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TBD.com : Man attacked at L'Enfant Metro


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On Sunday night, Allen Haywood was randomly and viciously attacked by two kids on the platform of the L’Enfant Plaza Metro station. Dozens of people witnessed it. Several people filmed it. Nobody helped.

Haywood was trying to transfer to the Yellow Line around 7:15 p.m. when the assault happened. He was headed home to Fort Totten after working out at Results on Capitol Hill, a gym bag slung over his shoulder and a book in his hands. As he read with his back to the station wall, “all of a sudden someone whacked me on the back of the head really hard,” he recalls.

There may be more to the story that we don't know. Regardless, this is why I've always avoided going to that station and Gallery Place.

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Yeah I saw that yesterday. I dunno I were him I would of kicked some serious ass. The article said it was 11 or 12 year olds beating him? I mean I guess he froze but still there is NO way a grown ass man should let that happen.

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Yeah I saw that yesterday. I dunno I were him I would of kicked some serious ass. The article said it was 11 or 12 year olds beating him? I mean I guess he froze but still there is NO way a grown ass man should let that happen.

That's the thing I was thinking though. What do you do at that point? Do you go ahead and defend yourself by punching some underage kids? I'm pretty sure if that had happened everyone would be crying fowl how a grown man was hitting some kids. It's a no win situation.

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That's the thing I was thinking though. What do you do at that point? Do you go ahead and defend yourself by punching some underage kids? I'm pretty sure if that had happened everyone would be crying fowl how a grown man was hitting some kids. It's a no win situation.

Yes I will beat some little kid ass, I mean if they don't wanna get hit then don't provoke me. I don't care how it looks point is I am not going around starting **** with them, they are the ones hitting me so they should be prepared to get beaten.

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That's the thing I was thinking though. What do you do at that point? Do you go ahead and defend yourself by punching some underage kids? I'm pretty sure if that had happened everyone would be crying fowl how a grown man was hitting some kids. It's a no win situation.

When two or more join the attack, all bets are off. At that point you are fighting for your life. Somebody's going to get hurt, so it might as well be those lowlife midget-scumbags. Male or female, it doesn't matter at that point.

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Perhaps the saddest part of this story is the part about no one helping. In today's society, all the potential good-samaritans are worried about the attacker having a weapon and usually choose to stay out of it.

I'd like to think that in this situation, I'd crack the 12 year old across the jaw, but who knows. There were a bunch of other kids filming it, and if they get provoked, then what. I'm a relatively large, strong guy, but how many kids can you really fight off at once?

Hopefully the attackers get caught and punished appropriately. Kind of makes me wish there were laws against videotaping and posting this stuff as well.

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That's the thing I was thinking though. What do you do at that point? Do you go ahead and defend yourself by punching some underage kids? I'm pretty sure if that had happened everyone would be crying fowl how a grown man was hitting some kids. It's a no win situation.

Just start screaming really loudly that you are being attacked while attacking the kids. That should work.

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"CALL 911!!!" [Deliver a forearm to the jaw.] "CALL 911!!!" [Elbow to the nose] "CALL 911!!!" [swift kick to the nuts]


"Why are you doing this to me?!?!" [uppercut] "I've done nothing to you!!!" [suplex] "I can't understand what's going on here!!!" [Repeated heel stomps to face]

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Perhaps the saddest part of this story is the part about no one helping. In today's society, all the potential good-samaritans are worried about the attacker having a weapon and usually choose to stay out of it.

I'd like to think that in this situation, I'd crack the 12 year old across the jaw, but who knows. There were a bunch of other kids filming it, and if they get provoked, then what. I'm a relatively large, strong guy, but how many kids can you really fight off at once?

Honestly, I can somewhat understand the fear that some people have when faced with situations like this, but if you know that you can diffuse the situation, and you don't see any visible weapon, you should find a way to help that person. I couldn't live with myself if I witnessed someone being beaten almost to death, and I did nothing to help them.

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A posting from the victim's sister on the DC blog "Unsuck DCMetro":

I got a call on my way home from work last night from my brother.

He doesn't generally like to talk on the phone, so it's kind of unusual for him to call me. I picked it up right away, even though I was driving (yeah, yeah). His voice sounded off. I asked how he was doing. He said, "Not too well."

