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Mid-Term Report Card: How IS that hopey/changey thing workin' out for ya?


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I have been really disappointed in Obama. I realized going in it would be tough sledding against the special interest that runs Washington now, but I was hopeful the charisma he showed on the campaign trail would help him rally the American people to stand up to these forces. The sad reality is that for the time being there is not much difference in either party. They both pretty much do the bidding as they are told. As someone said earlier this country is ripe for a Teddy Roosevelt.

I will continue to try to find a candidate I think has a glimmer of hope of standing up to these forces and support them, all the time realizing what a longshot it is that they will actually not cave in, and be effective.

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I was talking specifically about the post I quoted as the lowest grade throughout the thread, anyone who thinks Obama has done nothing good and deserves an F is just being a hack.

I change my grade from a C to an F now.

Hillary gets an A++++++++++

Palin gets a C+

Boehner gets a B for trying

Petraeus get a B+

Michelle Obama gets a D for failing in her 'get out and play' goals....its been 3 years, the kids should be skinny by now :doh:

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I have been really disappointed in Obama. I realized going in it would be tough sledding against the special interest that runs Washington now, but I was hopeful the charisma he showed on the campaign trail would help him rally the American people to stand up to these forces. The sad reality is that for the time being there is not much difference in either party. They both pretty much do the bidding as they are told. As someone said earlier this country is ripe for a Teddy Roosevelt.

I will continue to try to find a candidate I think has a glimmer of hope of standing up to these forces and support them, all the time realizing what a longshot it is that they will actually not cave in, and be effective.

There is truth in your post. I don't think the Democrats have a backbone and they need to get one. They have moved so center that they are where Nixon was. Their negotiation skills are non-existent and they constantly cave. I'd rather have the GOP vote down a public option than to have it taken off the table. I'd like to see more votes where the Republicans are on record to desimate this country. And I call both parties are 2 sides of the same coin.

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It would be working a lot better without:

G reedy

O bfuscating

P revaricating


I am sorry, this is simply a lame cop out which carries no weight with me.

60 senators. A significant majority in the House. 300+ EV's and a clear majority/mandate in the election

The best he could do was Geithner, Emmanuel, Summers. Doubling down on just about everything bad about the Bush administration

Sorry, the 2009-2010 session was all on the President and a Democratically controlled Congress. Republicans were irrelevant and the fact that a facebook status update by Sara Palin can change the health care debate was a major failure of the administration

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Was slated for BRAC prior to Obama, Walter Reed is going to be torn down and become prime real Estate. Army pukes will now be located at the Bethesda Walter Reed medical Center with my shipmates and airdudes.

Okay, but what about the other decrepit military hospitals? Our service people deserve MUCH better.

yeah a far left anti military type from Harvard picked because of her lack of history. When will she finally come out?

Judge Sotomayor went to Yale and Princeton.

And this is great why?

So you’re okay with hate crimes and violence towards homosexuals?

The one with the treaty where we put Russia more in our business and in a better offensive position?

The Cold War is over

Yeah using the Army Field manual is really going to make terrorists give up information, but yeah blasting Eminem, and other music (allegedly) from the 21st century would be torture. Liberals sure are determined to have people believe that the Geneva Convention applies to non uniformed not affiliated with a nation enemy combatans.

A former aide to Colin Powell (Lawrence Wilkerson) stated in an affidavit that top U.S. officials, including George W Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, knew that the of the detainees initially sent to Guantánamo were innocent, but that the detainees had been kept there for reasons of political expedience.

Whatever happened to a fair trial?

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This is exactly what I thought when I read that. Obama had 2 years without the GOP. He literally had the least opposition of any president in my lifetime.

Yep. And he was stupid enough to waste a year trying to be bipartisan on health care with the GOP, when he should have understood that the current GOP has zero interest in finding any solutions because solutions would make the President look good. He should have steamrolled those clowns. That is is biggest failure as a President.

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Yep. And he was stupid enough to waste a year trying to be bipartisan on health care with the GOP, when he should have understood that the current GOP has zero interest in finding any solutions because solutions would make the President look good. He should have steamrolled those clowns. That is is biggest failure as a President.

If the democrats alone wanted single payer, we would have had single payer. He didn't give up on that as a compromise with the republicans. He gave up single payer in his compromise with democrats.

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Yep. And he was stupid enough to waste a year trying to be bipartisan on health care with the GOP, when he should have understood that the current GOP has zero interest in finding any solutions because solutions would make the President look good. He should have steamrolled those clowns. That is is biggest failure as a President.

I agree with this. Obama should have just said "**** it I'm going in George W Bush style."

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If the democrats alone wanted single payer, we would have had single payer. He didn't give up on that as a compromise with the republicans. He gave up single payer in his compromise with democrats.

