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The prevailing argument by many Washington Wizards fans and people who follow the league is that John Wall's bad teammates cost him assist opportunities by missing shots. As a team, the Wizards rank 27th in the league in effective field goal percentage, 29th in the league in three-point shooting and 28th in the league in points per possession on spot-up attempts, according to MySynergySports.com. There's plenty of surface evidence to support that point of view out there.

But I wanted to go deeper. Do the Wizards really shoot poorly because they can't shoot, or is it because they take dumb shots. If it's the former, then Wall would be far more affected. To answer this question -- and, on a side note, to demonstrate why I despite the assist stat -- I decided to spend this weekend working on a new project that I'll be keeping up all year.

The project? Drumroll please...

That means that Wall is averaging 9.7 missed assists per game this season. I don't know about you, but that seems pretty high. We're talking about 321 total plays where Wall could have had an assist if his teammate just hit the shot. Say Wall's teammates convert on just 100 of those 321 misses. That would take him from averaging 7.6 assists per game to averaging 10.7 assists per game. Only Steve Nash (10.9 assists per game) is posting a higher assist per game average than that.

stuff like this is why I like BulletsForever

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Better shooters and scorers around him means that he'll have a lot more space to work with on offense as well.

We really won't see the real John Wall for another season or two thanks to the dumbass GM. I'm beating a dead horse, but he should have been canned right after the season when we purged the entire roster. Just imagine for a second that we didn't luck into Wall and had to end up with Evan Turner or Derrick Favors.

The tiny bit of hope with this team is all thanks to pure luck and zero effort by the management.

Edited by No Excuses
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Better shooters and scorers around him means that he'll have a lot more space to work with on offense as well.

We really won't see the real John Wall for another season or two thanks to the dumbass GM. I'm beating a dead horse, but he should have been canned right after the season when we purged the entire roster. Just imagine for a second that we didn't luck into Wall and had to end up with Evan Turner or Derrick Favors.

The tiny bit of hope with this team is all thanks to pure luck and zero effort by the management.


With a lousy free agent class coming up, Ernie still in the front office, and no big time difference makers in this draft.....I see no light at the end of the tunnel for this team. ....hope I'm wrong.

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I just hope this team is active in FA because I'm not convinced they will be. I've wanted Wilson Chandler since last year and he's out there looking for a contract. Zero buzz from the Wizards that are currently HORRIBLE at SF offensively. They seem content to have a horrible roster and they keep clearing cap space.

Who are they clearing this space for?

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I just hope this team is active in FA because I'm not convinced they will be. I've wanted Wilson Chandler since last year and he's out there looking for a contract. Zero buzz from the Wizards that are currently HORRIBLE at SF offensively. They seem content to have a horrible roster and they keep clearing cap space.

Who are they clearing this space for?


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The league-wide field goal percentage this year is 44.3%, so if John Wall's passes only result in a made basket 43.9% of the time, I would call that normal shooting rather than especially poor shooting.


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[/color]Jordan is now a decent role player for a good team. Put him on the Wizards and he'd be a much bigger liability than McGee is. He can't score at all, is somehow a worse shooter than McGee in all respects, and he doesn't rebound any better than McGee does.

You're overrating the impact of McGee's offensive game. Sure, McGee is a passable offensive player, but until he can be a marginally efficient post option at volume, on 14-17 shots a game, and getting to the line 4-6 times a game (his FTA/36 has gone down every year), saying he's a better offensive player than Jordan doesn't do much for me. They're about equal rebounding wise - there's just a vast gulf both in the defense department, and in the basketball IQ department.

Put DeAndre on the Wizards and he'd be a solid defensive center who scores off putbacks and plays hard on the boards.

DeAndre Jordan is the perfect center for a playoff contender - McGee would be a rotation player at best for a deep playoff team. His awful defense and terrible basketball smarts wouldn't let him stay on the court for more than 15-20 minutes a game.

Edited by The Robert Griffin Experience
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Article I ran across on Google News from WUSA 9

Wizards Should Trade JaVale McGee

WASHINGTON (WUSA) -- With a record of 7-26, a coaching change and some infamous blunders, the Washington Wizards will return from the all-star break Tuesday night in Milwaukee to take on the Bucks.

After the worst start in franchise history (0-8), the first half of the season turned out better than I expected. The Wizards locker room was a danger zone in early January, with the roof ready to cave in on the entire organization. Let's review some of the positives, some of the negatives and what to watch for in the last 33 games.