Long story short, he had the crap beaten out of him on Sunday evening around 7 p.m., at L'Enfant Plaza by a bunch of young punks, some of whom actually stood around and filmed the goddamn thing with their cellphone cameras.

Nothing's broken (he went to the doc today for X-rays), but he's got a black eye, a cut lip, some other cuts on his face and his left ear, some bruising.

And all he was doing was coming home from the gym, reading a book, waiting for his train.

He's hoarse from yelling for help; no one came to his aid, though lots of people stood around and watched. He finally broke away and ran and pounded on the info kiosk and got the Metro attendant's attention and got them to call 911.

Metro police eventually showed up. I don't know if the kids will be caught; the main ones ran off, while other "eyewitnesses" offered to sell him their video footage evidence before they too, disappeared.

I am shaking with rage.

Rage that a roving pack of thugs feels like it's their right and their privilege to assault another human being, and film it for their sadistic glee.

Rage that the Metro "attendant" didn't call 911 until my brother was bleeding and pounding on the kiosk.

And frankly, rage at every single person who stood around silently and complicitly, while an innocent person was assaulted, and did nothing. Said nothing. Didn't even pull out their own smartphones to take pics of the attackers. Nothing.

Yes, I'm obviously biased because this happened to someone close to me. And you can tell me that I'm sheltered, naive, whatever, because I've lived all my life in North Carolina. I will respond by telling you that I know it's not right to stand by while someone is being hurt and not at least call 911 on their behalf.

You don't want to get involved because you don't want to get beat up, too? Hey, I understand that. Don't wade into the fray. But do at least whip out that iPhone (and don't pretend you don't have one). Take some pictures of the assault. Call 911. Stick around to say something comforting to the victim after the thugs have melted into the sidewalk. Be willing to be an eyewitness for the cops.

Because yes. Silence IS complicity. And all of you who were at the L'Enfant Plaza Metro station on Sunday night and stood around silently while my brother was assaulted, I'm almost as pissed at you as I am at the perps.


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What sucks is this will probably happen again because of the lack of concern while it was happening....and I hope when it does the little mob of 12 y/o get the crap kicked outta them by a group of 22 y/o....sorry, I watched the video and that is just crap. How can anyone just watch that happen and not, at the very least, call the police?

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What sucks is this will probably happen again because of the lack of concern while it was happening....and I hope when it does the little mob of 12 y/o get the crap kicked outta them by a group of 22 y/o....sorry, I watched the video and that is just crap. How can anyone just watch that happen and not, at the very least, call the police?

wheres the video?

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What sucks is this will probably happen again because of the lack of concern while it was happening....and I hope when it does the little mob of 12 y/o get the crap kicked outta them by a group of 22 y/o....sorry, I watched the video and that is just crap. How can anyone just watch that happen and not, at the very least, call the police?

Well I certainly think it is making some criminals more bold when attacking someone like this. I've heard too many stories, either on the news, or from friends/coworkers, where someone was attacked, and no one did anything, and the guys didn't even have a weapon, it's sad.

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What sucks is this will probably happen again because of the lack of concern while it was happening

I don't think there's a lack of concern, it's a fear that something will happen to you if you interject. My bf and I witnessed a fight at the Chinatown movie theaters last summer and nobody stepped in. Why? The guy giving the beating was ****ing huge. And you know what, when we finally got out and were walking to the metro, we saw the dude walking away like nothing happened.

Even if the attackers are kids, you don't know what they are capable of, if they have some kind of weapon, who else will step in to help them out, if YOU will get in trouble for getting involved, etc. I know it sounds terrible, but in most cases the risk is honestly not worth the reward of trying to help a stranger. Of course, this is coming from me who is a relatively small female. But still I think this unfortunately holds true for most people.

Bottom line, DC has to step up police presence in these metro stations. And yes, Gallery Place is included. I think they stepped up patrols last summer to cut back on loitering, which was nice.

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Bottom line, DC has to step up police presence in these metro stations. And yes, Gallery Place is included. I think they stepped up patrols last summer to cut back on loitering, which was nice.

You're right. I could literally walk into a metro station with a gun and start firing. You never know what these attackers may have at their disposal. That being said, what a *****. I wouldn't want people knowing I got beet up by 11 and 12 year olds.


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