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Matt Leinart

Ricky Ervins

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IF, the Skins don't draft a QB we are looking at a pretty uninspiring crop of free agent QBs.

Matt Leinart will be a free agent at the end of the season. He spent this past year learning the Gary Kubiak offense, which of course is basically the exact same offense and terminology we run.

Yes he is the typical big name, low production guy that fans on this board continuosly clamor for, but he is a first round talent who has NEVER had a chance.

If we dont pick a qb in the first round this year, how do we feel about bringing him in to compete with Sexy Rexy and Beck? He's definately not hte answer, but hes a former first roudner with a year worth of experience in the offense. Couldnt we do a lot worse then bringing him in to compete with the 2 headed monster of Sexy Rexy and Beck?

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Never had a chance?


He really didn't. Dennis Green was always pissed at him for his holdout on the team following his drafting.

He then suffered 2 season ending injuries in each of the following 2 seasons. His first rookie season as a starter he started 11 games with about 2500 yards and 11 TD's before being injured. He had an o.k. passer rating for a rookie and did fairly well.

His second season he started 5 games before he had another season ending injury.

That was pretty much his last chance as he never started again and over the next several years on threw 29 passes in regular season play as mop up duty for Warner.

I wouldn't be opposed to bringing him in to compete if he's super cheap and we don't draft a QB.

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He had a chance -- Arizona practically begged him to seize the reigns of that offense, and he couldn't do it.

How many other young qb's get to enter the league with a strong running game and TWO hall of fame quality receivers?

He's a terrible football player. Sometimes it's that simple.

I'm content to leave it at that, regardless of where he played in college.

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This is going to sound wishy-washy, but if the coaches believe he's a good fit, I'm in. The guys HAS to have talent to do what he's done in college. It's very possible that he doesn't have the maturity or the leadership, but if he's cheap, knows the system, and had a fire lit under him for being cut...I'm sure it's worth a gamble.

I'd assume that, if motivated, he can perform better than Grossman...but I could be wrong. In conclusion, I won't be up in arms about it if the coaches bring him in.

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He had a chance -- Arizona practically begged him to seize the reigns of that offense, and he couldn't do it.

How many other young qb's get to enter the league with a strong running game and TWO hall of fame quality receivers?

He's a terrible football player. Sometimes it's that simple.

I'm content to leave it at that, regardless of where he played in college.

perfectly said, and this essentially ends any argument regarding him. few football players that i actively hate the way i hate this guy.

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