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Discussing the "Occupy" movement (merged on pg 51)


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Because in order to be an assault, the victim has to have a reasonable fear? (I think).

I'd heard that gay activists had been trying to do that to Santorum. (Because of his position on gays). Didn't know it was happening to anybody else.

It's happened to a bunch, I know of Pawlenty, Perry, Gingrich, Bachmann, I don't think Romney, and a few congressmen.

And yes it's attempted intimidation and assault, I don't care what the actual object that is being projected towards the individual is, it's the intent and act.

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The West Virginia definition almost sounds like an Old South thing - you can sue someone for publicly besmirching your honor.

Pistols at Dawn, suh!

And when you think about it, based on our board interaction alone, you'd never see the light of day again! :ols:


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It's happened to a bunch, I know of Pawlenty, Perry, Gingrich, Bachmann, I don't think Romney, and a few congressmen.

And yes it's attempted intimidation and assault, I don't care what the actual object that is being projected towards the individual is, it's the intent and act.

Wow. You telepathic, now?

I've been trying to develop my Vulcan mental powers. But they don't seem to be all that reliable, yet.

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It's happened to a bunch, I know of Pawlenty, Perry, Gingrich, Bachmann, I don't think Romney, and a few congressmen.

And yes it's attempted intimidation and assault, I don't care what the actual object that is being projected towards the individual is, it's the intent and act.

You are asserting that someone throwing glitter on a politician is intending to violently harm them?

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Only in Oakland, as far as I can see.

Al Davis' fault?

But seriously, I'm kind of surprised that more of them haven't been hijacked. I would think that any kind of long-term, uncomfortable, group, with no stated objectives and no leadership, would be a magnet for every kooky group that has a grievance, and die hard members.

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Al Davis' fault?

But seriously, I'm kind of surprised that more of them haven't been hijacked. I would think that any kind of long-term, uncomfortable, group, with no stated objectives and no leadership, would be a magnet for every kooky group that has a grievance, and die hard members.

The Bay Area has an underground of old bitter leftists and anarchists, supplemented every year by new crops of stupid runaway kids from Peoria.

When the San Francisco and San Jose Occupy movements refused to get violent, these tools all left those wussy groups and took over the Oakland Occupy group, so they could get their kicks busting in store windows and yelling slogans.

---------- Post added January-31st-2012 at 03:00 PM ----------

Prius? I assumed a fancy lawyer in Sf would drive the awesome Volt!

Nah. The Volt is a failure.

I blame Obama.

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Oh well, didn't mean to hijack the thread by asking what a glitter bomb was, but man is that stupid. How is throwing glitter on anyone supposed to get you taken more seriously?

It only resonates with people who already agree with you. Just like dressing up in powdered wigs and tricorn hats with bags of tea hanging from them. :whoknows:

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Occupy Oakland has become nothing but a collection of anarchist bombthrowers. All of the most hardcore jerks from all over the Bay Area have abandoned the other occupy groups and go to Oakland now to break stuff.

They remind me of this:


This is true, I can tell because there is JUGGALO graffiti all over Okagawa plaza

If there is a group that can objectively be labled as degenerate scum, it's juggalos

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I guess the good ole "bottom line" here is, whatcha gonna do about it?

A wise man once said "Son, you've identified the smell, the next step is eliminating it." (think Tommy Boy)

Looks like the OWSers have identified their version of the smell (the 1%), but their method for eliminating it (protest by congregating and living in major city parks for months, hand out information, try to shut down some businesses), has proven ineffective.

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About 70 Occupy Protesters are marching through downtown Oakland.

The protesters burned an American flag as they began their march Saturday night from City Hall toward police headquarters.

But shortly after the march began around 9 p.m., a line of police blocked their path and the protesters veered from their course on Broadway and began walking toward Chinatown.

They're protesting what they claim was abuse at the hands of officers during last Saturday's protest that peaked with rock and bottle throwing from protesters and volleys of tear gas in response from the police.

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I guess the good ole "bottom line" here is, whatcha gonna do about it?

A wise man once said "Son, you've identified the smell, the next step is eliminating it." (think Tommy Boy)

Looks like the OWSers have identified their version of the smell (the 1%), but their method for eliminating it (protest by congregating and living in major city parks for months, hand out information, try to shut down some businesses), has proven ineffective.

This is exactly my problem with the Occupiers (esp. the DC varient who I've now interviewed about 6 times over the last four months). They mostly seem nice, earnest, frustrated people with a reasonable distribution of smart and just crazy, but they have never moved the cause from protest to solution.

I understand that they don't want to be about a single problem, but while complaining has value if that's all you do it becomes white noise and just one more problem. They need to become advocates for something instead of just against stuff.

You don't like the way banks are run and think they took advantage of us? Come up with a plan? You don't like how student loans are crushing many? Come up with a plan? You don't like unemployment? Again, tell us what you think needs to be done.

I have sympathy and empathy for their frustration. I want to like them, but at this point they're just directionless whiners, occupying space is their point.

That's not good enough.

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