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Matt Leinart

Ricky Ervins

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This is a joke, right? I thought it was hilarious, I laughed my ass off, thanks, I needed a good laugh today.

Why not just try to get Jason Campbell back, or trade with Indy to get Painter?

Sorry, Matt is damaged goods, and MAY have 1 or 2 good games a season outta him; he surely wouldn't put any fear into ****iti'mthrowingdeep Rex Grossman's spot, and there's already enough attitude on this team, no need for more...

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I hate people who start these threads (sorry but ridiculous ideas) and then never respond in them.

It is like you know your idea is ridiculous and run from it. If you truly thought it was a good idea, then you would try and defend your original post with more thoughts on why it would be smart to make such a move. These are the exact threads that are clogging the main page and should be closed and removed.

OK buddy.

As great of a coach as Whiz has been, he doesnt have a track record for developing young QBs. Credit for Big Ben has always gone to Arians. Look at the way Skelton and Hall have struggled this year (although they are much less talented).

Beynd that, we have see countless times struggling QBs go from one system to another and thrive in it. Maybe he is better suited to be a system qb as that is clearly what the shannys want. They dont want an improvising type guy... they want someone to run their system. I wont go through the countless examples of QBs that struggled when they first came in the league, but once humbled and put into a system that suits them, they thrive. But as redskins fans Todd Collins should come to mind. I think Kyle Ortons success in Denver can be characterized that way too. Rich Gannon led the raiders to the superbowl after countless teams (including ours) let him go. It happends all the time.. this isnt exactly an outlandish assertion.

You cant deny that Leinart has talent. Theres a reason why players go that early in the draft. Yes, the work ethic thing has been a MAJOR issue, but sometimes situations like this humble players. His reputation as SC was as a fantastic leader.

And lastly, Leinart hasnt really started a game since 2007 (he started one game last year when Kurt was injured, but I dont think that is a fair evaluation of a qb). Even in 2007, he only started 5 games. A lot of these players you just dont know until you give them a chance. I never make too much of preseason, but he thrived this preseason in the Texans system. I know it was against 3rd stringers and mostly guys who are stocking supermarket shelves, but he should receive some recognition for it. Beck didnt have success against similar talent levels in our presason games.

Look... am i saying that Matt Leinart is tha answer for us? Of course not. However, if we dont draft a QB early... what are the other options? Wouldnt you rather see a former first rounder wtih experience in our offense then one of the other bums out there? Would we really feel much more comfortable with Rex Grossman than Leinart? If your answer to that question is yes, my guess is you are the same guy who was freaking out when we signed Grossman in the first place. Think outside the box for once. Past performance isnt always the best indicator of future performance.

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Matt Leinhart throws as pretty a pass as anyone in the league. Maybe he's matured and deserves a shot at redemption. But the Redskins are not the team to offer him that shot. There is too much turmoil up and down the roster for the Shanahans to take that on.

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OK buddy.

As great of a coach as Whiz has been, he doesnt have a track record for developing young QBs. Credit for Big Ben has always gone to Arians. Look at the way Skelton and Hall have struggled this year (although they are much less talented).

Beynd that, we have see countless times struggling QBs go from one system to another and thrive in it. Maybe he is better suited to be a system qb as that is clearly what the shannys want. They dont want an improvising type guy... they want someone to run their system. I wont go through the countless examples of QBs that struggled when they first came in the league, but once humbled and put into a system that suits them, they thrive. But as redskins fans Todd Collins should come to mind. I think Kyle Ortons success in Denver can be characterized that way too. Rich Gannon led the raiders to the superbowl after countless teams (including ours) let him go. It happends all the time.. this isnt exactly an outlandish assertion.

You cant deny that Leinart has talent. Theres a reason why players go that early in the draft. Yes, the work ethic thing has been a MAJOR issue, but sometimes situations like this humble players. His reputation as SC was as a fantastic leader.

And lastly, Leinart hasnt really started a game since 2007 (he started one game last year when Kurt was injured, but I dont think that is a fair evaluation of a qb). Even in 2007, he only started 5 games. A lot of these players you just dont know until you give them a chance. I never make too much of preseason, but he thrived this preseason in the Texans system. I know it was against 3rd stringers and mostly guys who are stocking supermarket shelves, but he should receive some recognition for it. Beck didnt have success against similar talent levels in our presason games.

Look... am i saying that Matt Leinart is tha answer for us? Of course not. However, if we dont draft a QB early... what are the other options? Wouldnt you rather see a former first rounder wtih experience in our offense then one of the other bums out there? Would we really feel much more comfortable with Rex Grossman than Leinart? If your answer to that question is yes, my guess is you are the same guy who was freaking out when we signed Grossman in the first place. Think outside the box for once. Past performance isnt always the best indicator of future performance.

