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Brian Baldinger calls McNabb one of the "Most Overrated QBs" in history

The Full Monty

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NFL Network panel excerpts here.

Brian Baldinger: Eagles have no regret

The Eagles should be ecstatic. I view McNabb as a flawed player, and it was never more apparent than in the back-to-back losses to the Cowboys last season. His flaws will never go away. Now, the Eagles get at least two chances to expose the same flaws they've been covering up for 11 years. It works against the Redskins that McNabb is still in the division. Andy Reid can finally stop covering up for one of the most overrated quarterbacks in the history of the game. The Eagles will go to the playoffs. The Redskins will be watching from the golf course.

Seriously, did this numbnut try to get McNabb's autograph and get turned down or something? Reid covering up for McNabb's flaws for 11 years? This is borderline hate. It doesn't even make sense logically - "It works against the Redskins that McNabb is still in the division." Was he high? He's our QB, not anyone else's...

I've seen legitimate criticism of a QB before, but this is as over-the-top as it gets even by mainstream sports media moron standards.

When we get to the playoffs this year and crap on the Eagles, we can rub it in this guy's face. Seriously this was uncalled for.

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Overrated or not, he is an upgrade over any QB we have on the roster.

Look, it's one argument to say McNabb can't and won't win a superbowl, however it is another thing entirely to say McNabb sucks and can't help improve a team that hasn't smelt a NFC Championship game in over twenty years.

In order for us to lose a superbowl, we at least have to get there, and McNabb has led a team there.

I am not the biggest McNabb fan. I think he has shown flaws in his game, but he is better then what we have and will improve this team.

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This kind of anti-McNabb sentiment makes me like the trade even more. It's been only 24 hours and I already feel protective of a player that I used to despise. It would be phenomenal to see McNabb find success with Shanahan, become adored by die-hard Skins fans, to see him as a fan favorite after all the grief he took in Philly, and to watch Eagles fans go bonkers when we beat them.

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I agree that perhaps McNabb has been overrated; however, to state that the Eagles will be in the playoffs based on, what, two Kevin Kolb career starts, is a bit of a reach.

Philly fans should probably have the mindset we did before Sunday night, and expect a season in the division cellar as Kolb finds his way.

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I concur with Baldi, but not to often do I say that, he's a little off the wall with a lot of his analysis, but I agree wholeheartedly with him here.

But I always felt Steve Young was the most overrated QB in history. A great athlete who spent enough time in an offense designed for simplicity and finally put it together for 1 season, yes he has some numbers but the San Fran version of the WCO made just about anyone look good in it's heyday.

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Well, BB obviously is exaggerating in expressing his opinion, but I think he's right about McNabb being overrated. When you think about those good Eagle teams McNabb was on, its the defense that comes to mind.

The thing about Baldinger exaggerating is that I've never,ever known him to talk or write like that. He's been covering Skins games quite frequently since 2001 back with Curt Menefee before both of them moved on, and he was always even-keeled in his analysis.

But that aside, Philly has always had a good defense, true, but I think McNabb wasn't overrated in the sense that he took criticism every year from the Philly fans and the media, lots of it.

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Brian is delusional on this one. It is absolutely ridiculous to suggest that mcnabb wasnt THE reason for the eagles success. ask QB guru and eagles expert Jaws what he thinks about mcnabb. Brian must have been listening to Rush Limbaugh during this offseason.

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But I always felt Steve Young was the most overrated QB in history. A great athlete who spent enough time in an offense designed for simplicity and finally put it together for 1 season' date=' yes he has some numbers but the San Fran version of the WCO made just about anyone look good in it's heyday.[/quote']

Joe Montana never once threw for 4,000 yards. Jay Schroeder did.

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Also, I realize that he's another media numbnut, and people on TV say whatever they want, I get that. It won't be the first time - but my main problem is that this is a sign of how it's gonna be from here on out with regards to the coverage of McNabb and the Redskins. I mean, it starts with Baldinger, who like I said, I've always thought was middle-of-the-road, but this is how this kinda stuff snowballs.

The "media narrative" of McNabb being hand-held by Andy Reid, needing the Coach to hide his flaws for 11 years - and that he can't succeed elsewhere - it's being planted right now, you just saw it.

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The thing about Baldinger exaggerating is that I've never,ever known him to talk or write like that. He's been covering Skins games quite frequently since 2001 back with Curt Menefee before both of them moved on, and he was always even-keeled in his analysis.

But that aside, Philly has always had a good defense, true, but I think McNabb wasn't overrated in the sense that he took criticism every year from the Philly fans and the media, lots of it.

Yes, as for BB's motive, it does come off as being personal. And yes, I agree, Philly fans have not been the most appreciative of McNabb, so that begs the question:

Why would 'Skins fans be much different especially since one can argue that he's going to be playing with less talent around him?

Just look around this board as of late. Most everyone is giddy over this trade (almost like when Zorn was hired), so I wonder how long will it take for fans to turn on McNabb, Shanny et al? (shrug)

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I am perplexed on this sudden learch in direction . But I am not Mike Shanahan and so I err to his judgement . One thing I have to say is the Eagles FO for a number of years did hamstring the O by not giving it toys to play with . Hell before Owens James thrash was the No.1. WR over there . Now I like James thrash but DAMN .

One other thing I know is McNabb is the quintessential WCO QB in the last decade . I can see him being here to help the transition for a new rookie but I don't like the idea of using 2 picks out of 5 on QBs... though I have to say it would give the idea that Tebow may be headed here .