*The Wizards aren't the worst team in the league. The Charlotte Bobcats are 4-28.

*Beating the Oklahoma City Thunder 105-102 on January 18. The win was the finest during Flip Saunders tenure. Superstar's Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook combined for 69 points in the loss.

*Firing Flip Saunders. The Wizards players, fans and finally the owner Ted Leonsis recognized that there wasn't a way Saunders could be apart of the team's long term future. The coach was sacked on January 24 and replaced with Randy Wittman.

*When Nick Young plays well, the Wizards are usually winners.

*John Wall played spectacularly in the month of February. Although he still hasn't grasped how to elevate his fellow teammates around him on offense. That could come in time. Maybe. Actually it's doubtful unless a new general manager is hired, because Wall won't have solid players around him. Crap! I'm supposed to stay positive.

*Power Forward Trevor Booker without a doubt has sparked victories for Washington. He's the most unselfish player on the team and plays much bigger than his 6-foot-8 frame. He seems like he's going to become a mainstay in the franchises very uncertain future.


*John Wall didn't add any wrinkles to his offensive skill set -- especially his jump shot -- causing media members like myself to question the long term plan of the Wizards. Gilbert Arenas, Caron Butler and Antawn Jamison only made it out of the first round once, and were considered the second best team in franchise history. Regardless of the record, Wall's second year on the team has to be considered a disappointment because he has not taken the tremendous leap we all expected to see.

*Fifteen of the Wizards 26 losses have been by 14 points or more.

*Rookies Jan Vesely and Chris Singleton have not been the kind of immediate impact players so desperately needed by the Wizards. Point guard Shelvin Mack is the most competent rookie, but when he's on the court, John Wall is not.

*The veteran signings of Ronny Turiaf and Roger Mason Jr. haven't gone over as planned. Turiaf has played in just four games because of a broken hand, while Mason Jr. is averaging only 7.6 minutes per game, the fewest on the entire roster.

What to look for in the second half

Trade JaVale McGee

I didn't list McGee on the positive or the negative list, because each and every game he finds himself on both. I am convinced McGee can become a solid NBA player, just not on the Wizards. There is a maturity disconnect somewhere in McGee's head that I think is beyond repair in Washington D.C. Only a change in scenery could fully awaken McGee.

The 7-footer will be an restricted free agent following the season. Why in the world would he re-sign with Washington? His mother Pamela seems like she's pretty connected in some NBA circles and will be persuading her son that the nation's capital isn't the best place for him. I completely agree with her.

It does seem preposterous to trade a 24-year-old shot blocking machine with untapped offensive potential. But McGee is going to have plenty of suitors for his services this offseason, willing to pay him the type of money Clippers center DeAndre Jordan received -- four years and $43 million -- and probably more. John Wall and McGee don't seem buddy-buddy enough for the point guard to plead to management to keep him either.

What could the Wizards get for McGee? At least a first round pick and a veteran player. If the Wizards do re-sign McGee in the offseason, I have a strong feeling we will be seeing a repeat of the Alex Semin situation with the Washington Capitals. The negatives about the player will always overshadow the positives.

Chris Singleton and Jan Vesely need to play as much as possible

Yes, it will continue to hurt John Wall's stats. Yes, it will probably continue to hurt the total in the loss column. But this season is a wash anyway. Why not season these guys as much as possible now? I'm talking a minimum of 30 minutes per game.

Working on offense during practice can only go so far. Both of these players are challenged when they have the basketball in their hands. The only way they can improve is to eat Rashard Lewis, Andray Blatche and even Jordan Crawford's minutes using bigger lineups.

Let John Wall and Shelvin Mack play extensively together

I keep repeating this phrase, but the rest of the Wizards season should be a trial run. I'd love to see the 6-foot-4 Wall dabble with some shooting guard. Not only will it give him practice to improve his jumper,it could actually work.

The Clippers, Pacers and Nuggets are teams who routinely trot out two point guard lineups and use them effectively. What if Wall thrives without the ball in his hands all the time? There is only one way to find out.

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Good article. I like the idea of trading McGee but there's always the matter of replacing him. I agree that we're not doing a good job developing him.

I think a team like the Spurs could turn him into a fantastic player and they might actually have something decent to offer in return given how well they draft.

If we deal McGee though, I want us to get a second lottery pick to give us the option of either trading up for Anthony Davis (assuming we don't win the first pick) or take a good front court back court combo like Barnes/Robinson/Sully/MKG with one pick and Beal/Lamb/Rivers with the other pick.