Thanks for the reply and this post definitely is 10 times better and more thought out than your original post. While I do agree that some times it takes QBs a while or humbling to grow up, there is 10 times the amount of cases where the QB continues to stink.

I am not going to sit here and pick your thoughts apart, as you may be right or I may be right. That isn't the point I had with your OP. It was the lack of thought and discussion material. I still think Lienart is a bum. He was in a situation most QBs would die for. Two Pro-Bowl WRs. A very solid defense. A very solid running game. He just didn't care enough to get better.

To be honest, when we signed Grossman, I didn't care. I expected this season to be a learning season. McNabb or not. It didn't bother me. I didn't expect the playoffs and actually predicted a 7-9 season. I rather draft a QB (even if it is in the 2nd round) and continue to develop other positions. Lienart takes away from that plan. I expect another 8-8 type season next year as well. We are very far from competing in lots of phases. Talent, culture, chemistry, on/off field drama, etc. I mean there is a lot to clean up. I am not sure bringing in someone like Lienart is worth the risk of taking snaps away from someone who has yet to truly test his potential in the NFL.

BTW....Wisenhunt didn't draft Lienart. So it was never his plan to develop him.

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I'll take Sexy rexy over hot tub Leinart anyday and twice on Sundays.

What if I asked you last year at this time whether you would rather have Rex or Leinart as the starting qb of the redskins in 2011. Do you really think you would have said Rex?? You would have been CRAZY to say that. The fact of the matter is the 2 games Rex started for the Shannys changed your opinion about him. What I am saying is that the same thing could happen if you put Leinart in this offense. You never know. None of the people criticizing me on this page would have ever thought last year at this time you would be advocating to have Rex over Leinart.


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I'll take Sexy rexy over hot tub Leinart anyday and twice on Sundays.

I second this...

I would rather try to get Tebow than Leinart.

---------- Post added December-29th-2010 at 02:16 PM ----------

What if I asked you last year at this time whether you would rather have Rex or Leinart as the starting qb of the redskins in 2011. Do you really think you would have said Rex?? You would have been CRAZY to say that. The fact of the matter is the 2 games Rex started for the Shannys changed your opinion about him. What I am saying is that the same thing could happen if you put Leinart in this offense. You never know. None of the people criticizing me on this page would have ever thought last year at this time you would be advocating to have Rex over Leinart.


Oh and I consider myself an out of the box person. But when you talk about bringing in Leinart as the QB for the Washington Redskins. It makes me want to run and hide in the box and then kill myself.

---------- Post added December-29th-2010 at 02:18 PM ----------

I should start the next thread.

Tyler Thigpen

Then I can tell people to think outside the BOX

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Thanks for the reply and this post definitely is 10 times better and more thought out than your original post. While I do agree that some times it takes QBs a while or humbling to grow up, there is 10 times the amount of cases where the QB continues to stink.

I am not going to sit here and pick your thoughts apart, as you may be right or I may be right. That isn't the point I had with your OP. It was the lack of thought and discussion material. I still think Lienart is a bum. He was in a situation most QBs would die for. Two Pro-Bowl WRs. A very solid defense. A very solid running game. He just didn't care enough to get better.

To be honest, when we signed Grossman, I didn't care. I expected this season to be a learning season. McNabb or not. It didn't bother me. I didn't expect the playoffs and actually predicted a 7-9 season. I rather draft a QB (even if it is in the 2nd round) and continue to develop other positions. Lienart takes away from that plan. I expect another 8-8 type season next year as well. We are very far from competing in lots of phases. Talent, culture, chemistry, on/off field drama, etc. I mean there is a lot to clean up. I am not sure bringing in someone like Lienart is worth the risk of taking snaps away from someone who has yet to truly test his potential in the NFL.

BTW....Wisenhunt didn't draft Lienart. So it was never his plan to develop him.

Thanks for following up. I appreciate your request for more details then the typical "leinart cares more about going in hot tubs then football" response from some of the simple minded folk on here.

3 points I would like to make about your comments..

1) Thhe fact that Whiz didn't draft him only strengthens my argument that he never got a fair shot.

2) Leinart didnt have ANY running game

3) I clearly stated in my original post that bringing in Leinart would be in the event WE DONT DRAFT A QB. Once again, I am not advocating brining in Leinart over a rookie. Although I will say if Leinart was a senior right now at USC and just completed the career that he had, every ES member would be advocating trading our next 3 #1 picks to move up and get him.

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I second this...

I would rather try to get Tebow than Leinart.

---------- Post added December-29th-2010 at 02:16 PM ----------

Oh and I consider myself an out of the box person. But when you talk about bringing in Leinart as the QB for the Washington Redskins. It makes me want to run and hide in the box and then kill myself.

