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Would you welcome TO on the Redskins?

Lar0n Landry

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Not to try and stir up anything, but what is Cincinnati's record right now, compared to when he was there?

I think it would be better to look elsewhere, just for the simple fact that we JUST saw the circus leave town, and don't need them doing a u-turn...We all know if he did come here, the media would be sharpening their knives...

True, but i don['t think that has much to do with him. Cincinatti has been one of the worst teams of the last 20 years no matter who's been there.

And at the same time, the Cowboys went right in the crapper when they let him go. And it means nothing to that, either.

The media can sharpen all they want. It's just a matter of control. He's 38. Not some kid. He's also tasted forced retirement.

wade Phillips had no control. Donovan McNabb, I believe, is just as much, if not more to blame. We heard what To said about his attitude, and we saw how he behaved while here with our own eyes. he pretended to be professional, but he refused to acclimate (and same in Minnesota) and he allowed vicious rumors abut his coach when he knew better.

At this point, I do believe TO over McNabb. I've seen what kind of POS McNabb can be. I've heard what kind of POS To can be.

Big difference, IMO.


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TO has performed everywhere he's been. The only crime he's committed is he has opened his mouth one too many times. I say at the very least the 'skins should bring him in for a workout. What would it hurt? Not a damn thing. If it would help improve our team than I'm all for it.

Also, please spare me with the "I would rather see the young receivers develop." What I thought was going to be a strength on our team is anything but. We aren't keeping the safeties honest because we lack speed on the outside and our receivers can't get any seperation because they are small and weak.

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I'd bring him in and at least work him out.

I think Hank could learn a lot from someone like TO. As opposed to the rest of our skinny smurf squad.

How Moss approaches the game is very different from how TO approaches the game because of body type. Hank needs to learn TO's style.. not Moss's.

We've lacked a large target that can catch the ball for so long... I mean we are sending our TE on deep routes to fight for the ball.. and we saw what happened with that last week.

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In all honesty, it doesn't matter who joins the Redskins- I will end up 'welcoming' them.

Rex Grossman, Jason Taylor, Albert Haynesworth, Shaun Alexander, Donovan McNabb... all recent guys who I despised as players/people before joining the team. One they put on that maroon and black, all pre-concieved notions go out the window and I am just another blind fan.

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We've lacked a large target that can catch the ball for so long... I mean we are sending our TE on deep routes to fight for the ball.. and we saw what happened with that last week.

davis is going deep because hes big and fast and if a linebacker is manned up with him they cant cover him. its worked so far.

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davis is going deep because hes big and fast and if a linebacker is manned up with him they cant cover him. its worked so far.

That works in the zone.. when he's manned up.

It obviously doesn't work when he's double or triple teamed going deep. You need WR's like Calvin Johnson or Andre Johnson for that. TO in his heyday... but he's probably too old to run those deep routes now. he can teach Hank how to do it though.

To me.. it says something with Armstrong out that we are sending our TE deep into double coverage... it's cause our TE is our biggest fastest WR..

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Well, if its deemed TO will be a positive, fine. I still say he would still need someone to get him the ball, so if Beck is the guy, then its settled.

BUT, sign TO to a base salary with incentives; wait, thats the reason he'll be crying for the ball.

Just give him a straight salary; with plenty of batteries for his Ipod and 2 rolls of duct tape for his mouth, and ride the pony til the quarter drops...

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That works in the zone.. when he's manned up.

It obviously doesn't work when he's double or triple teamed going deep. You need WR's like Calvin Johnson or Andre Johnson for that. TO in his heyday... but he's probably too old to run those deep routes now. he can teach Hank how to do it though.

To me.. it says something with Armstrong out that we are sending our TE deep into double coverage... it's cause our TE is our biggest fastest WR..

no it doesnt work when hes double and triple teamed and you have a dumb qb who throws it to him. davis has been the only bright spot of our offense this year. he needs to keep doing what hes doing and everybody else needs to step up.

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no it doesnt work when hes double and triple teamed and you have a dumb qb who throws it to him. davis has been the only bright spot of our offense this year. he needs to keep doing what hes doing and everybody else needs to step up.

i mean.. i'm not a Grossman fan and think he should be sat.

but lets be honest.. Kyle called that play. Grossman saw Davis and threw it and trusted him to cut in front of the safety and win that ball. If you look at the freeze frame of the INT.. Davis is barely off the ground and the safety is AT LEAST a foot in the air higher than davis and takes the ball away from him. Davis shoudl have been able to block out that safety and take that ball. Most QB's in the league would have thrown that ball and would have put it right where Grossman did. Davis should ahve won it.