Re: Wall off the ball, he already does play a surprising amount off the ball when Jordan Crawford is in the lineup. It's something that jumped out at me at the end of last year. Mack and Wall could work, and I think Mack can play off the ball too because he can hit corner threes.

I agree with giving Vesely and Singleton most of Blatche and Rashard's minutes. I'd be fine if Blatche didn't play any more this season. Vesely should probably be getting most of Rashard's minutes on merit. Have to be careful going too young though because we still have to run our offense.

What are some serviceable free agent centers for 2012-2013? I'm talking a legit seven footer and not another Ronny Turiaf or Kevin Seraphin.

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I completely disagree with that article. Wall has shown over the past 2 months that his shot is coming along. He has also started to learn how to change his pace on the ball. The dude is playing great. The rest of the team however is not. The wizards have routinely put out 3-guard lineups for the past 7 games. It worked twice. The rest of the time it failed badly. The wizards can not be compared to the clippers because they have star power. They dont need to do things perfectly. If things go wrong, they will always be gifted the free throw line, and every rebound in the game. The Nuggets have slumped since they lost 2 of their shooters in the offseason. I dont know much about the Pacers.

However, if we trade Javale for a 1st round pick and a crappy veteran player, i will be forever pissed. So our plan is to get rid of the only other player on our team who has any skill for nothing, with no backups left on the roster? Stupid teams do this. This is Randy Foye + Miller all over again. We can clear out as much space as we want here in Washington... Howard is not coming here. And as some others pointed out; we arent even looking at any of the other good free agents on the market like Wilson Chandler. Doooooooooommmmmmed.

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More's the fool they are if that's the case.

Wouldn't it be nice if there was a rule that ****ty teams like us could offer max and a half deals to free agents. As in a max deal plus half again that money. Then we might actually have a chance at signing someone like Howard.

---------- Post added February-27th-2012 at 08:07 PM ----------

The league-wide field goal percentage this year is 44.3%, so if John Wall's passes only result in a made basket 43.9% of the time, I would call that normal shooting rather than especially poor shooting.


Better to find the FG% on assisted attempts, if such a stat even exists. You've got iso shots and late shot clock attempts, shots in traffic in the lane, etc. bogging down the general FG %. An attempt off a potential assist is going to be a gimme a lot of the time. You're generally going to be open and in a good spot. The fg % on assisted shot attempts should be substantially higher.

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Article I ran across on Google News from WUSA 9

Wizards Should Trade JaVale McGee

that is a horrible article. You can only work on offense so much in practice? Are you ****ing kidding me with this ****? I'm left to assume that moron was drunk when he wrote that or knows nothing about basketball. You learn to shoot by working on shooting with a shooting coach or on your own. Then you try it in practice and then and only then do you roll it out in a real game. A pro basketball team is not a development session where players are encouraged to jack up garbage so they can work out there offensive problems. If anything that can impart bad shooting habits.

This isn't new every player does this. The stars like Kobe and Lebron work on shots in the summer. McGee showed up this season with new moves. Locker rooms are maintained by preserving the meritocracy, the best play the rest EARN minutes. Can you imagine Wall watching Vesely jack up that horrifying J because he can't be expected to learn to shoot in practice?

Singleton is getting less minutes because he currently sucks at everything. His offense and defense have been horrible this last month. Should we leave him out there to foul out and fail so he can work through it? His team mates wouldn't appreciate the season being used as a school for scrubs. He even suggests cutting into Crawfords minutes, a young player that has earned playing time recently.

**** that guy.

His reason or trade McGee is basically 'because he's going to be good somewhere else and his mom knows it'. Good grief.

Edited by Destino
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You're focusing on only one part of the article Destino. You're right that "give Singleton and Vesely Rashard, Blatche's, and Crawford's minutes just because" is a stupid idea. But if this is a meritocracy, Vesely has straight up earned Rashard's minutes, and anyone can stake a better claim to Blatche's minutes than Blatche.

I agree that giving Crawford's minutes to Singleton or Vesely is stupid.

I don't agree with the article that Mack has been the best rookie. I think Vesely certainly has. Mack runs the offense well though, can shoot and handle the ball, and could probably stand to see the floor more often.

On the proposed McGee trade, the return value the article proposes is pathetic, plus the article offers no solution at Center in the aftermath of such a trade. That first round pick needs to be a lottery pick and that veteran player needs to either be a wing as good as McGee is, or a serviceable center that won't crap his pants when he starts.

