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Brian Baldinger calls McNabb one of the "Most Overrated QBs" in history

The Full Monty

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]McNabb is an overrated QB by far[/b]. But who cares...he was the face of the Iggles for 11 years. I can never root for this choking wannabe.

McNabb has taken a team with "very few" elite players and to the Super Bowl and many NFC Championships. The Eagles have only had 1 real weapon or threat at the WR position each year, and even lost their star RB one of those years. Our receivers are going to flourish under this mans leadership, and our offense will finally be respected by every defense that lines up against us. This team can now contend for a division title, something that was NOT going to happen under the leadership of Jason Campbell.

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Brian Baldinger? Brian Baldinger?? he wants to talk about flaws? name a QB that doesn't have flaws. No QB in the NFL is perfect so why pick on the man?? im reading his BIO right now and it wreaks of BIAS. He played for the COWBOYS from 81-87 (years of the skins glory years)....

maybe thats the reason he has nothing good to ever say about our REDSKINS and their acquisitions. Screw this BIAS commentator/analyst.

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I don't find Baldinger's comments near as shocking as I do the fact that so many people on this board are suddenly McNabb supporters. We've hounded and bashed Eagles fans for years because McNabb disappeared in big moments and couldn't win the big game. And without him playing a single snap in a Redskins uniform, I'm supposed to forget all that and assume that because he's with Shanny now everything will be different?

Baldinger's comments aren't shocking at all. In fact, I'd dare say that if we searched the archives, they're not anything different than what's been posted on this board many times before.

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I don't find Baldinger's comments near as shocking as I do the fact that so many people on this board are suddenly McNabb supporters. We've hounded and bashed Eagles fans for years because McNabb disappeared in big moments and couldn't win the big game. And without him playing a single snap in a Redskins uniform, I'm supposed to forget all that and assume that because he's with Shanny now everything will be different?

Most fans will find--and focus on--the faults of rival players, especially if that rival player tends to find ways of beating your team and has certain "personality" traits that rub them wrong. That was 90% of what motivated the McNabb hate by Skins fans: he always seemed to escape sure sacks and either run for 20 yards or throw a 40 yard completion in the process, all while showing that goofy smile and giving the occasional head-scratching comment to the press lol.

He's in B&G now, so his ability to escape sure sacks and turn them into large gains (or what's left of that ability) no longer irritates most Redskins fans, for obvious reasons. They see it as a positive. His personality traits? That remains to be seen.

Baldinger's comments aren't shocking at all. In fact, I'd dare say that if we searched the archives, they're not anything different than what's been posted on this board many times before.

Some anonymous shmoe on a message board saying this? Eh, who cares. Someone who's supposed to be part of the legitimate media writing an analysis that sounds like little more than poorly thought out message board fodder? We should expect more.

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Come on give me a break. He has been one if the best QB in the last 7-8 years. And he's been doing it with nothing. What one year with TO and 2 with D-jack. Other than that he has had no one so dont give me that crap that he's overrated!

Yeah I suppose Andy Reid was hiding McNabb's flaws by having him throw to Todd Pinkston, Freddie Mitchell and James Thrash for all those years. Oh wait, let's not forget Reggie Brown. Aside from Westbrook, and one year of TO, McNabb was the offense.

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Wow, really? Why does the media suddenly Hate McNabb now? Gee, its almost like Limbaugh was right LOL. No that can't be it :ols:

I think this basically proves what Limbaugh was saying, slightly, but I'd argue that Philly gets a pass by the media where as DC doesn't. But its crazy. I don't care what they think, When we win the NFC East this year (yes I just said that) people will be praising our genious. Silly sportswriters, trades are for the Washington Redskins ;)

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McNabb WAS overrated in certain scenarios, but insanely underrated in others. Did anyone watch that superbowl game??

No blocking whatsoever. Dropped passes. Westbrook looked like he was playing on one leg in the latter part of the game.

Donovan caught the brunt of that whole "choking" thing but I watched those last 6 minutes closely and outside of some fantastic catches on passes Donovan threaded nicely, his team gave him ZERO help. The offensive line was most atrocious, he was running for his life constantly.