BUT.. where we failed... we were throwing that ball to our TE... not Calvin Johnson. But our TE is currently our biggest strongest WR. That's where Kyle failed, Davis is not an expert at catching those types of balls.

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i mean.. i'm not a Grossman fan and think he should be sat.

but lets be honest.. Kyle called that play. Grossman saw Davis and threw it and trusted him to cut in front of the safety and win that ball. If you look at the freeze frame of the INT.. Davis is barely off the ground and the safety is AT LEAST a foot in the air higher than davis and takes the ball away from him. Davis shoudl have been able to block out that safety and take that ball. Most QB's in the league would have thrown that ball and would have put it right where Grossman did. Davis should ahve won it.

BUT.. where we failed... we were throwing that ball to our TE... not Calvin Johnson. But our TE is currently our biggest strongest WR. That's where Kyle failed, Davis is not an expert at catching those types of balls.

i completely agree with everything you said except that its kyles fault. davis should/could have caught that ball or at least knocked it down. it was rex's decision to throw to him. if davis pulls it in, everyone is praising rex, kyle, and davis. it was a good play, just bad execution. i like how we are using davis.

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Before people start loading up the board with the team cancer bull****, I'd say the only thing I'd be concerned about is his age.

The man is a weapon, period. He would give us instant deep speed and a big strong receiver that we are lacking.

Defenses must account for him.

Or at least they used to.

He's what 37 now? He does keep himslf in great shape, that's for sure.


So I guess you liked McNabb and Haynesworth too?

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One other thing that T.O. seems to bring to the equation is the media. Even in Cincinatti he had his own tv show with OchoCinco. The Skins may be enjoying the peace and quiet after last year.

As much as I'd like to say "bring him in" there is a lot to consider. If he comes in and works out well then the GM/Coach look good. If he comes in and is disruptive then the GM/Coach will look really bad. I know this is the case with any free agent but it is especially a concern given T.O.'s history. T.O. has risks that need to be considered on different levels.

I'm sure Brad Childress wishes he never had Randy Moss come back "home" to Minnesota. Look how that worked out for both of them? I believe they're both out of football. Don't think the other coaches in the league don't look at these type of situations and are glad it wasn't them. You have to be a risk taker to bring in a T.O. just as the Patriots have done with AH, OchoCinco and Moss before that. If you bring him in, do so at your own risk/reward.

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Not. It would totally go against the direct we are heading in. We aren't in a dire need of a WR situation. We just need the good WRs we have, to turn the juice back on and make some big plays. A spark is what we need. Whether it's a Brandon Banks aka "Little man" (my wife's nickname for him...lol) K.R. for a TD or A.A. getting separation for a 50+ yards catch. We need that spark. I don't have any real requests for the D other than minimizing the big plays. I'm not concerned we aren't racking up on the Ints (yet), because of the pressure we have been getting. We need to get a lot more this week on Newton.

No to T.O.

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If Shanny will not insert Austin, Hankerson, Paul into the game because he feels they are not ready.....then TO could be worth a look. If he's still got it, a 1 year deal could be good for production and educating the young guys. I feel like it would benefit Beck as well. I don't think Rex is a good QB, but I think with better talent, he would have performed better. The same goes for Beck. If we don't give him something more to work with, he will struggle like Rex, which will only hinder his and the team's development. If Shanny is set that the young guys are not ready to play, then I say take a look.

I would rather the young guys play though....

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No, I dont think he signs here given the QB state unless we overpay him or he doesnt get any other offers. This team isnt playoff bound unless Beck plays good. Is DEF really that good to get by w/ Beck???? We need to run Torains ***** off to set up all this playaction passing they like to call. Dominate the time of possesion aspect.

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If Shanny will not insert Austin, Hankerson, Paul into the game because he feels they are not ready.....then TO could be worth a look. If he's still got it, a 1 year deal could be good for production and educating the young guys. I feel like it would benefit Beck as well. I don't think Rex is a good QB, but I think with better talent, he would have performed better. The same goes for Beck. If we don't give him something more to work with, he will struggle like Rex, which will only hinder his and the team's development. If Shanny is set that the young guys are not ready to play, then I say take a look.

I would rather the young guys play though....

I have a feeling that this is the week that Austin starts getting more time.

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