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TBD.com : Man attacked at L'Enfant Metro


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wheres the video?

lol below for you

Well I certainly think it is making some criminals more bold when attacking someone like this. I've heard too many stories, either on the news, or from friends/coworkers, where someone was attacked, and no one did anything, and the guys didn't even have a weapon, it's sad.

sure is, but in DC isn't it against the law to own a handgun? if that's the mentality of the attackers, "hey, it's against the law so they won't have a gun", wouldn't that also be true for everyone else? I just find it disheartening that no one could even call police. I understand if you don't have Verizon, but there's no way that no one in the crowd has Verizon service. Sorry, a little venting, not directed at you, just venting lol.

It's in the link douchenozzle.

BWAHAHAHAHA lol (obligatory lol for TBLTO)

I don't think there's a lack of concern, it's a fear that something will happen to you if you interject. My bf and I witnessed a fight at the Chinatown movie theaters last summer and nobody stepped in. Why? The guy giving the beating was ****ing huge. And you know what, when we finally got out and were walking to the metro, we saw the dude walking away like nothing happened.

Even if the attackers are kids, you don't know what they are capable of, if they have some kind of weapon, who else will step in to help them out, if YOU will get in trouble for getting involved, etc. I know it sounds terrible, but in most cases the risk is honestly not worth the reward of trying to help a stranger. Of course, this is coming from me who is a relatively small female. But still I think this unfortunately holds true for most people.

Bottom line, DC has to step up police presence in these metro stations. And yes, Gallery Place is included. I think they stepped up patrols last summer to cut back on loitering, which was nice.

They definitely need more police, or maybe police who will do their job....but that's a complaint for another time I guess. But even with the fear of not knowing what the other person is capable of, or that person is huge, or what if they have a gun, that should not keep bystanders from at least calling the police. I know that I am a little more aggressive than most, but all I'm saying is at least make a call or take pictures and be a witness for the victim...without that people will just continue to take advantage of the innocent.....it just pisses me off :rant:

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Anyone saying that they would have started wailing on these kids/young girls is out of their mind.

You see that huge crowd gathered just watching this poor guy get beat on? Imagine what would have happened to him had he actually fought back, especially against the girls. He would have been jumped by probably 5-10 more people, and by the adults doing the filming as well.

As much as it sucks, the guy handled it as well as he could have. As sad as it is, if he had really tried to defend himself I guarantee the outcome would have been much, much worse.

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thanks, i just watched it ****waffle.

I probably would have grabbed her by her coat and tossed her infront of the oncoming train. That's not murder, right?

lol, you guys are hilarious

---------- Post added January-7th-2011 at 01:19 PM ----------

Anyone saying that they would have started wailing on these kids/young girls is out of their mind.

You see that huge crowd gathered just watching this poor guy get beat on? Imagine what would have happened to him had he actually fought back, especially against the girls. He would have been jumped by probably 5-10 more people, and by the adults doing the filming as well.

As much as it sucks, the guy handled it as well as he could have. As sad as it is, if he had really tried to defend himself I guarantee the outcome would have been much, much worse.

and that's just sad because it's probably true

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Anyone saying that they would have started wailing on these kids/young girls is out of their mind.

You see that huge crowd gathered just watching this poor guy get beat on? Imagine what would have happened to him had he actually fought back, especially against the girls. He would have been jumped by probably 5-10 more people, and by the adults doing the filming as well.

As much as it sucks, the guy handled it as well as he could have. As sad as it is, if he had really tried to defend himself I guarantee the outcome would have been much, much worse.

Just start yelling 'Racism!' and 'hate crime!' at the top of your lungs then. Mission accomplished.

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Horrible video and there is nothing the guy could have done to defend himself. This video symbolizes a lot of things that are wrong with the current state of DC and DMV metro. Lack of security, lack of image cleaning, not trying to uplift the bad neighborhoods etc.

For such a thing to happen in one of the biggest stations in DC is terrible.

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Sorry for the ****ish comment, but it really is sad that this happened. I wonder if he were to retaliate and fight back if he could defend himself by saying he was unaware of their age in the moment of attack. When someone is wailing on you, your basic instinct is to defend yourself, and in the heat of battle, you can’t really stop and think about things like this.

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lol below for you

sure is, but in DC isn't it against the law to own a handgun? if that's the mentality of the attackers, "hey, it's against the law so they won't have a gun", wouldn't that also be true for everyone else? I just find it disheartening that no one could even call police. I understand if you don't have Verizon, but there's no way that no one in the crowd has Verizon service. Sorry, a little venting, not directed at you, just venting lol.

Oh I'm sorry, but nowhere in my post did I say that the attackers wouldn't have a gun just because of the illegality of it. That's never going to stop someone with bad intentions.

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So...anyone think he was targeted because he's white?

Honestly, it probably played a factor. Just like the fact that he was 47 played a factor. I think they saw an older white dude and knew he was not from the area and thus were not afraid of later retaliation.

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Absolutely. They probably saw him as an easy target. Problem with these thugs is they roll in packs, sometimes 10 - 15 deep. If I had it my way I would go all Charles Bronson and walk the streets late at night with a .44 mag in my waistband, just wishing someone would rob me. Then all of a sudden, POW!! One less criminal to deal with :)

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Perhaps the saddest part of this story is the part about no one helping. In today's society, all the potential good-samaritans are worried about the attacker having a weapon and usually choose to stay out of it.

