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Great showing from the kids for the second straight week in just about the most inexperienced L'pool side I can remember culminating in Jerome Sinclair at 16 years and 6 days becoming the youngest player in L'pool's history. Awesome experience for that young man. I can only imagine the way he's buzzing around now. Some real good football, great commitment and a brilliant winning goal.

Nice draw at home against Swansea too that sets up a great chance of the quarters. Well done the youngsters. The more experience they get together, the better they'll get.


Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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Great showing from the kids for the second straight week in just about the most inexperienced L'pool side I can remember culminating in Jerome Sinclair at 16 years and 6 days becoming the youngest player in L'pool's history. Awesome experience for that young man. I can only imagine the way he's buzzing around now. Some real good football, great commitment and a brilliant winning goal.

Nice draw at home against Swansea too that sets up a great chance of the quarters. Well done the youngsters. The more experience they get together, the better they'll get.


Gotta feel our future might be just a tad bit brighter after yesterday's showing. We got some talent in the pipeline, for sure.

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I glad my beloved Hammers are back in the EPL! And in the top ten, none the less.

I'm forever blowing bubbles,

pretty bubbles in the air,

they fly so high,

nearly reach the sky,

then like my dreams,

they fade and die.

Fortune's always hiding,

I've looked everywhere,

I'm forever blowing bubbles,

pretty bubbles in the air.


West Ham United fight song.

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If you liked the first one, you will love the second episode. I really hope BR succeeds

Just seen it and loved it. The more you see and hear of Rodgers, the more you can't fail to be impressed. His philosophy on the game is so simple like Shanks. Which sounds flip but soccer is such a simple game, over complicated by guys like Benitez thinking their smarter than they actually are. And he's not gona' suffer any fools. No ego is going to get in the way of this. Your either 100% fully on board, or you won't be here. Nice reminder to Sterling on the tour that's obviously sunk in as he's now one of the first names down on the team sheet. And just loved the passion of the American fans. That was so refreshing to see. But then I remember how genuinely excited and privileged you guys in here were to be able to see the red men live in Baltimore. That enthusiasm was infectious this past summer for someone as long in the tooth with it over the years as myself, smiles.

Fox Soccer done really good with this one. Worth a watch Sundays even if you have no interest in Liverpool FC.

GHH, sorry about the loss. Was pulling for your guys. I've been avoiding the thread because I hadn't had the chance to watch either arsenal or the l'pool matches. I didn't want the spoilers.

What a great, emotional goal by Gerrard......

Thanks man. Appreciated. As often in the EPL, particularly in this game, you don't always get what you deserve. Throw in a ref single handed, handing the game to Utd and well, you saw the outcome for yourself. Hopefully Sunday will be the spring board for Steven to return to the dominant midfield force we know he can be. When he plays like that, there's nobody in England that can live with him.

The good thing is, even this early, we've dominated every game for large spells bar the Arsenal blip. So the signs are there that when it does all come together under BR .....

16 years ago today, this man came in to help change English football

I have the utmost respect for Wenger, but he changed Arsenal. Not English football. (I know you said 'helped' but still. All relative.).

The same way Ferguson did at Utd. And Houllier did at Liverpool. And Hoddle and then Gullit/ Vialli at Chelsea. They all changed the old school principles of the English player at THEIR clubs and dragged them into a professional, 21st Century. A lot of other clubs are still stuck in a time warp.

So how does Terry get 4 matches and Suarez gets 8?

Is it a QPR vs. Manchester question?

English captain vs. Uruguayan? (obviously)

Certainly not equal punishment for the same offense.

One's a dirty South American. The others the ex England captain. You gotta' love English hypocrisy.

But we've done that to death at the time on the Suarez whitewash. No need to go over old ground again. Sure you can find it if interested around the date he was banned last season.


Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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Chelsea did a great job at suppressing Arteta today. A lot of that was down to Diaby getting injured and moving Ramsey inside, but credit to them. Shutting down Miguel is why they won the match, imo

neither team were really that good and it was a really even game, imo. I thought Torres fouled Kos on his goal, but its whatever. Chamberlain fell asleep against Luiz which caused it.

Chelsea have a good side and they did a good job, altho if Arsenal had a goal scorer... meh whatever.

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I thought the Arsenal-Chelsky game was pretty even. Decided by set pieces. It IS kinda scary to think how critical diaby is to the "flow" of our midfield.

Giroud is interesting. If you watch old stuff of him in France he seems more like a fulcrum, goal poacher, and aerial specialist. He's definitely not like Van Persie. He's probably better at laying off for the supporting cast around him than finishing or creating his own chances. He has Chamakh-disease right now where he's in his head too much. He needs to get the first few goals out of the way so he can just start "flowing".

Who knew Di Matteo could put together such a good Chelsea team.

---------- Post added September-29th-2012 at 04:07 PM ----------

I wonder if McLeish knew this guy could do this.

WTF? It looks like the fonts didn't load on their jerseys or on the screen.:silly:

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I thought the Arsenal-Chelsky game was pretty even. Decided by set pieces. It IS kinda scary to think how critical diaby is to the "flow" of our midfield.

Giroud is interesting. If you watch old stuff of him in France he seems more like a fulcrum, goal poacher, and aerial specialist. He's definitely not like Van Persie. He's probably better at laying off for the supporting cast around him than finishing or creating his own chances. He has Chamakh-disease right now where he's in his head too much. He needs to get the first few goals out of the way so he can just start "flowing".

Who knew Di Matteo could put together such a good Chelsea team

im still not convinced by Chelsea, tbh. I think Torres is an awful player, and was poor outside of his goal (which could have been a foul, but meh). Their defense isnt that good and will struggle once Terry finally gets suspended. Arsenal created a lot of chances by just going out wide and creating from there as none of their wide players are that good at defending minus Ivanovic. They had a great strategy against Arsenal tho, in particular Arteta. I really like Oscar, I have the feeling he will end up a better player than Hazard.

And not to have a go at you, but the Chamakh/Giroud comparison is lazy to me. Giroud actually can control the ball, actually moves into attacking positions, and is a better passer. He is also better in the air than Chamakh. I think there is something to Giroud just adjusting to playing in the premiership but unfortunately Arsenal cant get goals from anywhere so his struggling stands out more.

Basically, Chamakh is a donkey (and I felt that way even during his hot streak) while Giroud has a lot more to his game that he provides.

Edited by AsiaticSkinsFan
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Loving the irony of Ferguson complaining about anything and everything after the loss to 'Spurs today. Made even better by the fact Utd should of had at least one, if not two pens. Just a week removed from a referee giving his side every decision and handing them the game on a plate.

Not as funny when the shoes on the other foot huh yers two faced, bacon faced, whiskey nosed moaning **** yer.


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Loving the irony of Ferguson complaining about anything and everything after the loss to 'Spurs today. Made even better by the fact Utd should of had at least one, if not two pens. Just a week removed from a referee giving his side every decision and handing them the game on a plate.

Not as funny when the shoes on the other foot huh yers two faced, bacon faced, whiskey nosed moaning **** yer.


yeah, he was a real prat for that one,

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