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What do you personally do, to make the World a better place?


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I'm curious as to what kind of things people do, to make the world a better place.

Big things, to little things.

Personally, I make an effort to say "thank you", never litter, even cigarette butts, hold doors and always push my shopping cart in. I don't eat meat and don't support factory fishing anymore either.

I'm starting to volunteer at a few rescues and shelters for animals and may even start helping out at a soup kitchen, for my Dads Church, despite how I despise religion.

Even making an effort to smile and say hello to random people, who may need a smile.

I also try and buy recycled paper products and use cloth to clean and try not to make very much garbage. I also buy local when possible.

(I did this on FB a while back and it went really well, so I figure with all the good people on ES, it would make for a fun positive thread here) :)

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I do what I always do.

I try to live my life in the ways I think would make it better... to be considerate and treat others as I would like them to treat me.

I am pleasant, friendly, helpful and polite to folks all over town.

I teach my kids not to hate, and not to pre-judge.

Basically I just try to be nice and considerate of the people around me. I think if the majority of us did that, then things would be more pleasant. Lots of folks are very nice, but lots aren't, and behave as if they're the only ones around.

Obey that Golden Rule. It really works.


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I'm on pace to drive less than 3,000 miles this year. It's great. I try and cut down on plastic use and keep the house pretty cold too.

I have been making much more of an effort in my life, because it dawned on me how selfish I was being. My life revolves around Rock and Roll and that lifestyle can get pretty self indulgent.

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I'm on pace to drive less than 3,000 miles this year

that is great man ...

as far as what I do ... i have an penchant for helping random people. i was in old town alexandria and a lady was at the corner holding a laminated sign and was with a doberman sight dog. as i approched her i saw at least 5 people walk by her and not even look her way.

so i glanced over at her as i walked by ... turns out her sign said, "I'm deaf and blind and I need help crossing the street."

I let her hold onto my arm and took across this busy street.

i do crap like that all the time! ;)

i helped a guy push his car over 50 yards in some brutal rain the other day on the FFX County Parkway ... GOT DRENCHED!

damn, i'm good guy! ;)

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that is great man ...

as far as what I do ... i have an penchant for helping random people. i was in old town alexandria and a lady was at the corner holding a laminated sign and was with a doberman sight dog. as i approched her i saw at least 5 people walk by her and not even look her way.

so i glanced over at her as i walked by ... turns out her sign said, "I'm deaf and blind and I need help crossing the street."

I let her hold onto my arm and took across this busy street.

i do crap like that all the time! ;)

i helped a guy push his car over 50 yards in some brutal rain the other day on the FFX County Parkway ... GOT DRENCHED!

damn, i'm good guy! ;)

That's good stuff. I was at an intersection the other day and a young couple and their baby had broken down. Everybody was honking and racing around them, while the woman tried carrying the baby to the parking lot, so I used my pick up to shut down traffic and helped push the car out of the way.

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I try to not mock the afflicted, even though many do.

My moto is even Dallas fans deserve some love.


That's a great point. The amount of anger and hatred over players in a different colored outfit is ridiculous.

I've been guilty of that plenty of times myself, but it's part of the reason I'm souring on professional sports.

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i have an penchant for helping random people. i was in old town alexandria and a lady was at the corner holding a laminated sign and was with a doberman sight dog. as i approched her i saw at least 5 people walk by her and not even look her way.

so i glanced over at her as i walked by ... turns out her sign said, "I'm deaf and blind and I need help crossing the street."

Not to piss on what you did, because it was great of you, but isn't the dog supposed to be able to help her cross the street? Why does she have a sight dog if it doesn't assist her with this sort of thing? In all my encounters with blind people, their dogs have always been able to help them cross. Weird.

If we're having moments of honestly here, I really have no idea whether I'm a self-absorbed ******* or a genuinely nice person, at least when it comes to strangers. For friends, I'll do pretty much anything they need. But for strangers, I just can't figure myself out.

Consider the following. Just this week, a woman on my commuter bus slept through her stop and was stranded in Woodbridge. She was mad at herself, was going to have to walk a mile or so back to her car, which isn't a long way, but the traffic is pretty heavy in this area. I'll admit I was waiting for someone else to step up and offer to give her a ride, I wanted to get home, see my daughter and work out, but everyone just walked past her, so I gave her a lift.

Or this past winter, when we had the big snowstorms, and I dug out three of my neighbors, including pushing out two cars, because they were older and couldn't manage on their own. Also dug a path through our street for the cars in my part of the neighborhood to follow.

Or when I was meeting friends at a place in McLean when I was back home from college, and was asked by a pair of women at a gas station how to get to Fairfax High School because they were going to be late for a play their niece was in. I have no idea how the hell they wound up in downtown McLean when trying to get to Fairfax, but they managed. I wound up driving in front of them for the 10 miles, leading them there and making myself pretty late to whatever I was meeting everyone for.

So you'd think I'm a good guy, but on the flipside, I never give money to homeless people, don't really volunteer my time at anything that would be considered for the public good, privately wish physical harm and evil on anyone who truly annoys me, like the overweight women who insist on walking shoulder to shoulder on the inside lanes at the track.

So yeah, I have no idea...I guess I have fits of kindness.

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what do you personally do, to make the world a better place?

- i call out instances of homophobia, racism, and misogyny when i see them. it's amazing how often people just let that kind of thing slide. embarassing these people is often the only way to get them to realize such ideas are not socially acceptable.

- i always use my turn signal

- i vote not for the iron first but for the helping hand (when i can tell the difference, anyway)

- operating on my own observation that i have never regretted complimenting someone, i do so whenever i see the opportunity.

- i don't microwave fish in the office kitchen!

- i tip very well and am always polite and considerate to restaurant staff.

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I make it a point to visit retirement homes and visit with senior citizens. It's really not much time, I'll spend a couple hours there on a Saturday afternoon or something, but it makes their day. And all I have to do is listen to them...it's something they really appreciate.

That's an awesome thing to do. Good for you. I bet you hear some amazing tails.

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I do what I always do.

I try to live my life in the ways I think would make it better... to be considerate and treat others as I would like them to treat me.

I am pleasant, friendly, helpful and polite to folks all over town.

I teach my kids not to hate, and not to pre-judge.

Basically I just try to be nice and considerate of the people around me. I think if the majority of us did that, then things would be more pleasant. Lots of folks are very nice, but lots aren't, and behave as if they're the only ones around.

Obey that Golden Rule. It really works.



Golden rule is the way to go. Generating positive energy brings positive energy back to you.

And I try to give to charities, especially during disasters. I've given a couple of decent donations to Japan most recently.

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Nothing really other than recycling- which is only done because it's required.

I firmly believe we entering a period where earth changes and some changes brought about by mankind's wars will reduce the human population significantly.

That alone will eventually bring Mother Earth back into balance.

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