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LiveScience: 'Mind-Blowing' Sex Can Wipe Memory Clean


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'Mind-Blowing' Sex Can Wipe Memory Clean

A 54-year-old woman showed up in the emergency room at Georgetown University Hospital with her husband, unable to remember the past 24 hours. Her newer memories were hazy, too. One thing she did recall: Her amnesia had started right after having sex with her husband just an hour before.

While sex can be forgettable or mind-blowing, for some people, it can quite literally be both at the same time. The woman, whose case was reported in the September issue of The Journal of Emergency Medicine, was experiencing transient global amnesia, a rare condition in which memory suddenly, temporarily, disappears.

People with transient global amnesia suffer no side effects, and the memory problems usually reverse themselves in the span of a few hours. It's a rare condition, affecting only about 3 to 5 people per 100,000 each year. But what makes transient global amnesia so eerie is that researchers aren't sure what causes it, or why patients remain otherwise chatty and alert while missing large chunks of their memories.


Sex can trigger transient global amnesia, as can other physically strenuous activities.


The best guess for what might be happening is that patients unwittingly trigger the transient global amnesia by raising the pressure inside their abdomens. This is called the "Valsalva maneuver," familiar as the "bearing down" people might do when lifting weights, defecating or even having sex. The increased pressure increases the resistance to blood flowing down the jugular veins, and insufficient valves may allow deoxygenated blood to push back up the neck. Oxygen-poor blood then "piles up" in the veins draining the brain, especially in central brain regions that are key to memory formation. The result could be transient amnesia.

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I know the during sex part makes it more humorous, but I have witnessed this 3 times with my Dad over the past 20 years and it is some very scary stuff when its happenning to someone you love.

The first time, My Dad and Mom were celebrating their anniversary and have some wine in a hottub at a hotel. One minute Dad was laughing and joking with everyone and the next, he literally asked us..."who are you?" "what am I doing here?"

There really wasnt anything physically wrong, at least not dangerous, but it was so scary to see.

I saw it 2 more times that I wont go into detail on.


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I know the during sex part makes it more humorous, but I have witnessed this 3 times with my Dad over the past 20 years and it is some very scary stuff when its happenning to someone you love.

The first time, My Dad and Mom were celebrating their anniversary and have some wine in a hottub at a hotel. One minute Dad was laughing and joking with everyone and the next, he literally asked us..."who are you?" "what am I doing here?"

There really wasnt anything physically wrong, at least not dangerous, but it was so scary to see.

I saw it 2 more times that I wont go into detail on.


It happened to my coworker a couple years ago. He was driving home from work. Had to pull over and call 911. It lasted about 12 hours for him, and he doesn't remember anything that happened from the time it started until he "woke up". Really is weird. Like your brain needed to hit reset and reboot.
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It happened to my coworker a couple years ago. He was driving home from work. Had to pull over and call 911. It lasted about 12 hours for him, and he doesn't remember anything that happened from the time it started until he "woke up". Really is weird. Like your brain needed to hit reset and reboot.

Thats almost exactly how the doctors described it to us too!

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It happened to my coworker a couple years ago. He was driving home from work. Had to pull over and call 911. It lasted about 12 hours for him, and he doesn't remember anything that happened from the time it started until he "woke up". Really is weird. Like your brain needed to hit reset and reboot.

I wonder if this can happen from not getting enough sleep at night?

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