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ESPN: McNabb and TO reunion (originally posted 4/7)(MET)


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TO proved he can shut up while in Buffalo. He's still a legit #1 WR, even at this stage in his career, and better then anyone we have on the roster. With his extensive experience with the WCO and playing with McNabb (they both have already kissed and made up), this move would make a lot more sense then some of ya'll are willing to admit. No trades needed, just sign him to a respectable contract and solidify the WR core.

TO shuts up for the first year of every contract, it takes a year and a half before he becomes Team Obliterator. You rent TO for one year, this guy is a Cancer with a capital C. I do not need to see this guy doing sit ups in his drive way in 2011.

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This is a good response to my post. :cheers:

If his dropoff in on-the-field success and physicality is indeed due to a lack of leadership from both a QB and HC, and not due to the fact that despite the great shape he's in, T.O. is in his mid-thirties, then you will have won this debate and will be the one who's right.

I guess we will see if this is true, depending on where he signs. But one other thing: If Santana Moss seemed to have less success for the same reasons that you put forth for T.O. this past season, which would make sense, then I am excited for him this season, as well.

:cheers: No Doubt I agree about Moss. The problem I had with Moss last season is he seemed to play for a paycheck. The real kicker to me was the first game of the season where he shut down and showed no heart the entire game. The INT where JC went past the LOS is the play that sticks in my mind. All Moss had to do was stick a hand out to bat that INT down and take a simple penalty. Instead he saw JC went over the LOS and quit the play completely. I am one who wants Moss off this team because I strongly agree he shows no heart when it came to JC. Brunell was a different story because he had laser aim on most of his deep balls. I will stick with Moss this season however because I firmly believe his game will step up incredibly now that Donny5 is taking over leadership. Besides Dmac, Moss/Davis/Thomas are the ones I'll be watching this season step it up big time.

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:cheers: No Doubt I agree about Moss. The problem I had with Moss last season is he seemed to play for a paycheck. The real kicker to me was the first game of the season where he shut down and showed no heart the entire game. The INT where JC went past the LOS is the play that sticks in my mind. All Moss had to do was stick a hand out to bat that INT down and take a simple penalty. Instead he saw JC went over the LOS and quit the play completely. I am one who wants Moss off this team because I strongly agree he shows no heart when it came to JC. Brunell was a different story because he had laser aim on most of his deep balls. I will stick with Moss this season however because I firmly believe his game will step up incredibly now that Donny5 is taking over leadership. Besides Dmac, Moss/Davis/Thomas are the ones I'll be watching this season step it up big time.

Agreed, except I'd throw Kelly in there too. He'll finally be able to show off those great hands with McNabb throwing to him. Especially down the field. I can't wait.

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Owens isn't 32 anymore, he is 36.

That's dog years for a wide receiver. He no longer gets separation and is one of the league's most overpaid possession receivers.


But he's in great shape. He's still a legit "#1" receiver! He hasn't been signed yet because he's busy letting other teams try and outbid each other for his services. That must be it. ;)

I'll take the potential of 3rd year Devin Thomas over 36 year old T.O. any day of the week.

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This is on ESPN right now and the rumor is a team source told Ed Werder that WR is one of their highest priorities. T.O. has been brought up again because they are looking for someone that McNabb has experience with.

Not sure how I feel about this.

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Ed Werder says we are "so desperate at the WR position". I don't feel that way personally, but what do I know.

I wouldn't hate having TO here. I just think if given the chance that Thomas and Kelly could be solid starting WR's this season. We know what Moss can do.

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