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CNN: Researchers Prove Bible Grossly Mistranslated


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Did you like the last line of her bio - something like "at the end of the day she is looking for something to do." Not suggestive at all. Nope.

you must have mistranslated it "at the end of the day she is looking for SOMEONE..."

Researchers Prove "Research" Done by Women with Large Breasts More Likely to be Read

queue ladyskinsfan coming in to read and proclaim she's a lesbian :)

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So, no one wants to argue the merits of the OP?

Present some merits and I'll be happy to debate them. :ols:

I have to admit, though, several of those "researchers" are really cute. Much better looking than your typical uncredentialed crackpots spouting theories on the internet. :)

I kind of feel sorry for Dr Christopher Tyerman of Oxford University, though. I hope his name doesn't get tied up in this.

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Present some merits and I'll be happy to debate them. :ols:

I have to admit, though, several of those "researchers" are really cute. Much better looking than your typical uncredentialed crackpots spouting theories on the internet. :)

I kind of feel sorry for Dr Christopher Tyerman of Oxford University, though. I hope his name doesn't get tied up in this.

Anyone can dismiss a source out of hand. It's an easy way to completely derail a thread - "oh the Washington post is a liberal rag" etc. Just means that you haven't a clue as to weather this story has any validity...nor do you even care to find out.

If the article is a load of bull, fine. Tell us why.

China, I will look into this and try to find out more about it. Not saying I agree, just saying I still don't know.

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Anyone can dismiss a source out of hand.

I actually thought you were kidding, thus my light response. If you want a serious answer, though...

Yes, it's especially easy when the "source" is some random schmoe on the internet that uploaded the article to an unvetted website (notice the "unvetted by CNN"). I could go on there right now and post an article, if I wanted to.

And, when the "source" is reporting on a "research group" that doesn't appear to have an academic credential between them, and thinks they have found a "brand new" way of reading the text that will turn thousands of years of Hebrew scholarship on its head, it's pretty easy to ignore that too.

I mean, I guess it'd be pretty cool to be able to become a Hebrew scholar through inspiration (and it appears that these guys are fundamentalist Christians), but it makes me feel sorry for all the poor people that spent years of their life actually studying the language and stuff, you know?

Now, that's about 5 minutes more than I wanted to spend on this silly topic, but you asked. :)

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I actually thought you were kidding, thus my light response. If you want a serious answer, though...

Yes, it's especially easy when the "source" is some random schmoe on the internet that uploaded the article to an unvetted website (notice the "unvetted by CNN"). I could go on there right now and post an article, if I wanted to.

And, when the "source" is reporting on a "research group" that doesn't appear to have an academic credential between them, and thinks they have found a "brand new" way of reading the text that will turn thousands of years of Hebrew scholarship on its head, it's pretty easy to ignore that too.

I mean, I guess it'd be pretty cool to be able to become a Hebrew scholar through inspiration (and it appears that these guys are fundamentalist Christians), but it makes me feel sorry for all the poor people that spent years of their life actually studying the language and stuff, you know?

Now, that's about 5 minutes more than I wanted to spend on this silly topic, but you asked. :)

Got ya! It's a bunch of crap. Did you click the link? LOL!


to behold.

And so being to refill to them,

brides (of) that all to advance

to accept being.

v35 And so to declare ruler of

all, "To not to hold to draw in

to manifest amid appointed to,

to beyond sight. Amid to

gather up, to know as to


And to exist being, length

being a hundred and twenty


This is the most horrible translation I have ever read, regarding the bible. It does not even make sense! It's like a cult was in charge of the project.

Seriously, this article - THIS WHOLE TRAINWREAK OF A PROJECT, is chock full 0' WTF!

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still very confused because they claim to have this new translation that "turns the bible on its head" yet they dont explain what that so-called new translation says at all.

If its that eart shattering in scope, why not present WHY its earth shattering too? It would gain at least a tiny bit of credibility.

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This is bovine scatology......although, I may ask for a refund on my Hebrew courses.

So what does this do to the Septuagint? Too bad those translators weren't as enlightened as the group of Canadians.

---------- Post added May-27th-2011 at 12:49 PM ----------

I just read their explanations and it is really, really stupid. I used their translation "secret" for a few words and then put some words together and it made absolutely no sense. It turned a simple word like "gadol" (big, great) into fold over-to over-to. Using a verse or two in Jonah it would have turned something as simple as "there was a great wind" into utter gibberish.

The articles do not even mention any of the intricacies of the language like the pronoun prefixes and suffixes, verb stems, or weak verbs. It is like they took a Strongs concordance that has only the root words and formed a theory from that. In fact, it seems that is exactly what they did. :doh:

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Got ya! It's a bunch of crap. Did you click the link? LOL!

Yes, I checked it out before my first response. I might have to edit that, though. Most Bleacher Report articles have more credibility. :ols:

It's like a cult was in charge of the project.

I actually wouldn't be surprised. If you read their "research notes" on their website, not that I recommend wasting the time except for a laugh, their "translation" begins with the approach that Hebrew is the literal language of God, not a semitic language that developed like other languages in the Ancient Near East.

Toss in those bios, which are strangely creepy, and there's a connection between those people that might actually be a small cult.

The debunking comes later.

I doubt it. The whole thing is so silly there's nothing to debunk. One of the six probably wrote the article on CNN him or herself.

It is like they took a Strongs concordance that has only the root words and formed a theory from that.

Got it on the first try. :ols:

If this truly is the language of higher beings, given to man, should it not show evidence of this?

With this in mind, the team began searching for unified rules, set patterns that would occur in such a language.

The first breakthrough came from Kim, examining the hebrew word to tear up (#5420 in the Strong's Dictionary)

She noticed that the following words in the list, held the same concept of "to tear", but the direction changed when

the third letter changed.

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My Hebrew is very weak but even I could destroy this nonsense in 5 minutes. This is definitely cult behavior. Someone without any real knowledge of the original languages saying they have figured them out.

I would really like them to explain the LXX.......that is assuming they know what it is.

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"Outside of the being the head researcher of The Chronicle Project, Chris spends his time "doing carpentry work under the guise of ..."

A carpenter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some of the "research team" have nice breasts, so thanks for the link anyway. I've no interest in reading about their "research".

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"Outside of the being the head researcher of The Chronicle Project, Chris spends his time "doing carpentry work under the guise of ..."

A carpenter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some of the "research team" have nice breasts, so thanks for the link anyway. I've no interest in reading about their "research".

I read some of it. It made my eyes hurt.


I will get you for this one!

The good looking chicks are no accident - the head cult guy likes big boobies.

The breakthrough in our understanding began with the concept that rather than an evolved language, it might be

exactly as it described itself, the language of God.

It was with this premise in mind, that the chronicle research team approached the language, for several reasons.

WTF are they smoking? [Whatever it is it is causing swelling of the mammary tissue]

Ultimate cult tip off:

How did you hear about us? GOD sent me!

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