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Marvel Comics' depiction of anti-tax protesters inspires anger, apology


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It's too bad that mainstream icons like magazines and comics have to infuse opinion rather than tell a story.

From what I saw posted, they could have easily told the story left out the obviously biased opinion by the writer and still kept the storyline intact.

It's kind of tiresome to have to put up with unwanted opinions in things where opinion don't belong.

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The last comic I can recall making headlines due to politics was Spiderman. Peter Parker had to reveal his identity as Spiderman due to the Patriot Act (might be wrong about that). The city was making all superheroes reveal their identities, if I'm not mistaken.

Political statements in comics are not unusual.

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It's too bad that mainstream icons like magazines and comics have to infuse opinion rather than tell a story.

From what I saw posted, they could have easily told the story left out the obviously biased opinion by the writer and still kept the storyline intact.

It's kind of tiresome to have to put up with unwanted opinions in things where opinion don't belong.

Comics have always done this type of thing, always. They are a form of art, story telling and self expression and where ever you have those things you are going to have opinion being expressed. The idea that comics are just entertainment is naive, in the same way that the idea that movies are just entertainment, or books are just entertainment. My guess is that you didn't have a problem with Tolkien's self expression or that of C.S. Lewis. I wonder if anyone had a problem with Captain America taking on Hitler in the 40's.

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The last comic I can recall making headlines due to politics was Spiderman. Peter Parker had to reveal his identity as Spiderman due to the Patriot Act (might be wrong about that). The city was making all superheroes reveal their identities, if I'm not mistaken.

Political statements in comics are not unusual.

It wasn't the Patriot Act..

to make a long story very short, a group of superheoes got into a brwal with a group of villains and inadvertently set off a huge explosion which killed quite a few people.

The public turned on costumed heroes and demanded a registration act so they can be held accountable for their actions. Iron Man championed the idea, and several other heroes went along with him. Those that did not ended up as a sort of resistance. Peter Parker worked for Tony Stark, and was convinced to reveal his identity as a symbol for this registration act.

The rest of it played out in the Civil war storyline.

Comics have not necessarily been political in the past, but they have often mirrored current events in such a way as to make it plausible within a world that has super powered beings.

They have gone after hate groups before, Captain America among others have taken on the Klan, Neo Nazis, Terrorists. But it's usually done in such a way that these evil-doers can threaten super beings. In reality, if they did exist, Al Qaeda, etc would not stand a chance.


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It's too bad that mainstream icons like magazines and comics have to infuse opinion rather than tell a story.

From what I saw posted, they could have easily told the story left out the obviously biased opinion by the writer and still kept the storyline intact.

It's kind of tiresome to have to put up with unwanted opinions in things where opinion don't belong.

Your favorite character, Wolverine,, where'd he come from again?

Oh yeah, a shadowy operation funded by the Canadain government to create a super soldier. As the years have passed, heroes created in similar fashion have taken on storylines in which their creators, ie: the evil government and it's secret weapon programs, are the villains.

Since the sixties most people distrust their government, hence these types of villains and storylines. Conversely in the 40s when everyone still believed inb mom, apple pie and America, Captain America was created the same way, except the government agency that did it was painted as heroic and good. Even in the late sixties, Captain America fought against radical hippies.

Iron Man (Tony Stark) is a munitions manufacturer. He made weapons used to fight the Vietnamese. Considering the political climate of the time, it's rather surprising that the book was successful. It has since dealt with the notion that Stark makes his money by creating instruments of death. Alcoholism, human morality vs patriotism, a duplicitous government uninterested in the human element, only in the weapons, all in the pages of that book. Stark is decidedly right wing, he is the secretary of defense, and even though he was a large reason the entire "civil war" soryline took place, he wasn' exactly villainized for his beliefs.

Bruce Banner was developing a bomb that was more powerful than the hydrogen bomb to give the good ol' US the edge in the Cold War. He bacame the Hulk when the communist infiltrator detonated the bomb while he was out on the range saving Rick Jones. The communists were villains in almost all of the silver age Marvel books. in fact, they called them every name in the book all over the pages of those early Marvel comics, and everything was done to get ahead of the Reds.

