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Would you welcome TO on the Redskins?

Lar0n Landry

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according to sources he's healthy and ready for a return to the NFL.

i think he would be a perfect fit here.he is hungry and i think his days of being a troll are behind him. TO would add a great leader to our young WR core (austin, hankerson, armstong) and teach them great work ethic. he has never been criticized for his work ethic just his side show antics. i say the skins should make a strong push for TO.

could make our season. skins are in desperate need for an offensive weapon and he could be the x factor.


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Before people start loading up the board with the team cancer bull****, I'd say the only thing I'd be concerned about is his age.

The man is a weapon, period. He would give us instant deep speed and a big strong receiver that we are lacking.

Defenses must account for him.

Or at least they used to.

He's what 37 now? He does keep himslf in great shape, that's for sure.


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Before people start loading up the board with the team cancer bull****, I'd say the only thing I'd be concerned about is his age.

The man is a weapon, period. He would give us instant deep speed and a big strong receiver that we are lacking.

Defenses must account for him.

Or at least they used to.

He's what 37 now? He does keep himslf in great shape, that's for sure.


this^ I've always respected TO on the field despite his off the field issues. the man produces, period. and he busts his ass in the offseason and in practice. he's not an iverson type where he is physically gifted but doesn't put in the work to get better. TO is never satisfied with himself.

at this point in his career i would not anticipate anymore distractions. i think he just wants to play and show the league he's still a factor. i would love see him in the b&g this year and maybe next year.

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No thanks. We have enough receivers. Frankly I think the Skins should focus on getting AA and Austin on the field more.

i concur with this too. anytime austin has been on the field he has produced. whether its preseason or regular season. there has got to be something the coaches are seeing in practice that keep them from putting him on the field more. i think austin can be a beast!

and its a shame armstrong has been injured this year. i think with him healthy our losses might have looked a bit different. not saying we would have won. but armstrong can make catches no other wr on our roster can make, even moss

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T.O is better than every WR we have now on our roster, and I think Moss is good. If we think we can win now, or at least make some noise, I see no problem bringing T.O aboard. If Braylon Edwards can get a contract, T.O should definitely be given a chance to see what he has left in the tank.

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hell no but I sure would welcome Austin, Paul, or Hankerson onto the field. If only the coaches didn't have some weird fetish for only throwing the ball to over 30 year old players we actually might see some young receivers getting the ball. Wouldn't that be nice?

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hell no but I sure would welcome Austin, Paul, or Hankerson onto the field. If only the coaches didn't have some weird fetish for only throwing the ball to over 30 year old players we actually might see some young receivers getting the ball. Wouldn't that be nice?

Man that would be EPIC!

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Ask Miles Austin how he enjoyed TO's presence.

I remember TO talking about him as a rookie, a nobody,, said he was working with him and he'd be something.

Wonder what he could show Hankerson?

Can Moss show Hank how to use his big body? Maybe if he uses some films of TO he could.

For the next 11 games and hopefully a postseason,, what's the harm?

And please don't start with what happened in Philly unless you want to ignore McNabb's attitude. Let's not forget he allowed Shanny to be called a racist for benching his dirt throwing sorry ass, and never said a word to stop it.

Who is divisive?

Donovan McNabb sure as hell is. We have firsthand knowledge of this, not some BS media generated garbage.

If you bring up Dallas, please make sure you tell us who the source was who claimed he had a fight with Jason witten, because the only one who seems to know anything about that is Ed Werder. NO one in Dallas has ever backed up his story.

And given how we know Wade Phillips ran a candy ass team..

So, legit criticisms only please. Made up tabloid crap can go back in the rack.


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