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Yes, as for BB's motive, it does come off as being personal. And yes, I agree, Philly fans have not been the most appreciative of McNabb, so that begs the question:

Why would 'Skins fans be much different especially since one can argue that he's going to be playing with less talent around him?

Just look around this board as of late. Most everyone is giddy over this trade (almost like when Zorn was hired), so I wonder how long will it take for fans to turn on McNabb, Shanny et al? (shrug)

About 6 seconds into the preseason ... or the first game in which we strugle or the first game in which Campbell outperforms McNabb .

I would argue also about the talent issue . I think the Eagles are not leaps and bounds ahead of the Skins talent on offense ...

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Brian is delusional on this one. It is absolutely ridiculous to suggest that mcnabb wasnt THE reason for the eagles success. ask QB guru and eagles expert Jaws what he thinks about mcnabb. Brian must have been listening to Rush Limbaugh during this offseason.

He could put up some reasonable proofs if need be, like the ability of AJ Feeley to steer the Eagles into the playoffs while Donavan was injured, and Feeley is horrible. Or take a look at what Kolb did in 2 games last season. As far as Jaws goes? Not a big fan of his insight to say the least, but I would say the same about Baldi as well. Now Sterling Sharpe, Merle Hodge and believe it or not C. Casserly whom I wasn't in love with as a GM but is pretty good at breaking down match-ups, are guys who know what they are talking about.

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Yes, as for BB's motive, it does come off as being personal. And yes, I agree, Philly fans have not been the most appreciative of McNabb, so that begs the question:

Why would 'Skins fans be much different especially since one can argue that he's going to be playing with less talent around him?

Just look around this board as of late. Most everyone is giddy over this trade (almost like when Zorn was hired), so I wonder how long will it take for fans to turn on McNabb, Shanny et al? (shrug)

That's a good point - we have to realize that this team will need a learning curve no matter what. Will we be patient as Skins fans? I think it depends whether it looks like we're steadily improving or sinking in quicksand.

Like, if we struggle out the gate first couple of weeks but then things start gelling, better rushing attack and scoring, etc, I think we'll be fine. We've got too many holes to fix in one year but progress from 4-12 won't be that hard to measure.

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He could put up some reasonable proofs if need be' date=' like the ability of AJ Feeley to steer the Eagles into the playoffs while Donavan was injured, and Feeley is horrible.[/quote']

Oh wow, one of the teams Feeley beat on that little streak was the Spurrier-led Redskins..

Or take a look at what Kolb did in 2 games last season.

The blowout loss to the Saints and crapping on a horrible, horrible Chiefs defense- wow - now that's the definition of "overrated". :pfft:

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Joe Montana never once threw for 4,000 yards. Jay Schroeder did.

Go ask Terry Bradshaw what he thinks of Montana? Not a big fan of his game because he has always maintained that the San Fran offense was basically meant to compensate for lack of a true QB, or a weak armed QB, either way TB never considered Montana much of a QB, just a guy who was fortuante enough to fall into the right offense, at the right time, now Walsh was a genious.

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Look, it's one argument to say McNabb can't and won't win a superbowl, however it is another thing entirely to say McNabb sucks and can't help improve a team that hasn't smelt a NFC Championship game in over twenty years.

Stop making me feel older than I already am. I've been in my current job for 19 years now and I did watch the Redskins win a SB during that span so it hasn't been over 20 years. :hammer:

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Oh wow, one of the teams Feeley beat on that little streak was the Spurrier-led Redskins..

The blowout loss to the Saints and crapping on a horrible, horrible Chiefs defense- wow - now that's the definition of "overrated". :pfft:

Now was that the same Chiefs team that beat us? He went up an down the field against a team that saw JC finish the game watching from the sidelines, because of QB ineptitude.

He moved the ball well against the Saints at a time when they were playing very good defense, and it was his 1st start, and the Saints did win the Super Bowl to be exact.

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Yes, as for BB's motive, it does come off as being personal. And yes, I agree, Philly fans have not been the most appreciative of McNabb, so that begs the question:

Why would 'Skins fans be much different especially since one can argue that he's going to be playing with less talent around him?

Just look around this board as of late. Most everyone is giddy over this trade (almost like when Zorn was hired), so I wonder how long will it take for fans to turn on McNabb, Shanny et al? (shrug)

Less talent around him? Maybe if you consider this past season. Just go back and look at the absolute scrubs at WR he took with him to those NFC championship games. He had zero help on the outside. Furthermore, philly's offense has been so lopsided and one-dimensional it's amazing Mcnabb has such a low INT count, and was able to win in the first place. He's coming here, to play with a team with more talent at WR than he was used to, much more talent at TE, a coach who's known for having an awesome running attack (which philly never really had), and also will be playing for one of the top offensive minds in the game in Kyle. Our O-line right now is worse than what he is used to, but that'll get fixed within the next season or two. All things being equal, you could easily argue he has more talent here than he had prior to 09.

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I too think this love affair with McPOS will be short lived by the fans... This team hasnt changed a bit. Its still fantasy football and bringing in players at the end of their careers who have little left in the tank.

My prediction: Hes done for the season by week 7 and never plays another game for the skins.

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Yes, as for BB's motive, it does come off as being personal. And yes, I agree, Philly fans have not been the most appreciative of McNabb, so that begs the question:

Why would 'Skins fans be much different especially since one can argue that he's going to be playing with less talent around him?

Just look around this board as of late. Most everyone is giddy over this trade (almost like when Zorn was hired), so I wonder how long will it take for fans to turn on McNabb, Shanny et al? (shrug)

The Redskins have some bad egg fans like any team, but this city will respect McNabb a hell of alot more than Philly! He's gonna be shocked to be playing to cheers instead of boos!

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