In Fantastic Four #1 Ben Grimm and Reed Richards aren't exactly friends, and the only reason Ben agrees to pilot their ill fated space flight is because Sue Storm (who he was in love with) pleaded with him to do it.. He claims Reed has not done enough research to make the rocket safe, and Sue begs him... in fact her exact line is "Ben we've got to take that chance, unless we want the commies to beat us to it!". (The series began in 1961.. the year of the Cuban Missile Crisis)

Peter Parker's boss is a newspaperman who twists and creates the news out of half truths and flat out lies. Sound familiar?

Most of the early Marvel heroes were created as a result of exposure to radiation. Spiderman, Hulk, the Fantastic Four, all owe their powers to the fear of nuclear enegy.

The X-Men deals with racism in the guise of anti-mutant hysteria. The signs and insults and violence directed towards mutants throughout X Men history (like "Mutie") are directly out of the civil rights movement. It even has dealt with genocide, and it has blurred the lines when it comes to the perpetrators. Magneto used to be just pure evil, then they gave him an origin of being a jewish kid in the concentration camps, and his motives became more understood.

Thor has dealt with religious issues. (imagine if a Norse god came to Earth what it would do to all of the current faiths?) In the storyline in which Odin dies and Thor becomes the All father, he determines that the best way to keep his oath to protect Earth and humanity is to park Asgard right over New York. The Gods came to earth, they solved all the world's problems, they brought peace, they brought clean energy, they brought food. And they brought the inevitable questions about faith, and what would happen if this really did occur. A resistance formed, and Thor had to grapple with the questions of whether or not humanity deserved to make it's own way or be guided by the hand of God,, or him in that case. Age old questions,, if God exists why is there so much suffering,, tackled in the pages of comics.

Comics have always done this, and these are the themes you read as you grew up on them. The difference is now you've chosen a side, and you recognize now when they pick at something you may agree with.

As to the sign in the crowd.. maybe you didn't notice the real sign I posted on page one that said the exact thing? They didn't take a stand, they painted a picture from reality.


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It is incumbant upon the responsible leaders of a group to denounce its fringes rather than tolerate or through benign neglect encourage them. This has been a problem within the conservative party for a long time. That there was rarely (if ever) a denouncement of the Obama is a terrorist, muslim, etc. from the Republican establishment helped independents decide that they didn't want to be associated with such mudslinging and hatred.

To McCain's credit, he did try to squash it a little, but Palin behind his back was not only encouraging it but participating with her "Paling around with terrorists" attack that she repeated at every campaign stop.

If you allow it and if it continues under your formal events then you bare some responsibility for it.

First off, i never saw enough evidence on the birth certificate thing to give it more than a passing thought. Although I still have not seen enough of a walk out of Obama to prove he is Christian and not muslim, but I believe he's just not a believer period, at least not in religion as we would understand it. I never thought he was an actual terrorist, although Obama could have done more to distance himself from the likes of Rezko and Ayers.

Personally I believe Obama is a disgrace on foreign policy, he has done more to enable and give comfort to our enemies in Iran, China, and Afghanistan.

Now there were some things said during the 2008 campaign that I personaly found silly and unbelievable and said as much then, but the democrats have the same problem.

That having been said, to paint the tea party people as a racist group is far from it. I personally know multiple african americans who went to the 9/12 rally, and I know they aren't the only ones. The left can't compete on the issues the Tea Party movement raises, so they just do their normal thing and try character assasination.

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Comics have always done this, and these are the themes you read as you grew up on them. The difference is now you've chosen a side, and you recognize now when they pick at something you may agree with.

As to the sign in the crowd.. maybe you didn't notice the real sign I posted on page one that said the exact thing? They didn't take a stand, they painted a picture from reality.


Comics have always done this and they should. It is perhaps one of the chief duties and responsibilities of art. As to the idea that stories should be vapid, meaningless, ephemeral pieces of cotton candy, boy you must hate everyone from Mark Twain to William Shakespeare to inventor of written English Chaucer himself (well, he was one of the very first to write in English that we know of anyway). From Gulliver to Robin Hood to King Arthur to Superman, all have been tales of morality that sprang from the context of their times and all have been reflections of ourselves.

That's why they resonate. That's why these characters breathe and we remember them. Hell, that's why we read and visit them.

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and semi-legitimately so. Problem is, they comprise only 30 people in a multi-million person movement and normally they have to wait outside as soon as the cameras go.


