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Tiger Woods Apology


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He doesn't owe me one because I don't buy any of the products he endorses.

My children do not view him as a role model, that privilege was given to me by them.

Even if you did buy those products, would he still owe you an apology?

He owes one to his employers if that is what they require to continue paying him to endorse their products, but the general public isn't owed anything.


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Regardless of all the fame and fortune the one thing we all have in this world is our WORD. When you violate people's trust you lose credibility. This applies to the lowest ditch digger and to CEO's as well, and is inescapable. I'm sorry but I don't believe him.

What trust of yours did he require?


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If I was in his position, with my morals, I'm sorry but I may have ended up doing some of the same things. Sometimes the worst comes out in you.

I can honestly tell you that I would have absolutely done the same thing. Except I would not have gotten married.

But whatever, I don't really care. What he did was dumb, but he does not owe me an apology, and I am sure he does not care if he is forgiven by me.

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Even if you did buy those products, would he still owe you an apology?

He owes one to his employers if that is what they require to continue paying him to endorse their products, but the general public isn't owed anything.


I agree. He owes an apology to his wife and the people close to him. He owes nothing to us...what he did has no impact on my life.

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Did anyone hear it? I did and thought it was pretty good. I didn't need it to still like him though. He was a man who made a mistake.

and then did it again and again and again with more than 100 paid professionals until he got caught and his wife wrapped one of his nin irons around his head.

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I agree. He owes an apology to his wife and the people close to him. He owes nothing to us...what he did has no impact on my life.

Next time you get caught hiring professionals to ensure your own happy endings, your wife will feel justified in assulting you with a handing golf club....... You'll have Tiger to thank for that.

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He is now forever in the tabloids. It won't just be the golf press following him around anymore; TMZ and the like will be with him the rest of his life.

Just like they are with Kobe and A-Rod?

This is going to blow over just like it did with them. TMZ will go right back to stalking stupid celebs and ruining their lives by intruding on their privacy.

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He's made himself look like a complete ass through all of this and his apology was straight up awful.

That being said, how many husbands (and wives) cheat every day and no one gives a ****...who cares....I get he's supposed to be a role model and whatnot but c'mon people - I never understand why people care so much about celebrities lives when they don't even know them.

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Next time you get caught hiring professionals to ensure your own happy endings, your wife will feel justified in assulting you with a handing golf club....... You'll have Tiger to thank for that.

What's that got to do with the fact that he owes no one in the general public an apology?

It's not like a spouse has ever gone ballistic on a cheating husband or wife before.


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and then did it again and again and again with more than 100 paid professionals until he got caught and his wife wrapped one of his nin irons around his head.

In fairness, the prostitution allegations are just rumor at this point. It's only been reported in various tabloids to my knowledge. The facts don't seem to be there to support it or the major news outlets would have ran with that part, too. Isn't it bad enough he had over a dozen non-paying affairs?

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What's that got to do with the fact that he owes no one in the general public an apology?

If tiger was a golfing pro I would be more sympathetic. but Tiger earns like 80% of his money being a paid spokesman and pitch person for companies. To me he's a public person much more so than other sports folks. To me he and those companies intentionally marketed him and hyped him up to mega super star status. Now he's sowing those oats...

I don't really care that they guy is a low life scumbag. Means nothing to me... But I don't have any problem with the press which has bought into his pre packaged market driven persona for now a decade, going after him and driving it into everybody's concosiousness ...

We're not talking about a guy who cheated on his wife here. We talking about a guy, with kids, who regularly organized sex smorgus boards with numurous paid professionals at the same time, for years including days after he got married.

That's pretty much text book scum bag. I wouldn't by shoes from him on his say so... If he's pissed because the press won't leave him alone, I say dude; you made your own bed. you created the image, you sold the image for nearly a billion dollars; now you are exposed as a fraud don't come whining to me about it.

Might watch him swing a gulf club, but that's really not what they guy has been getting paid for for nearly a decade..

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I agree with most of the sentiment here, in that Tiger owes nothing to anyone except his own family, and maybe his fans.

