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The Official Washington Basketball Thread: Wizards, Mystics etc


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More like Howard held Wall. What an epic failure. Just when you think the team is turning the corner..

Then he needs to force the issue and make the refs call something. Any coach will tell you that. Can't just let it happen and lose the game.

Don't confuse this with thinking the refs didn't steal this one. They did. It was ridiculous one sided crap.

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Lol I wanna know what steve called James Harden. Did it rhyme with Bob Saget?

Didn't see the game, was on Facebook and saw a couple posts about how the refs screwed the Wizards so thought I'd check this thread. Looks like there were numerous calls.

It rhymed with funya tisness.

Houston shot 47 free throws. They tied the game on a play where a Harden lost the ball and just threw his hands up in the air getting the call. They took the lead when Harden grabbed Ariza's arm and threw himself on the floor getting a tech AND the ball. Total screw job.

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So torn. On one hand, I never want to watch another NBA game for as long as I live. So disgusted. So furious. On the other, I love my Wizards, have loved them for going on three decades now and will always support them. Curious to how the media plays this. Knowing ESPN, they'll throw up a boxscore on Sportscenter and that's it.

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I swear I've never been more pissed over a Bullets/Wizards game. Pissed over anything. Like I've said, I'm going on three decades of following this team. Ive seen a lot of ****. A lot of **** players, **** coaches, **** teams and **** refereeing. This one tops them all. Not as important but more pissed off than even the Crab Dribble made me.

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Rockets fans are talking smack now on another board. :mellow:

Ditto on the /r/NBA sub on Reddit. Like I've said there, I have absolutely no respect for any fan that can't/won't admit that they were the beneficiaries of bull**** refereeing.

And I was wrong about Sportscenter. One of their top highlights. And I had hope they'd call a spade a spade since local boy Scott Van Pelt is hosting. But nope, he just went on and on about the Wizards defense letting Harden getting to the rim. "Like a knife through butter!!!" **** you Van Pelt.

I'm hoping something good comes out of this bull****. I hope this pisses the team off. That they sit and stew over it over the AS break and can't think of anything else. That it brings them closer as a team, they get a "**** the world/us against the world" mentality and they're just ruthless from here on out.

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This picture is going on five years old:


Seriously, how is mini-Al Davis here STILL a ****ing ref? How?


It really is unbelievable. In what other sport does that happen? That does not even happen in baseball, and those guys barely move.


The NBA lets bad refs stay in the league for way too long. It hurts the legitimacy of the league, but nobody within the league seems to mind. 

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