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CNN: Florida pastor calls off burning of Qurans

Redskins Diehard

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Rush is probably a member of Westboro Baptist Church.

Funny you should mention Westboro.

Rush doesn't have anything to do with Westboro, but the Quran burning asshat sure does.

"On April 18, 2010, members of Dove World participated in a joint protest against homosexuality with the Westboro Baptist Church, a group known for disrupting the funerals of U.S. soldiers.[24] The protest took place in front of Trinity United Methodist Church and the University of Florida Hillel. On April 21, Dove World member Fran Ingram posted an article on the DWOC blog affirming the church's endorsements of the Westboro Baptist Church's protests against homosexuality and homosexuals. She explained, "On Sunday April 18, Westboro Baptist Church came to Gainesville. One of their stops was a liberal "Open doors, open hearts, open minds," church near us, so we took part of our Sunday Service time and went as a church to stand with them."


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Yeah, you posted that earlier. Very few people support this guy and his ass hattery, it's a shame he is getting such a reaction.

OTH, Koran burnings are probably going to become a regular occurrence now and the Mooslims will have to deal with it and get over it. It's 2010 it's about time they catch up with the rest of the world with the whole tolerance thing.

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Yeah, you posted that earlier. Very few people support this guy and his ass hattery, it's a shame he is getting such a reaction.

OTH, Koran burnings are probably going to become a regular occurrence now and the Mooslims will have to deal with it and get over it. It's 2010 it's about time they catch up with the rest of the world with the whole tolerance thing.

Not sure if you're religous, but what's your visceral response to a Bible being burned... or the U.S. flag. Symbols do matter. We do invest emotion into it. What you just said may be one of the oddest things I've ever heard. Muslims need to display tolerance by accepting acts of intolerance and hatred. That's just a weird notion.

The real problem with the world today is people just don't know how to accept bigotry and antisemitism with grace anymore. :doh:

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I'm sure there must be some cartoon idea here with this loon wearing an asshat. After all, they are the height of fashion. Though i'm not really sure how one properly wears and asshat. Sideways or frontways? :)

Both. Just depends on where the sun's shining. ;)

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Not sure if you're religous, but what's your visceral response to a Bible being burned... or the U.S. flag. Symbols do matter. We do invest emotion into it. What you just said may be one of the oddest things I've ever heard. Muslims need to display tolerance by accepting acts of intolerance and hatred. That's just a weird notion.

The real problem with the world today is people just don't know how to accept bigotry and antisemitism with grace anymore. :doh:

Jesus is often part of nasty jokes which are offensive, he is often depicted in ways that are offensive, even on ES. I take it with a grain of salt. For instance, and this one isn't even that bad, but someone has a "buddy Jesus" sig, I don't necessarily like it, but I'm not going to day anything.

I'm curious what would happen if I had a Buddy Muhammad sig, dare me? As for flags, I respect the individuals right as an American to burn it, however I'm definitely not a fan. Muslims burning the flag because of one ass hats actions and threatening the lives of our soldiers because of said ass hats freedoms pisses me off.

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Attentionwhoresayswhat? "Terry Jones, you are no Fred Phelps":

Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fla., may have “suspended” plans to burn copies of the Quran on the anniversary of 9/11. But the controversial Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kan., says it will burn the Quran. In fact, it already has.

The Westboro Baptist Church (which has been disavowed by all Baptist conventions and associations) is led by the Rev. Fred Phelps, and most followers are members of his extended family. Although the church burned a Quran in Washington in 2008, it did not get much media attention. On its web site Friday, the church called Pastor Jones in Gainesville a “false prophet … bullied by sissy, intolerant rebels worldwide into cancelling plans to burn that blasphemous idol called the Koran.”

Westboro also declared that it “will burn the Koran and the doomed American flag at 12:00 p.m. on September 11, 2010 at Westboro Baptist Church.”


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A Buddy Muhammad sig would be hilarious.

As far as flag burning, Bible burning, Qu'ran burning, etc. I'd personally be against any of them being burned if it was done so out of ignorance or bull **** causes. I'll support the right to be allowed to do it, but I typically will not support the act itself.

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Burning a Quran is a very bad idea, but it seems like a lot of you are more upset about it than you would be if somebody was burning a Holy Bible or American Flag. I don't think anyone's religion should be attacked because I believe religion is a personal thing. I think somebody trying to make a public spectacle of themselves by burning a Quran is unwise, but I don't get emotional about it.

I also find the quote I hear a lot "It'll put our troops in danger" to be silly and simply said to get the American people sympathetic and emotional. Anyone trying to kill our troops is already wanting to do so. They aren't going to take up arms because some idiot in the States is burning Qurans. I can picture the Taliban in a cave somewhere, "Oh noes they didn't! They're burning Qurans! That's bulletin board material right there!"

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Just for fairnesses sake, you weren't one of the guys that said criticizing the war emboldened our enemies and put our troops in danger... that you can't support the troops if you criticize the President, were you?

I'm sure I said stuff like that back when I supported Bush, before I realized he was a New World Order puppet like Obama. Heck, back then, especially right after 9/11, I was like "turn the middle east into a glass parking lot for all I care". Hell, I was so shocked by 9/11, I thought the Patriot Act was a good idea. It took several years until my 9/11 emotions simmered down to where I could see how awful the Patriot Act is.

