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Skins fan who gave my child a pass to enter the player parking lot, thank you! Photos included


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Mods, move this to the Tailgate if you think it's more appropriate there.

I am hoping to get in touch with the generous Skins fan who gave my son such a special moment. While we were standing along the line where players exit, you gave my son a pass to enter the player parking lot and have a little 1-on-1 time with the players. Thank you for making a little boy so happy!


Brian Orakpo


London Fletcher


DeAngelo Hall


Trent Williams


John Beck

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Very Cool!

I remember a friend of mine took his daughter to a game in Minny, and all the Vikes players blew her off in the parking area. Wouldn't even sign an autograph.

Nice memories for you kid. Hats off to the Skins in the photos, and the fan who gave you the pass!

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