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Everyone is a hypocrite so let's hear it


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I know but sometimes I feel so old what is happening to me lol. I used to always be like all old people complain about the younger generation its stupid its not getting worse, and then I go and say damn this generation is so much worse than mine. Please I don't want to turn into Abe Simpson help me.

:ols: I'd just litter my yard with claymore mines, so if any demon child got too close for comfort, I'd set it off, and let them know what the deal was. ;)

That way, you can send the same message, without feeling like an old man.

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1) The meat thing. Hate how they are slaughtered, but I love burgers, pork and chicken.

2) I recycle, but like Bang, I don't have alot of room. I'd like to do more, but I'm limited.

3) I don't agree with the gay lifestyle, but I say let them marry if they want to and add them to each other's health ins.

4) I HATE cell phones (especially when people are driving), but I have a cell phone, like the portability you get with it and occassionally drive and talk. (about once a month when someone calls me- I never call someone when I drive).

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4) I HATE cell phones (especially when people are driving), but I have a cell phone, like the portability you get with it and occassionally drive and talk. (about once a month when someone calls me- I never call someone when I drive).

That's a good one. I hate cell phones but I bought one about a year and a half ago for my business and now I can't imagine living without it. It's like the Ring of Power. I love and hate it. :)

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I complain about how much time I spend at work and how it keeps me from other things I want to do, but I wouldn't have to be here quite so long if I weren't so easily distracted by this board, my co-workers, shiny things...

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Here is another one of mine

I hate loud teenagers they piss me off and I just about avoid places that are full of them but I was the EXACT same way when I was that age.

Hehe, this is probably mine. When I go to the mall or something, I see teenagers all the time acting stupid and immature. I say to myself "What in the hell is wrong with them? Why are teenagers such jackasses? Why do they dress like that?" Then I remember when I was a teenager, I was loud and quite a jackass myself. I wore torn heavy metal shirts, ripped jeans and had long hair.

---------- Post added January-7th-2011 at 02:21 PM ----------

I eat tons of meat and I'm pro-hunting, but when someone hurts a dog I want to kill them.

I wouldn't say you're a hypocrite for that. There is a difference in killing for food and proteins your body needs for survival and harming dogs.

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I never understood the get off my lawn issue.

I mean it's grass.

If they are walking in your grass in a path and create a cow path, thats one thing. :ols:

As far as being a hypocrite, I lean right, but believe gays should be left alone.

You either don't own a home or you don't keep up your yard. Because anyone that does, certainly doesn't want someone walking on their lawn. Alot of people put in a lot of time/money in making their yard look nice.

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I've complained a lot about people who buy McMansions for being wasteful of money, credit, and natural resources.

Yet I bought a 2300 sq foot house for two people. We didn't *need* to buy a house this size. (Granted I turn lights out like a geezer and we'll be making environmental upgrades to the hvac next year,)

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I don't recycle. I'd like to, but there's just not enough room in the house, I don't have a garage, and those open top bins just invite raccoons and worse if you leave them outside. I am all for doing our part to make the planet a better place, but if my part of the planet is so small that I can't stretch my feet out because of the recycling, oh well. Label me a hypocrite.

(I figure I offset it by driving less than 50 miles most weeks.)


What would be in your recycling bin that would invite raccoons? You're supposed to wash the last bit of everything out of your recycling. I've never had a problem with critters in my recycling haha. The trash is a different story, though.

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