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Would you welcome TO on the Redskins?

Lar0n Landry

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i mean.. i'm not a Grossman fan and think he should be sat.

but lets be honest.. Kyle called that play. Grossman saw Davis and threw it and trusted him to cut in front of the safety and win that ball. If you look at the freeze frame of the INT.. Davis is barely off the ground and the safety is AT LEAST a foot in the air higher than davis and takes the ball away from him. Davis shoudl have been able to block out that safety and take that ball. Most QB's in the league would have thrown that ball and would have put it right where Grossman did. Davis should ahve won it.

BUT.. where we failed... we were throwing that ball to our TE... not Calvin Johnson. But our TE is currently our biggest strongest WR. That's where Kyle failed, Davis is not an expert at catching those types of balls.

Funny thing is, I can't recall any of our receivers EVER jumping up for a ball. Well, maybe 1 here and there every 3-4 games, but I'm watching other teams' receivers ALWAYS going up for it.


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Before people start loading up the board with the team cancer bull****, I'd say the only thing I'd be concerned about is his age.

The man is a weapon, period. He would give us instant deep speed and a big strong receiver that we are lacking.

Defenses must account for him.

Or at least they used to.

He's what 37 now? He does keep himslf in great shape, that's for sure.


I don't think age matters. The man still outproduces most young WRs.

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I don't think age matters. The man still outproduces most young WRs.

I disagree. Last year in Cincy Owens managed something like 70 catches and less than 10 tds. That's with Carson Palmer throwing to him and a guy by the name of Ocho Cinco on the other side drawing coverage. How do you think he'll do with Beck throwing to him under almost certain double coverage? The only reason I could possibly see bringing him in is he might draw some coverage and allow Moss to get open more often. Other than that, I don't see him being useful.

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Funny thing is, I can't recall any of our receivers EVER jumping up for a ball. Well, maybe 1 here and there every 3-4 games, but I'm watching other teams' receivers ALWAYS going up for it.


The same point i'm making in multiple threads is whats up with it.

We don't have a bigger faster stronger WR.

Armstrong is as close as we have and he's been out a couple games. Thing is.. Davis should have won that one INT. The safety basically got a foot in the air higher than Davis and reached over his back and took the ball away from him. But Davis is a TE.. with AA out.. Davis happens to be a our biggest strongest WR. Davis though isn't used to catching those types of throws and doesn't know the minor details of timing it and blocking out that safety and winning that ball physically in the air.

Even with Armstrong though.. if he's got a physical saftey behind him and a decent corner in front of him. Armstrong probably doesn't win that ball either. It wouldn't be an INT.. but it probably gets knocked down out of his hands.

That's where Kyle desperately misses Andre Johnson...

Andre Johnson, Calvin Johnson, Larry Fitz, Vincent Jackson, ****.. even Stevie Johnson in Buffalo..

6' 2"-6'5" 210-230 lbs..

Those are the guys that catch that ball even if they are blanketed by a safety and a corner.

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Before people start loading up the board with the team cancer bull****, I'd say the only thing I'd be concerned about is his age.

The man is a weapon, period. He would give us instant deep speed and a big strong receiver that we are lacking.

Defenses must account for him.

Or at least they used to.

He's what 37 now? He does keep himslf in great shape, that's for sure.


Short and simple. With TO you know you get production on the field of play and frankly that is all that matters.

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Only question, is he better than Donte Stallworth.

UHhh hell yeah.

TO would immediately be the best receiver on our roster. How sad is that.

And thats the only reason that I would do it... if I had a choice to. I'd replace Stallworth with TO. But then you have to wonder if TO can pick up our offense, like Stallworth already has... Regardless, Austin needs to be given more playing time, simple as that. I'm not worried about Hankerson as much, as his time will come, but Austin has proved his worth, now put him on the field! N. Paul too please!

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Absolutely not. And, frankly, I am looking forward to the day when this team doesn't have a single player represented by Rosenhaus. So once Santana, Grossman, Gaffney, Stallworth, and Buchanon are out (and Fletcher retires), we'll hopefully be free; probably forgetting one or two......but whatever.....no more Rosenhaus guys.

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No way Shanny pollutes his locker room with TO. Not to mention he is 37 and coming off of knee surgery. I am actually shocked at how many of us would take a flyer on him.

I don't see any reason why we shouldn't at least look at him.

Lines like the one above blow me away. Really man? You can't think of one reason? I can think of so many my brain hurts. I will give it a shot just for ****s and giggles -

Ex Cowboy

Ex Eagle

Ex Niner

Ex Bill

Ex Bungle

37 years old

Just coming off of knee surgery. The status quo for recovery is 2 seasons.

Mentally unstable....how can you forget Mr. Pushup?

How many QB's has he thrown under the bus?

People get on Cooley for his blog, this guy shops reality shows as hard as he plays football

We must have a ton of drama queens as fans b/c I don't miss the Fat Al days at all. Any team TO is on has a media target on it. This guy defines bigger then the team.

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No way Shanny pollutes his locker room with TO. Not to mention he is 37 and coming off of knee surgery. I am actually shocked at how many of us would take a flyer on him.

Taking a flyer does not mean signing him. The reason you bring him in is to interview and see if he can help your team... you would know immediately if the knee is a bum knee. Vinny isn't here, so dont expect a 100 million, 7 year contract before a try out. Nothings guaranteed.

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It isn't rocket science.. really..

TO has been pretty quiet on his last 2 outings with teams. He was very silent in Buffalo. (media noise)

IF .. IF.. TO is healthy, up to the standard of the previous season before he got hurt.

Is he better than Stallworth or Gaffney or Armstrong that we have playing that type of role? Yeah.. he is.

He would help this team, IF he's healthy. And he would come cheap.

You axe Stallworth and Install a healthy TO... instant upgrade.

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Lines like the one above blow me away. Really man? You can't think of one reason? I can think of so many my brain hurts. I will give it a shot just for ****s and giggles -

Ex Cowboy

Ex Eagle

Ex Niner

Ex Bill

Ex Bungle

37 years old

Just coming off of knee surgery. The status quo for recovery is 2 seasons.

Mentally unstable....how can you forget Mr. Pushup?

How many QB's has he thrown under the bus?

People get on Cooley for his blog, this guy shops reality shows as hard as he plays football

We must have a ton of drama queens as fans b/c I don't miss the Fat Al days at all. Any team TO is on has a media target on it. This guy defines bigger then the team.

Lines like what I said are not in the means of "must sign him" your taking what most people are saying out of context. For what TO has done or maybe still can offer us is a legit reason for any NFL team to take a "LOOK" at him. I'll play your lame game too bro for $hits an giggles to why we as redskins fans should at least take a look at him.

For catchs 20 plus yards and more TO 14th in the league not one redskin a head of him.

Ave yards a game for TO 15th in the league yet not one redskin a head of him.

TD's catched 14th in the league yet not one redskin a head of him.

All that just last year for a man who can or might still be able to do for use witch is add a BIG BODY type of wr for us to throw it up to witch the skins have been lacking and needing for EVER warrents at least a "LOOK" at.

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Let me preface this by saying I personally detest this guy, but with our current lack of key receiver, what are the thoughts on going after T. Owens for the remainder of the year? Yes, his best days are behind him and he is a lot of mouth, but he did have nearly 1000 yds last year with a fairly pedestrian Bengals team.

Would it help us or just add to the train wreck already in progress?

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Wow, don't know how I missed that one. I must have had my head tucked in a dark place... :dunce:

---------- Post added October-24th-2011 at 07:29 AM ----------

It's fallen off the front page, but this was heavily discussed the past 5 days or so man:



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