team's most important position?

---------- Post added December-14th-2011 at 11:55 AM ----------

Year 2: Build the defense so that the O can stay close in games and evaluate further.

PS We have done that. Our offense sucks at nearly every position.

Year 3: Build the O around everything but the QB. (now that being said, IF a QB is there at your pick you can argue to take him, but if a bounty is offered for that pick then maybe you move down)

As I said, do that and you become the current Cleveland Browns.

The only reason to move down is if for some reason both Luck and RGIII have not been picked by the time we draft AND the team that wants our pick does not need a QB. If you can move down three spots and still get RGIII, you do that. Otherwise, take the ****ing QB for Christ's sake.

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