I'd like to think that in this situation, I'd crack the 12 year old across the jaw, but who knows. There were a bunch of other kids filming it, and if they get provoked, then what. I'm a relatively large, strong guy, but how many kids can you really fight off at once?

Hopefully the attackers get caught and punished appropriately. Kind of makes me wish there were laws against videotaping and posting this stuff as well.

People are scared to get involved in anything these days. I've had to call 911 twice in the last two years because something was happening and no one around would pull out their phones and call.

One of the times was just a few months back, I got off the Cleveland Park metro and was walking on Connecticut and saw a Metrobus pulled over with "Emergency Call 911" flashing on the front. The driver was sitting in his seat and some crazy woman was standing behind him screaming at him with something in her hand. I could see the bus sitting there from a ways back. It was probably in my vision for close to 5 minutes...when I finally got up and saw the message flashing on the front I called 911 and within 2 minutes there were 4-5 cops at the scene. That tells me that the whole time I was walking up Connecticut, the bus was sitting there with the emergency sign flashing and people were just walking by doing nothing. There was even a woman standing behind the bus with her cell phone out taking pictures of the emergency sign. I suppose it's possible that someone else called but the cops were there in a flash after I made the call and the operator didn't mention anything about other people reporting the incident.

The other time was about two years ago in Arlington, I had just parked and was walking into the grocery store with my girlfriend. We noticed a guy sitting on the bench outside shouting at people that were coming out of the store. When we got up close we saw him holding his chest and shouting to some fat lady that he couldn't breathe and he needed help. The fat ***** kept walking with her cart of groceries and didn't even pause to look at the guy! I called 911 when I realized what was happening and the paramedics were there fast as ****.

I think it's called the "bystander effect" that causes people to stand around and not take action when something is going on, they basically assume that someone else is taking care of it or there's some kind of fear of consequences if they do help.

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So...anyone think he was targeted because he's white?

Interesting thought. Probably not solely because he was white. There are plenty of big, tough-looking white guys around. I think they saw him as non-threatening due to his size and appearance/clothing in addition to being white. He probably just looked like he wouldn't bring much to the table in a fight. Bullies don't pick on people they know they can't take.

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"Why are you doing this to me?!?!" [uppercut] "I've done nothing to you!!!" [suplex] "I can't understand what's going on here!!!" [Repeated heel stomps to face]

I'd corner for you.

"Chachie his arm is just out there waiting for you to grab it!!!"

"Circle left to avoid that lunch box"

"He's scared of your power, touch his chin!"

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Oh I'm sorry, but nowhere in my post did I say that the attackers wouldn't have a gun just because of the illegality of it. That's never going to stop someone with bad intentions.

no no no, check the last sentence in that paragraph, what you said got me thinking about something else altogether. It wasn't directed at you, it's just that your post got me to think about it. Again, I was not disagreeing with anything you said.

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In watching the video it appears that he was attacked by young girls while a rather sizable crowd looked on. How many of them were her friends? How would they have reacted had he struck one of the girls? How would the world have reacted if he had punched a girl in the face?

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In watching the video it appears that he was attacked by young girls while a rather sizable crowd looked on. How many of them were her friends? How would they have reacted had he struck one of the girls? How would the world have reacted if he had punched a girl in the face?

I do not think there would have been much backlash if he punched one of the chicks, as it is on video they attacked him first, and he would have been defending himself. Sorry, but if a chick acts like a dude, they should be treated like one as well.

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In watching the video it appears that he was attacked by young girls while a rather sizable crowd looked on. How many of them were her friends? How would they have reacted had he struck one of the girls? How would the world have reacted if he had punched a girl in the face?

I can't view the video, but IMO, if he was beaten that badly, he should have the right to defend himself. All bets are off .

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I blame the people just watching more than him. He doesn't know if one of them has a weapon or if some of the people are in her little worthless P.O.S. clique. Really not even going to call 9-1-1 for the man? You are a little human being if you can't even do that.

Now if it was me and I could somehow telepathically know that it was just them and they had no weapons. I would've knocked the **** out of the first one who punched me. And if not for the fact that I think violence is pointless I might actually make an example out of one them for their stupid friends.

I will give them this, they picked the right target because if that had been a guy in his 20's one of those kids would've had their face broken.

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In watching the video it appears that he was attacked by young girls while a rather sizable crowd looked on. How many of them were her friends? How would they have reacted had he struck one of the girls? How would the world have reacted if he had punched a girl in the face?

Well, the video of that Seattle cop punching that loudmouth hoodrat in the face had everyone agreeing with the cop (of course except the clowns their claiming police brutality cause they can't understand the idea that you cannot tou7ch a cop while he's making an arrest).

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Well, the video of that Seattle cop punching that loudmouth hoodrat in the face had everyone agreeing with the cop (of course except the clowns their claiming police brutality cause they can't understand the idea that you cannot tou7ch a cop while he's making an arrest).

He beat the **** out her because he couldn't control himself, not because he couldn't control her. I could go on for days but thank god that thread is over. Go ahead, Sticks, you can have the last word. :)

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