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CNN: Florida pastor calls off burning of Qurans

Redskins Diehard

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Hmmm. Obviously there are Muslims out there who burn bibles, and there are some places where Christians and general non-Muslims are treated pretty badly if not executed outright for their beliefs. (not to mention the draconian punishments handed out to Muslims as well)

I obviously don't agree with inter-religious bigotry or burning Korans as a big public display though, since it's bound to make us look bad and is pretty sleazy. (luckily this guy changed his mind and all)

somewhat off topic:

It's odd for me to see people outraged about books being destroyed, when at my bookstore we dump out tons of books every day (and not just ones in bad condition, also ones that haven't sold in a few months)

Although as a writer, book lover, and someone who has a tendency to hoard books at times instead of getting rid of them after reading them, I always feel a little sad to see so many books tossed away for good.

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Why dont you go move to Iran, Iraq etc. Then tell me how you get treated. We welcome everyone into this country with open arms, even the ones who want to see our destruction. We allow them to build Mosques and religious centers but if you were to go over there you would not be allowed to openly worship anywhere. The muslim religion in it's purest form does lean towards peace, however through time it has been twisted and manipulated(like most major religions) for the purpose of control. Which sadly many now follow. And as far as religous tolerance, give me a break, when your religion condones the murder of women and children for trivial things and openly calls for the destruction of anything non-muslim you lose all religious right in my mind. I dont care what any of you think, the open acceptance of such a backwards religion will come back to bite the US in the ass one day.

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It would only give those innocent troops a death sentence by terrorist and with the burning of the quran even the locals.

Thank you, this is what I have been saying. I see how burning a few Korans is offensive, however the potential of "local" muslims and not just "terrorists" reacting with violence shows how unstable and primal the Muslim religion is. Its not just a small minority that might flip the crazy switch if WE as Americans do something that might offend them.

You have seen this first hand 21Cent.

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Why dont you go move to Iran, Iraq etc. Then tell me how you get treated. We welcome everyone into this country with open arms, even the ones who want to see our destruction. We allow them to build Mosques and religious centers but if you were to go over there you would not be allowed to openly worship anywhere. The muslim religion in it's purest form does lean towards peace, however through time it has been twisted and manipulated(like most major religions) for the purpose of control. Which sadly many now follow. And as far as religous tolerance, give me a break, when your religion condones the murder of women and children for trivial things and openly calls for the destruction of anything non-muslim you lose all religious right in my mind. I dont care what any of you think, the open acceptance of such a backwards religion will come back to bite the US in the ass one day.

On one hand you credit manipulation of the actual texts of Islam as the reason why things are going down hill. Then in the same paragraph you make broad generalizations that are completely incorrect.

I'm glad I've taken a lot of religious study classes in college so far. I urge some of you to do the same. Religious ignorance leads to cultural ignorance which is sadly very visible in a lot of the stuff you see on TV (primarily Fox) and hear people say.

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On one hand you credit manipulation of the actual texts of Islam as the reason why things are going down hill. Then in the same paragraph you make broad generalizations that are completely incorrect.

I'm glad I've taken a lot of religious study classes in college so far. I urge some of you to do the same. Religious ignorance leads to cultural ignorance which is sadly very visible in a lot of the stuff you see on TV (primarily Fox) and hear people say.

You don't need to just watch Fox, all you need to do is look around the world to realize a large portion of the violence in 2010 revolves around Muslim laws/religion.

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You don't need to just watch Fox, all you need to do is look around the world to realize a large portion of the violence in 2010 revolves around Muslim laws/religion.

It's easy to blame the religion when you don't really understand the circumstances a lot of the people go through. I really recommend some of you take out the time to understand the culture, the preachings and the general history of these areas to know why and what drives these people into where they are today. I mean this in the least offensive way, please don't take this as I'm calling you out.Honestly, all of you have to do is look at the media sources and the politcal propaganda in oppressed Muslim nations and the type of things that the leaders brain wash people with to understand why we are in this situation today. It's easy to get manipulated when you know no better and you don't have the CHOICE to know no better.

It's not the religion as much as it is the people in power abusing it to their own selfish means.

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What a cop out, surely some modicum of sense would tell you that some people can be wholly out of step with what they claim to represent...to suggest otherwise is just plain ignorant.

