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Discussing the "Occupy" movement (merged on pg 51)


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The world is watching man

As I said before, these protesters have legit complaints about elitist corporations who get a ton of bailouts and severance packages while telling the peons to eat cake. On the other hand, the protesters are complaining about hard times while filming "police brutality" on iphones and blackberries, which is ironic.

They showed the park the other day on the news, it's like a mini city :ols:

What are the protesters protesting

What solutions do they have

That's what I want to know

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So something I've been thinking about which ties into this. Jobs are becoming scarce. But how much of this is tied to automation or improved technology. A lot of what we generate in this country is a product that isn't tangible. As tech increases, the need to workers becomes smaller. A number of jobs have become unnecessary the past few decades. Add that with the Baby Boomers delaying retirement for any number of reasons, and the shift of overseas manufacturing, and it doesn't paint a pretty picture for the future employement unless there is a shift of people willing to work skilled labor positions.

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What are the protesters protesting

What solutions do they have

That's what I want to know

Here are some things they are protesting:


These groups are armed with everything from manifestoes *– their essential grievance is that financial institutions have too much political influence, to the detriment of almost everyone else


“Occupy Wall Street is a leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions,” reads a statement on the website. “The one thing we all have in common is that we are the 99 percent that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1 percent,”


The movement was sparked by individuals targeting what they see as the excessive political pull of big banks and the financial sector in contributing to policies they feel are detrimental to the middle class, says Professor Kerbel, a message that echoes “the argument made for several years now by online progressive organizations and blogs.”


Their current solution appears to be to create a movement.

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Are they really the 99%?
No, they are really just the normal political movements backing "new" protests:








AdBusters (anti-consumerist, anti-capitalist)

The Nation (progressive site)

MoveOn (progressive)

United NY (NY-centric progressive)

Workers World Party (socialist party)

So, basically all the complaints about the Tea Party being an astroturf movement apply to this very movement. The left copied the the blueprint for the Tea Party and decided to implement.

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So, basically all the complaints about the Tea Party being an astroturf movement apply to this very movement. The left copied the the blueprint for the Tea Party and decided to implement.

I don't think that being linked to any organization automatically makes something an "astroturf".


Astroturfing is a form of advocacy in support of a political, organizational, or corporate agenda, designed to give the appearance of a "grassroots" movement. The goal of such campaigns is to disguise the efforts of a political and/or commercial entity as an independent public reaction to some political entity—a politician, political group, product, service or event. The term is a derivation of AstroTurf, a brand of synthetic carpeting designed to look like natural grass.

Astroturfers attempt to manipulate public opinion by both overt ("outreach", "awareness", etc.) and covert (disinformation) means. Astroturfing may be undertaken by an individual promoting a personal agenda, or highly organized professional groups with money from large corporations, unions, non-profits, or activist organizations. Very often, the efforts are conducted by political consultants who also specialize in opposition research. Beneficiaries are not "grass root" campaigners but distant organizations that orchestrate such campaigns.


The term implies that the creation of the movement and the group supporting it are natural and spontaneous, highlighting the differences between this and a movement that is orchestrated by traditional power structures. Grassroots movements are often at the local level, as many volunteers in the community give their time to support the local party, which can lead to helping the national party. For instance, a grassroots movement can lead to significant voter registration for a political party, which in turn helps the state and national parties.

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Wait, a job is a right? What the heck? If that were the case, why in the world did I go to college, gain experience, network with people in my field, and learn important skills when just breathing could have got me hired?

There are different kinds of jobs. I suspect you did all those things in order to get a better job. It is strange that you did not know that. Did you follow somebody's advice? Thank them.

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Wait, a job is a right? What the heck? If that were the case, why in the world did I go to college, gain experience, network with people in my field, and learn important skills when just breathing could have got me hired?

You sound like you feel it's your right for having done this.

Hope it never happens, but if you don't have a job for a while in the future, who's fault will it be? You did all those things.. just like a whole hell of a lot of people out there with no work.


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I don't think a job is a right, but I do think it sounds like a lot of what these people are saying is right. Corporations wield entirely too much power over our politics, and the marketing campaigns of the super wealthy are even able to convince the middle class that they are being taken advantage of.

Its nice to see some people using their intelligence in this country.

For example: The rich need to have their taxes lowered because they are the "job creators." Boy, that sure worked for the last 11 years... or it led us into the worst recession since the depression. But people still believe it! Even people with no jobs. These people seem to have woken up... but I'm sure some of them are just nuts too.

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I don't think a job is a right, but I do think it sounds like a lot of what these people are saying is right. Corporations wield entirely too much power over our politics, and the marketing campaigns of the super wealthy are even able to convince the middle class that they are being taken advantage of.

Its nice to see some people using their intelligence in this country.

Maybe some kind of a campaign finance reform will come out of all this :fingersx:

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I like hippies, I think they're fun to hang out with but if a very large portion of these protesters took a shower got a hair cut and shaved off their beards they might be taken more seriously, even better they might be able to find a job.

Dressing up like Zombies and acting simple isnlt doing them any good.

If I owned a company and I had an option to choose between equally qualified females, one that was well polished and the other a chick with pink hair, 9 times out of 10 I'm picking the well polished girl.

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You sound like you feel it's your right for having done this.

Hope it never happens, but if you don't have a job for a while in the future, who's fault will it be? You did all those things.. just like a whole hell of a lot of people out there with no work.


No, he sounds like he did all he could to earn an opportunity. That's all it is. We all have a right to seek a job. Doesn't mean there will be one waiting. And it doesn't have to be anyones fault.

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I like hippies, I think they're fun to hang out with but if a very large portion of these protesters took a shower got a hair cut and shaved off their beards they might be taken more seriously, even better they might be able to find a job.

Dressing up like Zombies and acting simple isnlt doing them any good.

If I owned a company and I had an option to choose between equally qualified females, one that was well polished and the other a chick with pink hair, 9 times out of 10 I'm picking the well polished girl.

I read a blog that touched on this. When stories first broke of police brutality in NYC, a blogger wrote a piece about dressing for the occasion. For instance, many protestors look like nihilistic train hoppers. What if they just wore polos and slacks instead? Seeing somebody dressed as such, being maced, would likely hit the nerves of many more Americans than the previous.

It's not right that we judge by appearance, but it is a reality.

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I read a blog that touched on this. When stories first broke of police brutality in NYC, a blogger wrote a piece about dressing for the occasion. For instance, many protestors look like nihilistic train hoppers. What if they just wore polos and slacks instead? Seeing somebody dressed as such, being maced, would likely hit the nerves of many more Americans than the previous.

It's not right that we judge by appearance, but it is a reality.

My question is, how many of them would have a job if they cleaned up a little and focused on themselves vs constantly wanting to fight the power?

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I don't think a job is a right, but I do think it sounds like a lot of what these people are saying is right.

A job is not a right. It's a necessity to achieve the American Dream.

Yeah they also think they have a right to inexpensive to free health care, the right to own a house even if they can't afford it and the right to a top level college education even if they are not smart enough.

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