But I do agree that this is not McGee's best fit insofar as he's not developing as well as he could for a better team. He'll probably never be as good as he can be if he stays here for the simple fact that it's hard to be a good player on an awful team.

The savvy move for McGee this offseason is to take less money to play for a better organization.

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But I do agree that this is not McGee's best fit insofar as he's not developing as well as he could for a better team. He'll probably never be as good as he can be if he stays here for the simple fact that it's hard to be a good player on an awful team.

The savvy move for McGee this offseason is to take less money to play for a better organization.

That can be said about any player in the history of Washington Sports

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That can be said about any player in the history of Washington Sports

We've had a few good ones before. It's just a shame that 80% of them all came in an eleven year span for the Redskins, none of which I was old enough to appreciate.

But we're not just a bad team, we're arguably the second worst team in the league and it'll be a while before we climb out of the cellar. McGee could go to a middling team like Denver or Phoenix and be much better off as a sixth man than he would be here. Or if he's smart, he'd take less money to play for a good, veteran team where he could probably get starters minutes like Boston, Portland, Houston, Philly, or San Antonio. If I'm him, I'm signing with whichever one of those teams offers me a contract and promises me 25+ minutes a night with the chance to earn more. Even if it's just a short deal. I'd take a one year deal with an agreement we'll talk about an extension later if I play well from San Antonio or Portland. Those would be my top two choices.

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As far as the NBA draft, I can't be the only Wizards fan that wants NOTHING to do with Jared Sullinger (as well as Perry Jones...i've soured on him), right?

IMO, it's MKG or Thomas Robinson....I've accepted the fact that we probably won't get the #1 overall pick...but there aren't two guys in college basketball that play with more intensity than the guys I mentioned. If we're in the top-5, I hope we land one of them...if not, Harrison Barnes wouldn't be a bad option as well.

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I was looking at our cap situation again for next year. After Amnestying Blatche and buying out Rashard, we will be roughly 35 mil under the cap....this is before we bring back any of our own free agents. I'm thinking we could use 10 million of that on McGee (I'm in the camp of keeping him, but wont pay more than 10 million per year) so that leaves us with 25 million.

We've got 3 restricted FA we could go after:

Nic Batum, Ryan Anderson and Eric Gordon

My question for you all is, how much would you be willing to pay for each player (remember when offering the contract you want to offer enough to where their current team will not want to match)

I'm thinking Gordon would be my top choice and I'd offer 5 years 80 million (Rudy Gay contract) which would start him out at 13 million starting next year....that leaves 12 million left.

If the Magic are still in cap hell, I'll offer the rest to Anderson because they wont be able to match; if Orlando clears Howard/Turk's salary, I think I then go after Batum, because the Magic will match any offer to keep Ryan Anderson

---------- Post added February-28th-2012 at 09:08 AM ----------

that is a horrible article. .

What kills me about the article is the guy wants to play John Wall (who doesn't shoot well) into a 2 guard. This guy is really reaching.

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I was looking at our cap situation again for next year. After Amnestying Blatche and buying out Rashard, we will be roughly 35 mil under the cap....this is before we bring back any of our own free agents. I'm thinking we could use 10 million of that on McGee (I'm in the camp of keeping him, but wont pay more than 10 million per year) so that leaves us with 25 million.

We've got 3 restricted FA we could go after:

Nic Batum, Ryan Anderson and Eric Gordon

My question for you all is, how much would you be willing to pay for each player (remember when offering the contract you want to offer enough to where their current team will not want to match)

I'm thinking Gordon would be my top choice and I'd offer 5 years 80 million (Rudy Gay contract) which would start him out at 13 million starting next year....that leaves 12 million left.

If the Magic are still in cap hell, I'll offer the rest to Anderson because they wont be able to match; if Orlando clears Howard/Turk's salary, I think I then go after Batum, because the Magic will match any offer to keep Ryan Anderson

---------- Post added February-28th-2012 at 09:08 AM ----------

What kills me about the article is the guy wants to play John Wall (who doesn't shoot well) into a 2 guard. This guy is really reaching.

Hmmm...I like all 3 guys you targeted. And I also agree w. what you said about McGee.

It could play out in 1 of two scenarios (if everything works out)

1) If we draft Thomas Robinson, there is no need for Ryan Anderson....but Batum would make all the sense in the world.

2) If we draft MKG, there is no need for Batum....but Anderson would make all the sense in the world.

