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thehill.com: Jackson Lee: Congress complicating debt ceiling because Obama is black


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Jackson Lee: Congress complicating debt ceiling because Obama is black

By Josiah Ryan - 07/15/11 03:02 PM ET


Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) on Friday strongly suggested that members of Congress are making it difficult for President Obama to raise the debt ceiling because of his race.

"I do not understand what I think is the maligning and maliciousness [toward] this president,” said Jackson Lee, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus. “Why is he different? And in my community, that is the question that we raise. In the minority community that is question that is being raised. Why is this president being treated so disrespectfully? Why has the debt limit been raised 60 times? Why did the leader of the Senate continually talk about his job is to bring the president down to make sure he is unelected?”

Not to be confused with 2008 Race card on Clinton, nor McCain.

Not to be confused with Universal Health Care race card.

Not to be confused with 2011 Race card on the Cap n Trade by the Black Caucus in March?

By posting this I'm obviously a racist also, no matter that I gave President Obama the highest grade on anyone in the ES Tailgate posting. Even if the then Senator Obama voted against it himself in 2006, doesn't matter.


This was the punch line for a recent hilarious exchange on The Daily Show: "The race card is maxed out."

Larry Wilmore, the faux news program's "senior black correspondent," reported that the race card is not only over its credit limit but is in fact "void during a black presidency." This discovery came in the wake of Maxine Waters' allegation that her political problems stem from a racially biased congressional ethics investigation.

Wilmore said he should have seen this coming, given that "the Congressional Black Caucus has been overusing the race card for years." Like when it circled the wagons around Rep. William Jefferson. The CBC in effect argued it'd be no big deal if a white congressman had been videotaped receiving a $100,000 bribe and if the FBI then found most of it in his freezer. Singling out a black congressman for this sort of thing, Wilmore jokes, amounts to punishing Jefferson for "Legislating While Black."

Read more: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/editorial/outlook/7152950.html#ixzz1SSUkv4Bm

March 1, 2011 · 1:39 PM


Black lawmakers on Monday said GOP-proposed budget cuts would move the country in the opposite direction of the civil rights movement.

The lawmakers, all members of the Congressional Black Caucus, used the last day of Black History Month to argue the GOP-backed cuts would fall hardest on black Americans.

“It’s really especially poignant that this year during Black History Month, the Republican leadership has proposed a budget for fiscal year 2011 that will fall most heavily, mind you, on the backs of the most vulnerable in our society: African Americans, Latinos, and poor, those who have been shut of the American dream,” said Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), who described the cuts as ill-timed and destructive.

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Of course it's because he's black!

Remember, the Republicans' mental-patient Clinton Derangement Syndrome act in the 90s was caused by Bill Clinton being the first black President. It had nothing to do with any knee-jerk hive mind reaction to the initial "D" next to his name.

Today, the GOP's apparent collective willingness to take the nation's good credit hostage -- and then shoot that hostage ("yeah, how bad would a default really be anyway?") -- couldn't simply be because their interest in political-destruction antics significantly exceeds their interest in doing their jobs.

No, it must be because of race. Because one of the fluffiest sheep in Congress said so.

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Yeah, I don't buy it either, but the cliff we've jumped off in how and what we do since Monica-gate is ridiculous. I remember during Bush Republicans saying... no matter what you feel about him he is President and deserves to be treated with some respect. Where the Hell has that sentiment gone?

Is race a component? I don't think it is. However, there is something sick in the American political soul and we need to break free of it.

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I'm still patiently waiting for a political party to form that is for normal people.

Strong political party adherents check their brains at the door of their polling places (or much earlier) and simply vote the party line.

So the most loyal members of any political party for normal people also would be the least qualified. :silly:

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Actually, Reflecting on this (and similar) idiocy has caused me to have a thought:

This **** wouldn't happen if we didn't have often-gerrymandered, guaranteed safe, single political party districts.

These kind of inbreeding-level congressional idiocies happen when incumbents are absolutely guaranteed reelection.

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Larry ya can probably blame the courts insistence on minority drawn districts for her and her ilk.

I live in one,yet thankfully we still manage to avoid crazies like her

Gerrymandering sucks no matter the reason

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The sad part is that she, and people like her, don't realize that they actually damage the voice of people with legitimate race concerns. If you cry "race" everytime something doesn't go your way, people get conditioned to ignoring it. She's actually hurting her own cause.

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I'll probably take heat for this, but I actually think this is brilliant deflection.

You see this all the time on talk radio. OK, you usually don't see this from elected officials, but you did see it with Palin (and actually still do with Palin) Talking about things that are irrelevant.

I heard it on Rush the other day. He said that the SS checks might not go out and the reason might be Ramadan. So what is the subtext? That Barrack Hussein Obama is really Muslim. Doesn't mater if it's true, it matters what his listeners believe.

Same with Lee. It doesn't matter if this is 100% false. It only matters what her constituency thinks.

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I'll probably take heat for this, but I actually think this is brilliant deflection.

You see this all the time on talk radio. OK, you usually don't see this from elected officials, but you did see it with Palin (and actually still do with Palin) Talking about things that are irrelevant.

I heard it on Rush the other day. He said that the SS checks might not go out and the reason might be Ramadan. So what is the subtext? That Barrack Hussein Obama is really Muslim. Doesn't mater if it's true, it matters what his listeners believe.

Same with Lee. It doesn't matter if this is 100% false. It only matters what her constituency thinks.

It's wrong when the right does it, and it's wrong now.

As Hog says, it makes it that much more difficult for people who really are the victims of racism.

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It's wrong when the right does it, and it's wrong now.

As Hog says, it makes it that much more difficult for people who really are the victims of racism.

Doesn't actually matter if it's wrong or not. That's kind of my point. It works. That's why people do this kind of stuff. That's why there's always a Willie Horton type ad. That's why People will blanket emails with "I invented the internet" type things. It's deflection, it hits to to the core with people, and it influences them.

I hate it all, but I recognize why politicians do this crap.

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Doesn't actually matter if it's wrong or not. That's kind of my point. It works. That's why people do this kind of stuff.

And if we stop allowing it to work, it'll stop. There are far too many dip****s out there to expect that though; on both sides.

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I don't even know if it "works" I think what it does is cause fatigue and makes people tune out. Sure, a small minority will get riled up in defense of this or in attacking it, but I think this is part of the reason why we have such high political apathy. Then again, maybe creating political apathy "works" because if the voters tune out the politicians can do whatever they please.

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And if we stop allowing it to work, it'll stop. There are far too many dip****s out there to expect that though; on both sides.

You people seem to think that this type of mudslinging and deflection is new to 2011. This has been happening since the birth of this nation. You think that suddenly, as a nation we are going to stop "buying into" this. If it hasn't happened in 230 years it isn't going to just magically happen.

Take a look at political cartoons in early newspapers. Deflection happened then and it's happening now. Nobody ever actually wants to discuss issues in politics.

---------- Post added July-18th-2011 at 11:18 AM ----------

You people

And by you people I mean the Jews of course.

see what I did there?

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