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Is this Kosher?


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Reminds me of a story. When I was 21 I moved to Jersey (had relatives there) and so did a high school friend of mine from NM. He'd been there a couple years already and knew the lay of the land a little better than a big city newb like me.

We went into to the city one weekend and stopped outside Katz's deli for me to run in and get us both a sammich. I knew I was getting pastrami without question (why would anyone get anything else there?) but my ******* buddy told me he wanted ham. I didn't know any better and went up to that big counter and asked the guy for a pastrami and ham sammich. He looked me, obviously trying to determine if I was a total asshat or just stupid. He correctly figured on the second option and with a truly amazing politeness told me they didn't have ham. I figured out the situation (no Kosher ham in that joint) and as soon I got back in the car I cracked my buddy a good one in the arm while he laughed his ass off at me.

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Reminds me of a story. When I was 21 I moved to Jersey (had relatives there) and so did a high school friend of mine from NM. He'd been there a couple years already and knew the lay of the land a little better than a big city newb like me.

We went into to the city one weekend and stopped outside Katz's deli for me to run in and get us both a sammich. I knew I was getting pastrami without question (why would anyone get anything else there?) but my ******* buddy told me he wanted ham. I didn't know any better and went up to that big counter and asked the guy for a pastrami and ham sammich. He looked me, obviously trying to determine if I was a total asshat or just stupid. He correctly figured on the second option and with a truly amazing politeness told me they didn't have ham. I figured out the situation (no Kosher ham in that joint) and as soon I got back in the car I cracked my buddy a good one in the arm while he laughed his ass off at me.

Speaking of Katz's Deli, I went there in the summertime, and had one of their reuben sandwiches. I almost slipped into a coma, that was how good it was.

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