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I don't think Durant is coming to DC.


KD2DC needs to have a very strong backup plan attached. 7ft dudes with foot injuries scare the hell out of me. The only worse than not getting Durant would be getting Durant only to see him become a faded fraction of a talent.

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I don't think he's coming to D.C. now either. I think he stays in OKC. He's going to test FA to get the best extension possible but stay with the Thunder IMO.

The sadder thing for me is that he might be damaged goods now. I really hope he gets back to his MVP form, whether or not he ever comes here.

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I don't think he's coming to D.C. now either. I think he stays in OKC. He's going to test FA to get the best extension possible but stay with the Thunder IMO.

The sadder thing for me is that he might be damaged goods now. I really hope he gets back to his MVP form, whether or not he ever comes here.

KD doesn't need to test FA to get the best deal.


OKC can offer the most money (if I'm correct) anyway.


If he's looking around it's because he's curious as to what else is out there.


You have to remember that KD has never been a FA before. Signed an extension the last time.



This will be a new experience for him.



Personally, I still think it's 60-40 OKC-Wiz...with the Wiz (depending on moves made) having an opportunity to sway him.

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I've always felt like Durant to DC was too good to be true and just extremely wishful thinking.  When I try to rationalize it in my head, I point to Wall and the fact that this is hometown as the reasons why it could happen.  The one thing I've overlooked completely is the head coach.  Durant is a real believer in Brooks and has always been vocal with his support of him.  All jokes aside, I just cannot see what about Randy or his offense would be appealing to a player like Durant that could go to any team with the cap space to have him. 

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I've always felt like Durant to DC was too good to be true and just extremely wishful thinking.  When I try to rationalize it in my head, I point to Wall and the fact that this is hometown as the reasons why it could happen.  The one thing I've overlooked completely is the head coach.  Durant is a real believer in Brooks and has always been vocal with his support of him.  All jokes aside, I just cannot see what about Randy or his offense would be appealing to a player like Durant that could go to any team with the cap space to have him. 


In fairness, the same thing you said about KD, you can say about Wall and his feelings towards Wittman. 


Brooks' offense is a product of having the luxury of playing two transcendant talents on the floor at the same time.  He's not doing anything special (coaching-wise). 


Honestly, I'm warming up more and more to the idea of Pringles (D'Antoni) coaching here.  His offense would do wonders for guys like Beal/Wall...he'd obviously need a defensive-minded assistant on staff tho. 

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Edit: I see we are. Y'all are some DC pro basketball Wizznuts.


Probably about 200 pages complaining about bad refs hahaha.  That's life as a basketball fan though, there is no way to watch this sport and not exclaim something along the lines of "oh come on, that's ridiculous!" at least once a game.  :D

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What a terribly frustrating 1000 pages. Congrats guys. Its too bad the old threads disappeared. I would have liked to see how hopeful i was a decade ago.


Basically, we have 1 year to get a head coach/gm with enough promise to attract Durant. If we stay with the status quo, we have no shot. We could have spent two years making this place more attractive, but failed spectacularly. Additionally, we put all our eggs in said basket, believing that Durant would come here just because; completely disregarding the fact our front office, head coach, and offensive system is the worst in the league. In the process, we have thrown away the development of young talents. I just pray that if we do actually beat Toronto ( and yes i will root for us to win) we follow through with cleaning house. If EG/Witt are still here next year, im taking a sabbatical.


Possibly one of the most hilarious graphics i have seen on this team was the shot chart. If you compared Philadelphia's shot chart this year with ours, you would have never had guessed they are a lottery team and we are a playoff team. They are a good PG and a sharp shooting SG away from playoff contention with the offense they are running. People laugh, but Robert Covington imo is the MIP of the year. Dude has morphed into the prototypical stretch 4. On top of that, he gets steals, rebounds, and blocks at a great rate. I would trade our first this year for him without any hesitation. Thats how much i like this kid. He would thrive with Wall. But im sure the 6er's know how valuable he is as well.

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Like Beal's game so far.  Searching for shots and getting into the paint to score.

Noel's quickness and first step are special for a big.  And he looks like a skillful passer.  But he has got to add some weight.  Those legs are soooo skinny.

He needs to get good at FTs too because with that first step, he can get to the line at will.

Nice to have Humphries back.

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Beal is really taking advantage of the Sixers hilariously bad defense this quarter. He's got room to step into 15 foot jump shots. Glad to see him aggressively looking to score.

Damn shame Otto couldn't finish that. Awesome pass by Wall. Of course it was blocked by Noel so certain wizard fans can hyperventilate (talking about some guys over at bullets forever.)

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