Last night on the Sports Reporters, they were going off about how Tiger "owes" the media a real press conference, with questions being fired from any member of the media and Tiger answering them. At one point they were suggesting that members of the media who were invited to Tiger's speech today should have boycotted it based on the fact that no questions from the media were to be taken.

F them. Members of the media have always had such a hard-on for one another, it's really pathetic. It can be equated to how big-headed celebrities circles interact amongst themselves. They treat it like a fraternity which has special rights and priveleges, but it's all in their mind.

The media is one of the most pathetic things about our country right now.

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In fairness, the prostitution allegations are just rumor at this point. It's only been reported in various tabloids to my knowledge. The facts don't seem to be there to support it or the major news outlets would have ran with that part, too. Isn't it bad enough he had over a dozen non-paying affairs?

I they had like 10 women who have come out so far and more than half were porn stars...

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I they had like 10 women who have come out so far and more than half were porn stars...

I've seen that reported, too. But it is always in some rag like the NY Post or Enquirer. Sometimes they get it right, like the initial affair reports, but usually they are factually challenged. I could be wrong, but I think that is the case here. ...And if he banged porn stars, does that mean he had to pay to do so? Porn star ≠ prostitute.

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I've seen that reported, too. But it is always in some rag like the NY Post or Enquirer. Sometimes they get it right, like the initial affair reports, but usually they are factually challenged. I could be wrong, but I think that is the case here.

Careful there.. the Enquirer is up for a pulitzer prize this year... no joke...

...And if he banged porn stars, does that mean he had to pay to do so? Porn star ≠ prostitute.

Yeah... do they get paid for making the beast with two backs? You think because they film it, it's art?

Actually, it's over 90% from endorsements. He has earned over one billion, but only 92M is from golf winnings.

To me that's the issue. He's not a sports figure... He's a marketing sensation. He's a guy who knowingly traded every pretense of privacy away when he decided to market himself as this great characature in order to sell widgets.

If the Lakers, Bulls or Celtics were paying him to put a ball through a hoop, and he screwed up; oh well..... so sad..... play ball....

but Tiger's different. He's a guy who was paid 1 Billion dollars for telling folks what to buy, all based on a lie. I'd say he owes something to the folks who have been lied too. I'd say he sold his right to privacy and dignity in the face of being a scum bag.

I thik the public is entitled to know and be reminded of just how big a scumbag this guy is.

In the future maybe he should stick to golf if he can't handle the heat, stop marketing himself as something he's not.

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Really, who cares? Tiger's personal life means nothing to me and why should it to any of us? It's his business. He screwed up, he'll deal with it. I won't be affected at all.

Dude makes a billion dollars endorsing products.... Makes 90% of his money as a paid endorser. I'd say the public has a right to know if he's a low life, scumbag, who betrayed not only his wife but his kids too. Not once or twice but from the beginning of his marrage with more ladies than could comfortable fit in a toyota caravan at the same time.

I'd say the pubic has a right to know the entire truth of a guy who's image has been orchestrated and fed to it from a tube for nearly a decade. This guy traded his privacy for a billion dollars, can't claim his need for privacy now when it's working against him....

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He shouldve just came out and said:

You know what? **** you all. Im the best golfer in the history of the sport, and I could win the Masters using my dick as a putter. I got married for the wrong reasons and I realized that I love having sex with many women. Deal with it! Now pass me the ****ing 3 wood, I need to win some strip club money...

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Dude makes a billion dollars endorsing products.... Makes 90% of his money as a paid endorser. I'd say the public has a right to know if he's a low life, scumbag, who betrayed not only his wife but his kids too. Not once or twice but from the beginning of his marrage with more ladies than could comfortable fit in a toyota caravan at the same time.

I'd say the pubic has a right to know the entire truth of a guy who's image has been orchestrated and fed to it from a tube for nearly a decade. This guy traded his privacy for a billion dollars, can't claim his need for privacy now when it's working against him....

I'm not denying we have a right to know. I'm just saying, who really cares? Are we personal friends with the man? He got himself screwed. I see the report, say sucks for him and move on.

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