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Brian Baldinger calls McNabb one of the "Most Overrated QBs" in history

The Full Monty

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I would say that he is a touch overrated. My take on it is that he is inconsistent as of late and his erratic play has been most glaring in games that mean something. In his defense though Andy Reid never set him up with a great bunch of receivers (untill just recently) or established a running attack so I think Donovan did as good as most could based on what he had and how many pass attempts he had to throw in a game. Sometimes you say Wow! and some times you say WTF?

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WTF, Really ?? If McNabb was still in Philly I'd be calling this guy a retard.

Bang on. Now that he is on the skins so many people are drinking the Mcnabb Koolaid when just two days ago they would have agreed with Baldinger at least to some extent. He is overrated but I will admit he wins games and I am not sad to see him.

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I always thought he was overrated as well, being a skins fan, it doesnt say much. Regardless, in his 5 trips to the championship games, he should have gotten a ring, right? I thought Philly's defense was what carried the team for the most part, and most teams.

In his defense, McNabb seems to get the most out of what was largely a mediocre WR core in his time there. I suspect he is a slight upgrade to Jason, but 4 years from now? Doubtful.

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I always thought he was overrated as well, being a skins fan, it doesnt say much. Regardless, in his 5 trips to the championship games, he should have gotten a ring, right? I thought Philly's defense was what carried the team for the most part, and most teams.

In his defense, McNabb seems to get the most out of what was largely a mediocre WR core in his time there. I suspect he is a slight upgrade to Jason, but 4 years from now? Doubtful.

+1 Mcnabb really stated to let the ball fly when the Philly FO decided they needed help on the outside. After '03, Philly's offense became more deadly, but his division got ALOT better, and so did the NFC for that matter. And NOBODY was gonna beat the Pats in '04 anyway.

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Wow, really? Why does the media suddenly Hate McNabb now?... ... I'd argue that Philly gets a pass by the media where as DC doesn't. But its crazy. I don't care what they think, When we win the NFC East this year (yes I just said that) people will be praising our genious.

If this happens, then the media criticism will subside. Think about it. How hard is it to point out flaws in a system/organization with such limited success? It's done on this board daily. Besides highlighting shortcomings is child's play, plus the media that writes these negative things can look 'smart' in the process.

"Hey the Raiders blow!" See, now I'm an expert too.

If Reid starts missing out on the playoffs on a more regular basis they'll be all over his stuff too.

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NFL Network panel excerpts here.

Seriously, did this numbnut try to get McNabb's autograph and get turned down or something? Reid covering up for McNabb's flaws for 11 years? This is borderline hate. It doesn't even make sense logically - "It works against the Redskins that McNabb is still in the division." Was he high? He's our QB, not anyone else's...

I've seen legitimate criticism of a QB before, but this is as over-the-top as it gets even by mainstream sports media moron standards.

When we get to the playoffs this year and crap on the Eagles, we can rub it in this guy's face. Seriously this was uncalled for.

Baldinger is 100% right. Did you see those Cowboys games last year? Did you see McChoke throwup and mismanage the clock on that last Super Bowl drive? How about all those Championship games he choked in?

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Go ask Terry Bradshaw what he thinks of Montana? Not a big fan of his game because he has always maintained that the San Fran offense was basically meant to compensate for lack of a true QB' date=' or a weak armed QB, either way TB never considered Montana much of a QB, just a guy who was fortuante enough to fall into the right offense, at the right time, now Walsh was a genious.[/quote']

But the kicker is the QB had to know where the receiver was going to be and get the ball to that spot at the right time.

Bradshaw is NOT the the be all end all of football knowledge. One could say that the supporting cast around him helped him win too.

Now as to Baldinger's comments. The guy was an offensive lineman, and has some insight, but not enough to warrant his opinion as completely right.

McNabb may be over rated in some eyes but he still is pretty dang good

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Now was that the same Chiefs team that beat us? He went up an down the field against a team that saw JC finish the game watching from the sidelines' date=' because of QB ineptitude.

He moved the ball well against the Saints at a time when they were playing very good defense, and it was his 1st start, and the Saints did win the Super Bowl to be exact.[/quote']

You can't deny that the Chiefs were putrid last year. It's just that our offense was putrid, too.

As for Kolb, two games do not a quarterback make. You certainly couldn't make the argument that he's less likely to be a good QB because of them, but I don't really think they show that he's more likely to be a good QB, either. Billy Volek came in as a backup for McNair a few years ago and absolutely lit it up for the two games he was in. I believe he threw for over 900 yards total. Sage Rosenfels had some great games coming in as a backup for the Texans. Hell, remember what happened to us when Byron Leftwich replaced Ben Roethlisburger? Sometimes there's an advantage to playing a game or two out of the backup role - teams don't have any film of what that team does with that quarterback. The playcalling tendencies are very likely to change, and the decisions made on passing plays are also very likely to change.

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Baldinger is 100% right. Did you see those Cowboys games last year? Did you see McChoke throwup and mismanage the clock on that last Super Bowl drive? How about all those Championship games he choked in?

What did you see?? Did you even see those games?? If you did you would know McNabb was running for his life in those games and Jackson was completely shut down.

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A bit hyperbolic, but I don't disagree with him. Pedestrian stats, carried by Reid and Jim Johnson, McNabb was never very special in my eyes.

Better than average, but over-hyped and overrated. He had one stellar season. Aaron Rodgers already has two seasons better than McNabb's best year.

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A bit hyperbolic, but I don't disagree with him. Pedestrian stats, carried by Reid and Jim Johnson, McNabb was never very special in my eyes.

Better than average, but over-hyped and overrated. He had one stellar season. Aaron Rodgers already has two seasons better than McNabb's best year.

You give McNabb all those Green Bay WR's and see what he does. McNabb had to work with Thrash, Pinkston, and Mitchell his whole career almost. They couldn't start on some high school teams!
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I always thought that McNabb got a raw deal.

In 11 seasons he got his team to the playoffs 8 times and to the NFC Title Game 5 times.

Oh yeah, he also has a better overall playoff Won-Loss record than Peyton Manning.

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What did you see?? Did you even see those games?? If you did you would know McNabb was running for his life in those games and Jackson was completely shut down.

Wrong! He he missed Jackson open deep 3 or 4 times in the last game of the season against Dallas, which is why everyone was saying DM had to play better and not miss so many deep balls in the playoff game. Which he did not, he entered the game doing Elvis impersonations for the Dallas fans like the clown that he is, instead of worrying about the Dallas defense and what he had to do to beat them. Which is exactly why IMO that he is now a Redskin.

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