Now I don't fall for that garbage. The wars are wrong and we shouldn't be over there. It doesn't matter if it's a R or D in power. They both just expand the wars. If Mitt Romney or whatever Republican wins in 2012, they'll probably set course for Iran. I'm done with it.

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I think it is sad that we have to fear violent reprisal from a supposedly "peaceful" religion because some one lone nutjob wants to burn a Quaran. This is my problem with the whole issue. The man can burn a Quaran if he wants, he is protected by the first amendment right to free speech. Should he? Probably not. But in my opinion it is very ignorant to start violently attacking anything American because one guy did something questionable. Muslims can sure burn our flag, burn the bible, and hang presidents in effigy. Do you see us going out and attacking innocent people because of what those narrow minded people did? No. I can, just like any other american, say any derogatory remark about any reliigion I wish because of my right to free speech. But to have to fear reprisal because of my opinion is just ludicrous. Therefore I say stop pandering to all these people, if they get offended, big ****ing deal. It just shows how stuck in the stone age these particular Muslims really are. I know all you bleeding heart liberals are going to probably give me hell over this post but I dont care, It's the touchy feely soft skinned liberals that are ruining this proud country.

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I know all you bleeding heart liberals are going to probably give me hell over this post but I dont care, It's the touchy feely soft skinned liberals that are ruining this proud country.

I'll respond to you the same way I did to Goskins.

The real problem with the world today is people just don't know how to accept bigotry and antisemitism with grace anymore. :doh:

I have no problem with us being better than them. I have no problem pointing out when we are just the same.

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Burning the quran would be a horrible idea. Considering we have crap load of our troops in iraq and afganistan. It would only give those innocent troops a death sentence by terrorist and with the burning of the quran even the locals.

Here's a novel idea, bring them home. NOW. ALL OF THEM. Then let some kook have his right to burn korans (and have the gov't not burn bibles) without the sky falling in.

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It constantly amazes me that some people apparently live their lives as if certain actions don't have serious consequences.

BTW, anyone who says, "Support the troops" and then in the next breath can say that they have no problem with these nut jobs burning Korans are just those type of people.

Oh and it's not the vast majority of the "peaceful religion" of Islam that many of us are worried about seeing reprisals from in response to the burning of Korans, it's the reprisals and boost in recruitment from the few on the extremes that cause us concern. So you can keep painting all Muslims with the same violent brush if you wish, just don't complain when no one takes you seriously.

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Here's a novel idea, bring them home. NOW. ALL OF THEM. Then let some kook have his right to burn korans (and have the gov't not burn bibles) without the sky falling in.

Isn't it the argument of those on the Right that it is better to fight the terrorists over there rather than fight them here? I guess by your assertion that those who might violently respond to the burning of Korans, would only do so against those who are in Iraq and Afghanistan. It's an opinion to be sure, a naive one, but still an opinion.

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Isn't it the argument of those on the Right that it is better to fight the terrorists over there rather than fight them here? I guess by your assertion that those who might violently respond to the burning of Korans, would only do so against those who are in Iraq and Afghanistan. It's an opinion to be sure, a naive one, but still an opinion.

I'm of the opinion, and have been for several years now, that we should not have permanent military bases outside of our country. I'd rather use our military to protect and secure points of entry into this country than fighting a long, drawn-out war on foreign soil.

I used to believe in war, and interventionist foreign policies until about 2007. Now my views are more in line with the Constitution Party, not the GOP. Yet I'm still a conservative. I am for debt cancellation in poor African nations, yet I am still a conservative on the Right. I am for gov't aid and welfare (reformed though) to the poor and destitute, yet I am still on the Right.

So please don't pull out your "Isn't it the argument of those on the Right" flash card.

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It was a bad idea, however.....

1) How stupid is it that one man and a church of 50 people can cause the reaction of the president of the United States AND cause a international incident over something so trivial.

2) Its interesting that Muslims get up in arms about this, however turn around and burn bibles and destroy other religious icons without comment from the rest of the world. Seriously, people need to stop kowtowing to these jackasses. LEt the little ****ers get mad and arrest them when they do something stupid. We have freedom of speech for a reason. Muslims need to realize that people do not need to respect jack about their religion, just like people don't need to respect any other reliegon.

I think this overall is a stupid idea and was probably just a stunt to get 15 minutes of fame, but I think the pastor has every right to do what he planned to do free of threat. While I don't agree with it, he has every right to be an idiot. Especially when he is not hurting anyone.

Sounds like you need a little education on Islam. Start from here:


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Well to be fair, I'm associating all Christians with Quran burners. What would Jesus do my ass.

What a cop out, surely some modicum of sense would tell you that some people can be wholly out of step with what they claim to represent...to suggest otherwise is just plain ignorant.

I'm of the opinion, and have been for several years now, that we should not have permanent military bases outside of our country. I'd rather use our military to protect and secure points of entry into this country than fighting a long, drawn-out war on foreign soil.

I used to believe in war, and interventionist foreign policies until about 2007. Now my views are more in line with the Constitution Party, not the GOP. Yet I'm still a conservative. I am for debt cancellation in poor African nations, yet I am still a conservative on the Right. I am for gov't aid and welfare (reformed though) to the poor and destitute, yet I am still on the Right.

So please don't pull out your "Isn't it the argument of those on the Right" flash card.

Well I think I agree more with your position than I did a couple of years ago. I'm not a "Constitutionalist party" obviously but at least our positions on war are aligning. BTW, I'm wondering, did your position on war change due to economics or some other reason?

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