I'm already on the Gordon bandwagon, so I'm up for doing anything to bring him here. I honestly don't see him returning to NO, and it seems like some bridges have been burned between him and the front office.

Lineup 1:






Lineup 2:






Oh boy....I really like those two lineups...I didn't crunch the #'s as far as what I'd offer, and I'll do that later on. I like your thinking on this GB.

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I'd have to check out Gordon's injury some more before I give that much money. Before the season, I'd have given him a max deal. I don't think he's worth the max, but we will have cap space, and its probably the only way a top player comes here next season. With the injury, I want a doctor (hopefully not one of the ones currently employed by the Wizards) to give him a clean bill of health.

It might take a max contract to get Portland to not match Batum. It really sucks being in our position because we will almost certainly have to overpay any significant free agent to come and play here.

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Hmmm...I like all 3 guys you targeted. And I also agree w. what you said about McGee.

It could play out in 1 of two scenarios (if everything works out)

1) If we draft Thomas Robinson, there is no need for Ryan Anderson....but Batum would make all the sense in the world.

2) If we draft MKG, there is no need for Batum....but Anderson would make all the sense in the world.

I'm already on the Gordon bandwagon, so I'm up for doing anything to bring him here. I honestly don't see him returning to NO, and it seems like some bridges have been burned between him and the front office.

Lineup 1:






Lineup 2:






Oh boy....I really like those two lineups...I didn't crunch the #'s as far as what I'd offer, and I'll do that later on. I like your thinking on this GB.

isn't MKG a SG in the NBA? I guess really he could play both. I do really like Thomas Robinson, but i think I'd rather draft Harrison Barnes and pick up Gordon and Anderson in FA rather than have Batum and Robinson.....either way it's an upgrade though. I'd take either scenario in a heart beat.

---------- Post added February-28th-2012 at 11:33 AM ----------

I'd have to check out Gordon's injury some more before I give that much money. Before the season, I'd have given him a max deal. I don't think he's worth the max, but we will have cap space, and its probably the only way a top player comes here next season. With the injury, I want a doctor (hopefully not one of the ones currently employed by the Wizards) to give him a clean bill of health.

It might take a max contract to get Portland to not match Batum. It really sucks being in our position because we will almost certainly have to overpay any significant free agent to come and play here.

Agree with giving Gordon the max to make sure NO doesn't match, but no way I'd give Batum the match. I think Batum is worth about 8 million a year.....I'd pay him 10 million a year, but no more than that. What is Ryan Anderson's worth?

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Max contract to a high scoring guard coming off a knee injury.... why does that sound so familiar?! I'm not sure if I can get behind giving Gordon a max deal. OJ Mayo might be had for cheaper.

Batum is a restricted free agent that I strongly doubt is going anywhere. Wilson Chandler IMO could be brought in for less money and without having to deal with a restricted status.

I'm also not sold on Ryan Anderson being a good fit in DC at PF. He's a shooter that doesn't rebound well and we don't have the luxury of a 15rpg dominant center. We need an efficient scoring option and rebounder at PF not a live and die by the three shooter, IMO.

Edited by Destino
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Max contract to a high scoring guard coming off a knee injury.... why does that sound so familiar?! I'm not sure if I can get behind giving Gordon a max deal.

Gordon had his knee scoped; Gilbert completely blew out his knee and had ACL/MCL reconstruction surgery....I don't blame you if you don't want to sign Gordon to a max deal (he isn't a max player) but I don't think it should be because of his knee injury.

OJ Mayo might be had for cheaper.

OJ Mayo sucks...I just assume keep Nick Young at the vet minimum rather than signing Mayo

Batum is a restricted free agent that I strongly doubt is going anywhere

agree, but it doesn't hurt to try. I see Portland matching any reasonable offer.

Wilson Chandler IMO could be brought in for less money and without having to deal with a restricted status.

go get him...I'm all for it. I think he's going to get just as much money as Batum though.

I'm also not sold on Ryan Anderson being a good fit in DC at PF. He's a shooter that doesn't rebound well and we don't have the luxury of a 15rpg dominant center. We need an efficient scoring option and rebounder at PF not a live and die by the three shooter, IMO.

Valid point, although Anderson might be able to rebound better than you think...it's easy to get overshadowed by Dwight Howard in the rebound category. I see Anderson as a poor man's Kevin Love on offense, and I know there are many people on this board who are in love with that guy....Love is also an elite rebounder though....Anderson hasn't been average thus far in his career.

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