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He could put up some reasonable proofs if need be' date=' like the ability of AJ Feeley to steer the Eagles into the playoffs while Donavan was injured, and Feeley is horrible. Or take a look at what Kolb did in 2 games last season. As far as Jaws goes? Not a big fan of his insight to say the least, but I would say the same about Baldi as well. Now Sterling Sharpe, Merle Hodge and believe it or not C. Casserly whom I wasn't in love with as a GM but is pretty good at breaking down match-ups, are guys who know what they are talking about.[/quote']

Merril Hoge is the biggest moron doing analysis today. He is the idiot who said that the Eagles, after starting 6-0 back in 2004, would not make the playoffs, pointing out that the Eagles were an overrated team that would be exposed. I guess Hoge was happy when they lost the SB to the Cheatriots.

Jaws and Aikman are the best guys are breaking down a game out there today. Both think letting McNabb go to the 'skins puts the 'skins into the playoff hunt now.

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Yeah I suppose Andy Reid was hiding McNabb's flaws by having him throw to Todd Pinkston, Freddie Mitchell and James Thrash for all those years. Oh wait, let's not forget Reggie Brown. Aside from Westbrook, and one year of TO, McNabb was the offense.

Get the guy's name right. It's Todd Stinkston.

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I think Baldinger must have gotten hit in the head one too many times.

One of the most overrated quarterbacks in the history of the game? Seriously? How many championship games did the guy lead his former team to? What a doofus.

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The thing about Baldinger exaggerating is that I've never,ever known him to talk or write like that. He's been covering Skins games quite frequently since 2001 back with Curt Menefee before both of them moved on, and he was always even-keeled in his analysis.

But that aside, Philly has always had a good defense, true, but I think McNabb wasn't overrated in the sense that he took criticism every year from the Philly fans and the media, lots of it.

I disagree, I have heard BB go off on a rant and rave before. HE is just doing his job and I don't think this is far from his opinion on McNabb, though I disagree with him. McNabb is certainly not vastly overrated. Hyped maybe, overrated, NO. Philly is going to pay dearly if Kolb struggles in his first full seaosn.

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Merril Hoge is the biggest moron doing analysis today. He is the idiot who said that the Eagles, after starting 6-0 back in 2004, would not make the playoffs, pointing out that the Eagles were an overrated team that would be exposed. I guess Hoge was happy when they lost the SB to the Cheatriots.

Jaws and Aikman are the best guys are breaking down a game out there today. Both think letting McNabb go to the 'skins puts the 'skins into the playoff hunt now.

I agree with you B. Hoge has an ax grinding every minute he is on TV. I think it immediately gives the Redskins what they lacked most at QB, leadership. I have not heard that mentioned often.

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If the hate for McNabb picks up more in the press then we'll know that Rush Limbaugh was only partly right about McNabb being overrated. He would be wrong on the reason, the media seems to be Philly friendly perhaps?

I haven't heard a lot of media hating on McNabb. Quite the opposite in fact.

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Baldinger is just playing to the Philly market, I don't care what he has to say here. We are going to find out whether the problem was McNabb or the coaching staff in Philly. Given Shanny's propensity to build a strong running game (something DM never had) we should see a serious upgrade in QB production this season. Fixing the O-line is the crux of the issue now. More competent, effective line play on O and we are instantly better, and with the maneuvering we have seen so far I am confident that the FO has plans for that as well.

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I used to tell my Eagles fan friends the same thing. I'm sure it is just bitterness as that was the case when i would say it.

I don't know if he is overrated or underrated but I do know that he was underappreciated. I would hate hearing Pilthy fans complain about him every year after he took them to the playoffs.

Bottom line even if the Iggles had moved McNabb to the Raiders I am happier getting to play a McNabbless Eagles twice a year now.

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i read this and I almost feel that BB did not write this.

It is not his style. He uses alot more tact and NEVER goes off like this.

plus anyone, i mean anyone knows that mcnabb is a worst a top 10 QB. I mean, how can you bash him that bad?

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