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Tiger Woods Apology


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Did anyone hear it? I did and thought it was pretty good. I didn't need it to still like him though. He was a man who made a mistake. He is trying to get passed it so good for him. I heard on CNN all of these commentators talking about how he shouldn't be telling the media to stop following his daughter around and that nobody cares if that makes him mad. He needs to be sorry sorry sorry.... I think that's BS. Just because he cheated on his wife, doesn't mean he can't get mad if he feels like someone is doing something to make him mad. If the media is harassing his daughter than he has the right to tell them to Back off. He took complete responsibility for cheating and owned up to it. If people don't want to forgive him then F**k them...

That's just my opinion. What do you think?

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Tiger is sort of a tragic figure- like so many athletes at the top of their sport. Andre Agassi, etc.

Their sick, overbearing, mentally ill fathers had them practicing 8-12 hours a day by the ages of 5 at their respective sports. Seems that didn't leave much time for development on any other fronts. Not really surprising that they grew up to be emotional cripples.


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I think at this time, it was kind of pointless. It should have been done months ago or when he is ready to re-enter the public eye. I just do not see what it accomplishes now.

I also do not think it was terribly sincere. If you want to come from the heart and be hoest about something, you do not need to read every word from a piece of paper. He can speak pretty well in public, we have seen that before and after tournaments in the past. I know this is a very different situation, but he sounded like a robot because he was essentially reading every word. It is hard for me to believe someone that is just reading something their agent or PR person put together. And that certainly does not just go for Tiger.

Also, he spent just as much time (if not more) talking about his transgressions as he did things that really had nothing to do with what today was supposed to be about. Like the comment about people accusing him of using performance-enhancing substances. What did that have to do with anything? Are you trying to make me feel sorry for you, because it is not going to happen, champ.

Today really did nothing to change the way I feel about him, or the situation. It was very scripted, did not feel very sincere, and did not really answer any questions.

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His family deserves privacy even if he does not. The media disgusts me in this regard. He shouldn't even have to make such a demand.

I agree with that. I hate a lot of what the media has become. I don't really see what is to be gained by following his wife, or especially his children around.

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Tiger has bungled this at every turn.
I have a friend in the sports agent industry who said a lot of this stems from the fact that from the get-go, Tiger never really employed a competent PR team. He just had his lawyers handle everything, which meant they were pretty much just paying people to make the problems disappear. He never really had the appropriate staff to really massage the media and public opinion in the way only talented BS'rs do.

As for the apology, didn't see it, don't care. Guy's a great golfer, but a first class, grade A loser in his personal life.

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As for the apology, didn't see it, don't care. Guy's a great golfer, but a first class, grade A loser in his personal life.

You are right. But sadly, once he gets back on the course and starts winning again, this will slowly fade away. Ahhh, to be a celebrity.

He needs to figure out a way to suck up to the media and get them on his side. They can make him or break him.

That is going to be difficult. There are a few media members that he trusts and has allowed them access in the past. But he has alienated the majority of them. They are going to cover him because he is the best golfer in the world, but I would not expect many fluff pieces about Woods coming out any time soon. I mean, the Golf Writers Assocciation essentially boycotted today's event, and has some pretty nasty things to say about Tiger. His relationship with the media as a whole could be interesting to watch.

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What really surprises me is the amount of people with their aim locked and loaded, ready to fire like they are the ones with out sin. Tiger is a man. He's follish. He should have never married that witch. That woman was an opear. He made that witch. I wouldn't have apaolgized for spit. "Just make sure the trophies are shining, and the green jacket taylored right" that is how I would have carried it if I were Tiger Woods.

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He hurt his wifes feelings and he lied. Big ****ing deal. Why does anybody care. He didn't kill a single person, he never lied to any of us, he didn't create a giant dog fighting ring.

He really didn't do ****, that effects a single persons life, outside of his own private life.

He didn't need to apologize to the media or us. Move on and go hit the little white ball, so we can forget about this and you can go back to doing whatever you feel like doing.

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What really surprises me is the amount of people with their aim locked and loaded, ready to fire like they are the ones with out sin. Tiger is a man. He's follish. He should have never married that witch. That woman was an opear. He made that witch. I wouldn't have apaolgized for spit. "Just make sure the trophies are shining, and the green jacket taylored right" that is how I would have carried it if I were Tiger Woods.

Well...good for you I guess.

I have made plenty of mistakes. But when I got caught, I did not try and ignore it, thinking it would go away. I did not hope my lawyers would fix things, I did not wait four months to make an apology.

And this is not one mistake. This is a long string of mistakes.

And why is she a witch? Do you have personal knowledge of anything? I am guessing not.

You are right, he should not have married her. If he wanted to act like this, there would be no issues if he was not married with children.

What does it matter what she was before she married Tiger, and what she is now? Tiger chased her, not the other way around. You are drawing conclusions that have absolutely no basis.

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I think it was a farce, because who the hell is anyone outside of his family to demand an apology?

It's no one's business but theirs, no matter how much the media wants to pretend otherwise.

He should have never done it, andif he had to have a press conference he should have called it to tell all the losers who feel he somehow wronged them to go **** themselves.


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He is probably the only athlete on the world today that doesn't need the media on his side. I don't think the media can ruin this guy. He was on the cover of the NY Post for 27 days in a row, more than 9/11 and every single time it was portraying him in a negative light. He still has a multimillion dollar deal with Nike and is the best golfer walking and its not even close. He had pretty much every major news outlet assassinate his character for three months and had the golf writers association boycott him and his media appearances and he makes one 10 minute statement and is ready to play again. The guy is indestructible after this IMO

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Tiger is sort of a tragic figure- like so many athletes at the top of their sport. Andre Agassi, etc.

Their sick, overbearing, mentally ill fathers had them practicing 8-12 hours a day by the ages of 5 at their respective sports. Seems that didn't leave much time for development on any other fronts. Not really surprising that they grew up to be emotional cripples.


Kind of like Michael Jackson.

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Why is he rehabbing and taking time off? Just sever your ties, the relatioship is irreparable. Deal with not seeing your kids as oten as you once did. At least you won't have a "relapse" and make the pain worse on Eilen.

If you aren't married, you can do whomever you want with limited reprocussions.

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Why in the world do people think he needs to apologize to the public for cheating on his wife? He needs to apologize to his wife and family, he owes nothing to anyone else.

I think he is a scumbag for what he did, but he did nothing to me personally and I dont understand people acting like he owes them an apology as if they know the guy or something...

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Can one single person in here tell me why he should apologize to you?

You and others are right, he does not owe the public anything. But he cares because it is the public that essentially pays his salary and buys his apparel. All of this was about hoping to repair his image a little, not necessarily apologizing to anyone. I would hope that he has already apologized to the people that matter.

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I think it was a farce, because who the hell is anyone outside of his family to demand an apology?

It's no one's business but theirs, no matter how much the media wants to pretend otherwise.

He should have never done it, andif he had to have a press conference he should have called it to tell all the losers who feel he somehow wronged them to go **** themselves.


Well, for someone like myself, he doesn't owe me an apology at all, nor do I want one. I feel bad for his wife and kids. However, he has several endorsements. With that comes a huge responsibility to maintain a very positive image to the public because corporations want to use the "positive image" to help sell their products. Yeah, he could easily say eff you and mind your business, but he would kiss all of his endorsements good bye for good and possibly wreck his career beyond repair.

He's so rich now that he could live a great lifestyle without ever working again, but I'm sure he still wants things to go back to the way they were.

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