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If you were/are a Ron Paul supporter, how do you feel about his comments that he wouldn't have ordered the Bin Laden raid?


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Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.), who is poised to launch his presidential campaign tomorrow, said this week he would not have authorized the mission that resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden, arguing that killing bin Laden was unnecessary and that he has "respect for the rule of law."

IMO, he is naive to think that we didn't have a standing authority to go into Pakistan and get Bin Laden. I believe that all this fuss after the fact is so Pakistan doesn't appear so weak to their people b/c obviously they need to defend their sovereignty.

Ron makes good points that you can read in the rest of the link, and that all sounds good in a perfect world where you could arrest him and try him somehow. I just don't see how that process wouldn't have resulted in the loss of more lives.


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I disagree with his statement. I think the way it went down was good. No sense in stirring up the bee nest with some horribly prolonged trial. But with that being said, RPs remarks are consistent in his beliefs which is why he has the following he does, perhaps even more so than his actual political beliefs.

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I was actually getting ready to start a Ron Paul Thread.

Seriously, does there exist a bigger joke in American Political history than this nutjob and his legion of 18-35 year old pissed off, uneducated, conspiracy theorist, Wal-Mart working white males?

I was listening to a local call in radio show earlier today and the radio host brought up this same topic, and invited "Ron Paul supporters" to call in. It was ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS. It was almost like these clowns were reading from a script. One caller after another started rambling incoherently about how Bin Laden was already dead, this is an effort to frame and engage Pakistan in a war, and how 9-11 was a government conspiracy.

You can't make this stuff up.

Show me a rational, well-adjusted, educated Ron Paul supporter, and I'll show you a kidnap victim.

(not you of course hubbs and snydershrugged, you guys are okay :ols: :paranoid: )

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I can understand his viewpoint from a pure philosophical point of view, but it is this very philosophy which probably would make him a terrible President. It may make him an effective Congressmen, but ideological inflexibility is not a good quality in a President. The world is rarely black and white.

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Sure, that would work. We would then simply ask China to stop poisoning their own people (as well as everybody else). Then we would politely ask the Middle-Eastern dictators to be nice to their own people. Afterwards, he would personally ask AIDS and malaria to stop killing millions of Africans each year. And after he'd solved each of those problems by using the blindingly-simple answers that the rest of the world refuses to use out of some bizarre conspiracy, he'd ride his magical unicorn back to the land of Narnia, his work here on Earth completed.

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Sure, that would work. We would then simply ask China to stop poisoning their own people (as well as everybody else). Then we would politely ask the Middle-Eastern dictators to be nice to their own people. Afterwards, he would personally ask AIDS and malaria to stop killing millions of Africans each year. And after he'd solved each of those problems by using the blindingly-simple answers that the rest of the world refuses to use out of some bizarre conspiracy, he'd ride his magical unicorn back to the land of Narnia, his work here on Earth completed.

And of course, we don't need any restrictions on capitalism and industry, as they are noble and good. We'll let the corporate lawyers figure it out if anything disagreeable happens. After all, lawyers and corporations are to be trusted, unlike elected politicians.

It's no wonder he'll be in Narnia, I'll probably move too.

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I was actually getting ready to start a Ron Paul Thread.

Seriously, does there exist a bigger joke in American Political history than this nutjob and his legion of 18-35 year old pissed off, uneducated, conspiracy theorist, Wal-Mart working white males?

I was listening to a local call in radio show earlier today and the radio host brought up this same topic, and invited "Ron Paul supporters" to call in. It was ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS. It was almost like these clowns were reading from a script. One caller after another started rambling incoherently about how Bin Laden was already dead, this is an effort to frame and engage Pakistan in a war, and how 9-11 was a government conspiracy.

You can't make this stuff up.

Show me a rational, well-adjusted, educated Ron Paul supporter, and I'll show you a kidnap victim.

It really can all be summed up in one quote:

There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.

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And of course, we don't need any restrictions on capitalism and industry, as they are noble and good. We'll let the corporate lawyers figure it out if anything disagreeable happens. After all, lawyers and corporations are to be trusted, unlike elected politicians.

It's no wonder he'll be in Narnia, I'll probably move too.

I was thinking more along the line of "If killing Ossama were a good thing, then a corporation would have been created to do it, for a profit".


But, on a more serious note, though . . .

I haven't read his reasoning. (Might read it, in a minute, though.)

But frankly, I think there's something to be said for a President who thinks that following the law is important.

Yeah, there are things the government does that I think the feds really don't have the authority to do, but tha I forgive, because I think the country is better off because of them. (I'd like almost everything done under "interstate commerce" as examples. IMO, there's no Constitutional basis for, say, the EPA or the FDA. OTOH, I also believe that the nation is better than we would be if each individual state had their own rules. And much better off than what, I suspect, many R's want: Which is to have the states compete to see which state can most heavily favor each industry, and to then have the most favorable aws apply to the entire nation.)

But, that said, yes, I do think that there's been way too much ignoring of way to many laws, and the Constitution. I think we've been sliding down a whole bunch of slippery slopes, for decades.

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Ron Paul is one of those "honest" people who follow their political beliefs to their logical conclusion and discover that where they end up is not enlightenment' date=' but rather inside their own colon.[/quote']

Very nicely done....... I'm still a RP fan,but prefer a unprincipled **** for a leader.

Reality intruded long ago.

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Very nicely done....... I'm still a RP fan,but prefer a unprincipled **** for a leader.

Reality intruded long ago.

Well, I wouldn't go that far! I've never noted you to be realistic. :silly:

I do want a principled leader, but also one with a pragmatic streak. Dogmatic people make for terrible leaders. It was one of the bigger problems I had with Bush. He was too linear and inflexible. That got in his way.

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No politician is perfect.

If you told supporters of President Obama this time 2008 that in 3 years GITMO would be open, the Patriot Act still enforce, TSA agents would be groping like none other, Bush tax cuts would still be in place, and we'd accelerate military spending they'd call you a liar

At least Ron Paul is very honest in his opinions

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No politician is perfect.

If you told supporters of President Obama this time 2008 that in 3 years GITMO would be open, the Patriot Act still enforce, TSA agents would be groping like none other, Bush tax cuts would still be in place, and we'd accelerate military spending they'd call you a liar

At least Ron Paul is very honest in his opinions

I disagreed with Obama on Gitmo and am glad he failed there. I am annoyed with the Patriot Act. I understand the complaints about the TSA, but think it's a reasonable infringement in the cause of safety/security. Frustrated that they gave in on the tax cuts. Likewise, I am glad there was health reform, but frustrated and concerned with what they passed. Glad of the change to credit cards and certainly glad we got Osama. However, I'm less than pleased with his budget proposal.

Batting .500 is unbelievable in baseball. In politics, not as impressive. I still give Obama a B-. Getting Osama was an A+ on a heavily weighted test though.

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No politician is perfect....At least Ron Paul is very honest in his opinions

True. Of course the fly in the Ron Paul ointment is that his honesty is equally matched by his lunacy. Ron Paul is living proof that in the U.S. even someone with Asperger's syndrome can get elected to public office.

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I'm for the death penalty in maybe one percent of the cases where it might be considered. My criteria would be that the criminal do something so unforgiveable and monstrous that they could never be entrusted into society again and could not contribute anything positive in any respect to society. Osama fits that pretty well. I felt similarly about the DC Sniper. There are very few of these people out there who death is the only sane way to protect society, but sadly, they are out there.

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