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Please don't drink and drive


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Like it needs to be said. But my parents were hit and run by some drunk idiot last night. They were able to get the plate before he drove away, and he was later arrested. And fortunately no serious injuries (that we know of yet), but my mom is currently at the ER because her head pain is getting worse almost 24 hours after slamming it into the window.

Anyway, just wanted to share with you guys because I'm shook up about it. Could have been WAY worse, but seriously, you're a douchebag if you drink and drive.

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Yeah, don't drink and drive. Also, don't text and drive, or try yo drive when you are tired.

Hope your mom is okay.

I remember a great presentation a few years ago about tired driving. The speaker had stats showing tired driving is worse then drunk driving

Orange, thought and prayers for your parents. I agree, drunk drivers is just plain stupid.

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My thoughts are definitely with your parents, I hope they are able to make a speedy recovery. Especially your mom with the head injury, that is very scary.

As for drinking and driving, you've touched on one of my biggest issues as I had a relative killed by a drunk driver.

I will never understand people who drink and drive, definitely one of the most stupid things someone can do. Drink all you want, just call a cab, it's not that difficult.

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"I'm good. I can make this. It's not that far and if I take it easy and really focus,I'll be good."

Bull****. Sooner or later,the odds are that luck runs out and something like in the O.P. happens. Sorry to hear this and hopes and prayers to all,especially your mom Orange.

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drinking a driving is VERY common

i hate when people talk about how they were drunk as **** and they still drove home and its ok because they are used to it. I swear it should be legal to smack these people.

Smack them?

I disagree with that, but I went through a phase where I would drink and drive home, and trust me, I know I was an idiot for doing it.

I actually had a friend drop me off at a restaurant one block from my house where I had parked my car, and the next morning I did not remember driving the one block home.

Now I have a policy that even if I only have 1 beer I do not drive home. That or I walk around a mall or keep myself away from evening thinking od driving for at least an hour or two.

We all make mistakes, and Lord knows I did some really, really, really supid things.

I agree it is annoying when people continually admit to drinking home drunk, especially when they brag about it

I also agree the punishments need to be harsher.

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2 of my cousins and a girl I loved were killed when some drunk driver flew off an over pass and landed on top of their car. Most people don't wear seat belts down in Mexico, and that kind of collision is usually deadly.

I'll be praying for your parents; drunk driving is one of the worst crimes in my mind. You may not intend to kill someone, but you are intentionally doing something which you know could kill someone. That's hardly better.

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Nothing will change until they make the laws for Driving under the influence a criminal charge instead of a motor vehicle charge.... If they made it a mandatory even 3 day jail time for first offense you would see a dratic drop..
I absolutely, 100% agree with this. I would very much like to see a change in our current system and a substantial increase in penalties, even with first time DUI's. Everyone who drinks and drives should be charged criminally and should have the book thrown at them as far as I'm concerned.
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I've drunk and then driven before, I have never been drunk off my ass and driven but after like 3 or 4 beers I've driven. I don't do it proudly and don't do it often but I have done it before. I know I don't feel drunk when I've done it but I also know you don't have to in order to be impaired. Either way hope your fam is OK and I'm glad he was caught. Also think the penalties should be way stiffer.

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Smack them?

I disagree with that, but I went through a phase where I would drink and drive home, and trust me, I know I was an idiot for doing it.

I actually had a friend drop me off at a restaurant one block from my house where I had parked my car, and the next morning I did not remember driving the one block home.

Now I have a policy that even if I only have 1 beer I do not drive home. That or I walk around a mall or keep myself away from evening thinking od driving for at least an hour or two.

We all make mistakes, and Lord knows I did some really, really, really supid things.

I agree it is annoying when people continually admit to drinking home drunk, especially when they brag about it

I also agree the punishments need to be harsher.

Also good advice to not post on a message board about drinking and driving while drinking

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I've drunk and then driven before, I have never been drunk off my ass and driven but after like 3 or 4 beers I've driven. I don't do it proudly and don't do it often but I have done it before. I know I don't feel drunk when I've done it but I also know you don't have to in order to be impaired. Either way hope your fam is OK and I'm glad he was caught. Also think the penalties should be way stiffer.

I wouldn't call driving after 3 or 4 beers drunk driving

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