The Democrats are too big of ******* to stand for anything unless the President pushes them along. He needed to show leadership, and he didn't. He needed to have his team figure out what was the best system, write up a bill, and send it over to Congress as a package. Maybe single payer, maybe public option, maybe French style competing private plans. Whatever his experts said worked best after looking at all the pluses and minuses of all the systems in the world (including ours).

But he didn't. He let Congress dick around for a year, while one by one the Democrats lost their nerve and accepted more donations from healthcare lobbyists.... and one by one, the moderate Republicans who might have agreed to something decent succumbed to pressure from the far Right not to agree to anything. No leadership at all. Obama's biggest failure.

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you know what's really funny? The biggest part of the democratic campaign platform was the "I'm not Bush" platform, and yet Obama has pretty much been Bush.

Yeah, a vote for McCain was a vote for a Bush third term. Well, here we are with a third Bush term, but it's not McCain lol.

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He let Congress dick around for a year, while one by one the Democrats lost their nerve and accepted more donations from healthcare lobbyists.... and one by one, the moderate Republicans who might have agreed to something decent succumbed to pressure from the far Right not to agree to anything. No leadership at all. Obama's biggest failure.

This is what I've been getting at in my last several posts. The time is just so ripe for a powerful presidential presence. Bush and Obama have very different philosophies but they're playing out the roll of president very similarly. Now is the right time to go hard after special interests on the right and left. Big banks, big insurance, big oil, big labor, all of it. A bull moose kind of guy. The kind of maverick McCain wished he was.

What's Norman Schwarzkopf up to these days?

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But he didn't. He let Congress dick around for a year, while one by one the Democrats lost their nerve and accepted more donations from healthcare lobbyists.... and one by one, the moderate Republicans who might have agreed to something decent succumbed to pressure from the far Right not to agree to anything. No leadership at all. Obama's biggest failure.

Yet, Bill Clinton tried to do exactly what you proposed and got absolutely nothing.

I agree that the bill should have originated in the White House. At the same time, I think that bill could have been defeated and nothing would have been pased - which would completely cripple his presidency.

Obama's greatest strength is simultaneously his greatest weakness. He would rather get 25 percent of what he wants than go for 100 and risk getting 0. The day Ted Kenneday died was the day his entire strategy fell apart. Not that Kennedy would have made a difference in the Senate at that point, but the Scott Brown election scared the Democrats ****less.

---------- Post added April-28th-2011 at 03:06 PM ----------

This is what I've been getting at in my last several posts. The time is just so ripe for a powerful presidential presence. Bush and Obama have very different philosophies but they're playing out the roll of president very similarly. Now is the right time to go hard after special interests on the right and left. Big banks, big insurance, big oil, big labor, all of it. A bull moose kind of guy. The kind of maverick McCain wished he was.

I just don't see what a Teddy Roosevelt type would accomplish in this modern environment. You would get a lot of great speeches, but no actual legislation.

It's nearly impossible for a Democrat to be that kind of President, because the Democratic coalition is so fragmented. The last Democrat who could snap his fingers and get Congress to move was Lyndon Johnson. And he was the only one other than FDR with that power in this century.

It's always been easier for a Republican to be president because the Republicans in the legislative branch are notorius for moving in lockstep with their leadership and the Democrats always have several dozen members who love having their name on legislation regardless of what it does. Ted Kennedy would work with ANYONE if the legislation involved education or healthcare. Tip O'Neil genuinely enjoyed working with Reagan while he despised Carter. There seem to only be three Republicans of that mindset these days - McCain, Graham, and Brown.

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Yeah, a vote for McCain was a vote for a Bush third term. Well, here we are with a third Bush term, but it's not McCain lol.

don't worry, nobody actually believes that. certainly liberals have not gotten everything they wanted, but you would have to be willfully ignoring a LOT of actual content in this very thread to believe Obama = McCain policy-wise.

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Yep, but instead he said 'oh gee-golly geewhiz guys' Jimmy Carter style

Obviously, you know nothing about how Jimmy Carter actually governed.

Jimmy Carter governed the way liberals imagine how Dick Cheney would have governed. He was vain, autocratic, and demanding. And it cost him his presidency, because Tip O'Neil and the Democratic leadership grew to hate him.

It's interesting that this myth of Jimmy Carter as a wimp has emerged. Carter failed not because he was a wimp. He failed because he was a nasty prick. (He's a nasty prick who was right about pretty much everything by the way).

Obama could not be more opposite than Carter in temperment or in his approach to Congress. Obama's personality is actually most like Reagan's. Reagan simply had a slew of Democrats willing to work with him whereas Republicans wouldn't help Obama change the tires on a school bus filled with orphans and puppies.

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