---------- Post added December-29th-2010 at 02:18 PM ----------

I should start the next thread.

Tyler Thigpen

Then I can tell people to think outside the BOX

Very intelligent comment considering Tebow is under contract and would probably require atleast our first round pick to obtain him. While Leinart is FREE AGENT.

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Thanks for following up. I appreciate your request for more details then the typical "leinart cares more about going in hot tubs then football" response from some of the simple minded folk on here.

2 points I would like to make about your comments..

1) Thhe fact that Whiz didn't draft him only strengthens my argument that he never got a fair shot.

2) Leinart didnt have ANY running game

3) I clearly stated in my original post that bringing in Leinart would be in the event WE DONT DRAFT A QB. Once again, I am not advocating brining in Leinart over a rookie. Although I will say if Leinart was a senior right now at USC and just completed the career that he had, every ES member would be advocating trading our next 3 #1 picks to move up and get him.

I get what you are saying here.

If we dont draft a QB we will have 2 QB's Grossman and Beck.

It wouldnt hurt bringing in Leinart. But Id rather have a Dennis Dixon or even a Tyler Thigpen.

Matt Leinart just doesnt have anything that would excite me.

Rex atleast has the deep ball. LOL

Dixon is athletic as hell and big.

Tyler Thigpen is just fun to watch. well atleast the few games in Kansas City.

Leinart > Russell

But if we are going to look at QB's Id rather look at Leinart than Jamarcus.

---------- Post added December-29th-2010 at 02:28 PM ----------

Very intelligent comment considering Tebow is under contract and would probably require atleast our first round pick to obtain him. While Leinart is FREE AGENT.

I said I would rather "try" to get Tebow.

Try being the operative word.

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What if I asked you last year at this time whether you would rather have Rex or Leinart as the starting qb of the redskins in 2011. Do you really think you would have said Rex?? You would have been CRAZY to say that. The fact of the matter is the 2 games Rex started for the Shannys changed your opinion about him. What I am saying is that the same thing could happen if you put Leinart in this offense. You never know. None of the people criticizing me on this page would have ever thought last year at this time you would be advocating to have Rex over Leinart.


I'm not trying to criticize. Heck, I'd let him come in for preseason and compete maybe, but I still would have said Grossman. The last 2 games have nothing to do with it.

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I've caught some Matt Leinart games and never not once have I said "Wow"

I have for the QB's I listed above.

So you never watched him in college? If you had watched Cassel last year before Weiss came in and ran the patriots offense he was comfortbale in, would you have said "wow"? Im not saying Leinart has done anything in his NFL career to make us think hes gonna be great. If that was the case, he wouldnt be the 3rd string qb on the texans. But there is a reason nfl scouts much smarter than any of us evaluated him as a first round qb, and maybe it takes the right offensive system to bring it out.

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Ok so because of that I should write "You want a first year of The Sexy Rexy show'? It would be his SECOND YEAR PAL

why dont you take it easy there slick. i merely asked you a question. but to answer yours, i am not against seeing what Rex is capable of as full time starter BUT it depends on the scenario at the start of next season. furthermore, as to your "ANOTHER year of the sexy Rexy show". the words "another" and "show" would lead one to beleive that we had a season of such spectacle, which we all know isnt true. that, is why i asked....but thanks for coming out PAL

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So you never watched him in college? If you had watched Cassel last year before Weiss came in and ran the patriots offense he was comfortbale in, would you have said "wow"? Im not saying Leinart has done anything in his NFL career to make us think hes gonna be great. If that was the case, he wouldnt be the 3rd string qb on the texans. But there is a reason nfl scouts much smarter than any of us evaluated him as a first round qb, and maybe it takes the right offensive system to bring it out.

So by your logic lets bring in Russell.

he has shown nothing either. And was a great QB in college.

NFL scouts evaluated him as a 1st round pick.

And maybe it just takes Russell the right offensive system to bring it out.

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I want to respond by first stating that I am a USC alumn and am therefore biased.

I see very little risk in bringing in Leinart ... his biggest problems is similar to that of Vince Young - he is not mature and has the attitude of entitlement. This is the main reason why the Cards walked away from him. Hopefully, being cut was humbling enough for him.

I agree witht he poster and think he can be a good player in the NFL ... he has shown flashed in the regular season /// he did play well for the Cards when called upon ... see the game he played against the Titans ... yes the Cards lost, but Leinart played very well.

I definitely think he is more talented and capable then the current cast of characters we have on the roster. My view is bring him in and draft other positions of need .... if he plays well its a steal and if not we get well positioned to take a QB a year later.

As it looks now A. Luck will likely be gone .... none of the others are Blue-chippers. I also think it is a big plus that Leinart is learning the offense in Houston!

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