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Have there ever been end-of-the-year ES awards?


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You know, for things like Post of the Year, Poster of the Year, Funniest Thread of the Year, The Thread That Wouldn't Die, Best Ban, Best Post Resulting in a Ban, Best Mod... we could come up with a bunch of categories, then have a "veterans' committee" of sorts put together the nominees before public polls are created for the final voting. Would anyone else be down for something like this?

(Didn't know if this should go in the Stadium or Tailgate, so I picked the larger of the two. Sorry if I guessed wrong, mods.)

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Ya know if it hasn't already been done this is a pretty good idea. I mean how many times do you open a poorly titled and not so well thought out thread and 5 posts in someone posts " This is Worst thread EVER"? I don't how the mods or the ES Tribal Counsel would do it but maybe a end of year nominee poll and let ES decide on the winner. The MODS can weed out the best of the best or worst of the worst.could be pretty fun. And we would need a cool name for the award...maybe the "High There Award" or The Bubba.

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Its a good idea Hubbs. Like you, I follow the Stadium portion quite a bit and it seems like there are entertaining threads on here every day, so its tough for me to think of individual threads or even posts that really stand out. Maybe we can use this thread for people to come up with nominees, maybe if not for just this year, but historically:

Best Poster: Bulldog

Best Post: "Sean's Gone" by Mark "Om" Steven, original 2007

Funniest Thread: Two come to mind that had me crying I was laughing so hard. The "make your own demotivational poster" and the "caption this pic" that had DeAngelo Hall with some sea lion

Thread That Won't Die: "Paloffs are now!!!" (what else)

Funniest Poster Names: Brandon Lloyd Christmas, Hardcore Zornography

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You remember Mass Skins Fan? Hahaha.

Oh god yes, BCS. There is an active (still, I think) poster with the same username with maybe a slight variation (no underscore within or something like that). But I know who you are talking about. I seriously hope that person is OK, because he sure seemed like one unhappy camper.

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I honestly think BLTO's Mormon thread in the Tailgate should get the Funniest Thread Of The Year award, that was golden :ols:

As for my contribution to this thread:

Fail thread of the year: McD5's Stock Market prediction thread. :ols: ( I still love ya McD )

hahaha I totally agree about the Mormon thread, everyone here needs to read through that, it's GOLD. He knows what he's doing

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Oh god yes, BCS. There is an active (still, I think) poster with the same username with maybe a slight variation (no underscore within or something like that). But I know who you are talking about. I seriously hope that person is OK, because he sure seemed like one unhappy camper.

Whenever I first noticed the new MassSkinsFan, I was like, "Man, that guy sure has calmed down!". Mass_SkinsFan was a riot.

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Okay, okay, lots of good ideas, but we need to start organizing a plan for how this should move forward.

I suggest we first establish who should be on the committee that will determine the categories and nominees. We need some sort of committee for this, because we can't just give everyone the ability to nominate anything and create any category they wish and expect anything remotely resembling an orderly voting process to occur. We need to be able to use the ES poll system, and that requires a set list of categories and nominees. It'll be a total cluster**** if we don't have a sorting-out process.

So I would suggest this: Anyone who wants to be involved can throw his/her hat in the ring, and make a case if so desired. We can spend a few days - say, from now until COB next Friday - to tally which volunteers get the most support. I'd be happy to perform the task of keeping count throughout this thread, because I think this could be a lot of fun. We should come to an odd number - I would suggest 9 if we can get 9, seems like a fair number, we'll go Supreme Court-style on this project - and then we can move on to determining the nominees. How does that plan sound to everyone?

If we move forward that way, then allow me to be the first to throw my hat into the ring. Like I said, I think this would be fun. My case is that I'm the one who suggested this in the first place. :pfft:

---------- Post added December-4th-2010 at 03:44 AM ----------

Oh, and there's even a great naming possibility for the awards: The ESpys.

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