When it comes to art, the perception of the artists (and editors) matter. If they look out the window, read the paper, watch FOX news, and see 99% white, then that is the reflection they are going to draw. That doesn't mean it's accurate. It means it's what they are understanding through the filter of their experience.

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You need to immediately display an image of tea baggers acting patriotically because even though it is unrelated to this thread in any way not showing them in a positive light with eagles circling over head while holding a copy of the constitution... you will be exposing yourself as being bias just like the rest of the media you liberals control.
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The Falcon mentions that the gathering appears to be "some kind of anti-tax protest" and notes that "this whole 'hate the government' vibe isn't limited to the Watchdogs." He then tells Captain America that he doesn't think their plan will work because "I don't exactly see a black man from Harlem fitting in with a bunch of angry white folks." Captain America then explains that his plan entails sending The Falcon in among the group posing as an IRS agent under the thinking that a black government official will most certainly spark their anger.


Captain America + The Falcon =


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You need to immediately display an image of tea baggers acting patriotically ........ you will be exposing yourself as being bias just like the rest of the media you liberals control.
And everytime you use the term "Tea Baggers"....you show yours

Uberjerks preferred name (calling)

"Liberals....Do as I say, not as I do"

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And everytime you use the term "Tea Baggers"....you show yours

Uberjerks preferred name (calling)

"Liberals....Do as I say, not as I do"

I do have a strong bias against tea baggers. This surprise you? I think that they spent 8 year ridiculing protesters of every kind wondering openly if these people had jobs because they found the time to protest. Now that they are the ones taking to the streets with complaints suddenly they are untouchable and just being patriots. Anyone making a joke in any way is horrible and rude.

And for you to be shouting hypocrite right now, I'm just going to assume you were all smiles and sunshine about protesting when your party was doing nothing but slamming the practice. Who am I kidding... we both know you weren't. lol

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I do have a strong bias against tea baggers. This surprise you? I think that they spent 8 year ridiculing protesters of every kind wondering openly if these people had jobs because they found the time to protest. Now that they are the ones taking to the streets with complaints suddenly they are untouchable and just being patriots. Anyone making a joke in any way is horrible and rude.

And for you to be shouting hypocrite right now, I'm just going to assume you were all smiles and sunshine about protesting when your party was doing nothing but slamming the practice. Who am I kidding... we both know you weren't. lol

What's funnier in a weird way was that they spend the entirety of the Bush Administration bashing liberals and blaming Clinton for every wrong under the sun, then when Bush goes they go right along their merry way criticizing the next Dem in line... yet they claim to independents, not Republicans, and a new phenomenon despite using the same language, rhetoric and the same demonization tactics.

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What's funnier in a weird way was that they spend the entirety of the Bush Administration bashing liberals and blaming Clinton for every wrong under the sun, then when Bush goes they go right along their merry way criticizing the next Dem in line... yet they claim to independents, not Republicans, and a new phenomenon despite using the same language, rhetoric and the same demonization tactics.

I know you're not talking about me. I make no bones about the fact that I'm a conservative republican. It just frustrates me that a movement I saw as having a lot of potential has been corrupted already; just like the two mainstream parties themselves.

Although, I'd take a little exception to the complaints about blaming the last guy in office. There were quite a few references to the "previous administration" in the SOTU address.

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I know you're not talking about me. I make no bones about the fact that I'm a conservative republican. It just frustrates me that a movement I saw as having a lot of potential has been corrupted already; just like the two mainstream parties themselves.

Although, I'd take a little exception to the complaints about blaming the last guy in office. There were quite a few references to the "previous administration" in the SOTU address.

Nah, your an honest conservative (for the most part) who's been willing to find fault with his own even when it wasn't politically popular. All of us are guilty of also wearing blinders which we later regret, so I don't begrudge you that and hope you don't begrudge me mine.

I don't actually have a problem with Obama contextualizing the problems the history is facing and stating... hey, it's not a mess all of my doing. We're all guilty and we're all responsible.

And I share your disappointment with the way the TP seems to be evolving. An honest voice of dissent is crucial, helpful, and necessary. An honest conservative viewpoint or counterbalance is also helpful. (Although, I'd argue that we are also desperately in need of an honest liberal counterbalance which I haven't seen in quite a while)

Still, you get no brownie points from me if you are going to criticize Captain America, tug on Superman's cape, pull the mask off the ole Lone Ranger... though I never cared much for Jim.

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