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Have there ever been end-of-the-year ES awards?


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I don't know what it should be called, but KDawg has to win an award for the overall time, effort, quality and football sense he puts into his threads.

I'd have to second that- there are just some people here that consistently add so much that they have earned some sort of recognition.

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I don't know what it should be called, but KDawg has to win an award for the overall time, effort, quality and football sense he puts into his threads.

Best shout out of the thread.

KD is one of the most informative, enjoyable and of late, innovative posters to read. (But don't tell him I said that, as I'm still waiting for him to get his priorities straight and tell his gal' NO! I have my burgundy and gold brothers need's to take care of ..... can't be having him get the impression that I actually like and appreciate his rich contribution to these boards .... pretty much in the same way I always enjoy Of's threads for the different slate they bring. But keep that one close to your vest too and pretend I joust with him to be an ass, not because it's mentally stimulating. Can't have them both thinking I like them or my devious plan will fall to pieces.).

As to the overall idea, I love it, save for one thing. It's December. And I can't remember the previous 11 months worth of threads. I demand a review list for those of us that are getting old darn it!


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I say we get a list of things that we wanna vote on people can put in their ideas and the ones that people are on the fence about we can make a poll for them with multiple choice I guess. Now since today is the 4th I say we run the opening categories from now till the 18th then from the 18th - 31st we vote and then the 1st or 2nd we have the actual awards thread

---------- Post added December-4th-2010 at 10:55 AM ----------

We should also have awards for the guys that post the training camp, post practice, etc. tweets that we love so much. (Especially the training camp tweets.)

see their are different things like this that I do not see much need for it. Isn't there just Murf I think that does the training camp pics? I mean not to be a douche just trying to look at it realistically and try not to have unnecessary awards and clutter.

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+1.. It's hysterical that the Campbell debate is still going on, but I love it.

but see this is why the awards are gonna be fun. We have some strong contenders for some categories and I think the Thread That Will Not Die will definitely be one of the most talked about and heated discussions which could end up being a thread that will not die.

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see their are different things like this that I do not see much need for it. Isn't there just Murf I think that does the training camp pics? I mean not to be a douche just trying to look at it realistically and try not to have unnecessary awards and clutter.

I was just throwing the suggestion out there because a lot of us was happy to see the Training camps tweets, especially when we wanted to know if Big Al passed his conditioning test or not. I think the guys the guys that constantly took the time to posted those tweets deserve awards for that.

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but see this is why the awards are gonna be fun. We have some strong contenders for some categories and I think the Thread That Will Not Die will definitely be one of the most talked about and heated discussions which could end up being a thread that will not die.
If the category was labeled "The Debate That Would Not Die," then the Campbell debate wins hands down and the Stamina Award would go to BLC.:D
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I would add this suggestion to an awesome idea. Keep the number of categories to less than 10. 5 Probably would be better and get better particpation and avoid becoming background noise. Five separate threads with a poll would keep the thing to single voting and make sure no one is stuffing the ballot. Give one guy the responsibility to own/monitor each thread and then have him create the poll after a specfied number of days, say like two weeks to accept nominations, two weeks to accept votes (or some other timefame), all starting around a given date. I think the week after Super Bowl would be best, but I leave it to smarter people to figure out. The thread would be created with something that draws attention to the award and standardize the format to make it easier to search in future years. Something like ESpy Award: Best thread of 2010, or ESpy award: Most knowledgeable Poster, ESpy Award: Best thread NNT'ed by a Mod. Nominations would provide links. (I don't think we could use ESpy, since it's probably copyrighted, but you get the idea.)

I like awards to people for good things, like biggest Homer. I would avoid things like stupidest poster, biggest horse's patootie, etc. Keep it positive. After all, we are all Skins fans.

Just a start on the practical side of this, since the mods are too busy to do this. (Thank you anyway mods for a truly awesome product.)

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Most Consistently Wrong Poster Who Never Admits That's He's Wrong: McD5

This is half blasphemous, and half ignorant. In short, it's blasphnorant.:pfft:

Best impression of Dumb and Dumber(in terms of post content): tr1 and Califan. Our own embarrassing version of Batman and Robin. And likely both wearing tights.:pfft:

Best looking, most humble, and MVP: McD5

Please make him our GM: McD5

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C'mon man, I like contests where I actually have a chance to win! This isn't fair! :)

Anyway, I'd probably say the top posters are guys like murf, Longshot, bulldog, Burgold, probably some others that are slipping my mind right now.

I won't count any of the mods.

Thread of this past year/Thread that didn't die? I'd say the Vincent Jackson one because it never ended and it always felt like something was going to happen, then it felt like there was no chance, then there was hope, then there was no chance again. Then TK would come by and drop in a little nugget here or there. It was ridiculous haha.

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Wow. Thanks sj, I had missed that one...love the awards idea, plus I think wildbill's idea of separating them out into individual threads to allow for open voting makes the most sense... ....just my $.02

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