Exactly the point I was trying to make. Holding all Christians responsible for this nutcase/attention whore and holding the world's billion-plus Muslims responsible for the hundreds of thousands (if that) of al Qaeda nuts in the world.

I thought a ;) would lessen it a little.

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Exactly the point I was trying to make. Holding all Christians responsible for this nutcase/attention whore and holding the world's billion-plus Muslims responsible for the hundreds of thousands (if that) of al Qaeda nuts in the world.

I thought a ;) would lessen it a little.

But that depends on what your def of a "nut" is, correct? BTW, if you think there are only a couple of hundred thousand muslim "nuts" out of 1.2 billion muslims you yourself are nuts.

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13 dead in Kashmir because of protests. I guess some how the Muslims in Kashmir are taking it out on India because some donkey in the US threatened to burn a few qurans.

IMO, if people are ready to get violent over this, it's a great opportunity for the US to eliminate the extreme elements of Islam. They're acting like a bunch of lunatics.

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13 dead in Kashmir because of protests. I guess some how the Muslims in Kashmir are taking it out on India because some donkey in the US threatened to burn a few qurans.

IMO, if people are ready to get violent over this, it's a great opportunity for the US to eliminate the extreme elements of Islam. They're acting like a bunch of lunatics.

The Kashmir region is really backasswards....mostly because they are left to govern themselves

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The Kashmir region is really backasswards....mostly because they are left to govern themselves

They attacked a Christian Mission because of the Quran burnings in the US.

On a side note, im not sure who is crazier the pastor, or the people in this video. I mean seriously, these people are nuts.

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Well I think I agree more with your position than I did a couple of years ago. I'm not a "Constitutionalist party" obviously but at least our positions on war are aligning. BTW, I'm wondering, did your position on war change due to economics or some other reason?

It changed because of conscience after studying Acts, specifically the life and martyrdom of Stephen.
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They attacked a Christian Mission because of the Quran burnings in the US.

On a side note, im not sure who is crazier the pastor, or the people in this video. I mean seriously, these people are nuts.

I swear I think they have nothing else better to do over there than to just sit around and get pissed off at stuff and use that as an excuse to burn things...I bet a normal conversation goes something like this:

Abdel: Hey Mohammad, you been watching the news?

Mohammad: Havent had the chance lately, Abdel. My wife is about to give birth soon.

Abdel: Oh, congrats. I heard there was some crazy guy in America who wanted to burn Qurans.

Mohammad: No ****ing way, seriously??!

Abdel: I heard it from Malik, he never lies.

Mohammad: well ****, we should protest that. I've been meaning to get rid of this old couch I got last riot....we can use that

Abdel: Sweet man, my friend Saad can set us up with some American flags to burn...this will be awesome!

Mohammad: Alright, meet you in the quad in 30....gotta go tell Zainab I'll be out for the night.

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I quit my other favorite message board today. We were talking about Muslims and how much people hated them, bla, bla....

They did this....they did that....no they didn't....yes they did....mucho round and round, all the while going nowhere. Well, I was defending Muslims as having a right to co-exist with us and such, but it didn't go over too well. I had people swearing and typing in all caps at me (I know, horror of horrors) after awhile it just was no point in being there. That board was a mess to allow that kind of behavior and I could not wait to get back to a board that is well run.

Funny, people have said bad things about my ancestors and a lot of other folk's too. Thats why they came to America in the first place. I guess that is not important now-a-days though. Now if you don't worship the same as as someone else, they belong to a false religion.

If their followers do something evil, the whole religion is bad. If one of our guys does it though, we ether rush to defend them or ostracize them and distance our selves from them by saying "they were not a true believer."

Well, I'm just not interested in keeping race score or religious score for that matter. I'm mostly German and we have committed some of the worst atrocities in the entire world! My great grandfather and my great, great grandfather both fought for the confederacy. So how can I go around pointing fingers and saying "those people are bad?" Yes, I can distance myself from the Holocaust if I want (i wasn't even born yet) but, it is what it is. I'm German and those were my people. Would I do stuff like that? Of course not. I won't hold other people accountable for things that they did not do ether.

Seems to me the Christians have the most beef with the Muslim religion, so I will quote from the bible as a way to try and shed some light on this dark topic....

Ephesians 4:32 ESV

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

Romans 12:17-21 ESV

Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

And finally...

Matthew 18:21-22 ESV

Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven. :)

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